mspsp.mzn 5.38 KB
% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
% Model example for Multi-Skilled Project Scheduling Problems (MSPSP)
% MSPSP is a variation of the basic resource-constrained project scheduling
% problem. Here, a set of activities must be executed so that the project
% duration is minimised while satisfying all constraints involved. These
% constraints are
% 1) precedence relations between some activities expressing that an activity
% can only be run after its preceding activity's execution is finished,
% 2) skills requirements of activities on workers who have the capability to
% perform the activity, and
% 3) workers availibility, i.e., a worker can perform only one activity in
% each time period.

include "globals.mzn";

% Model parameters.

    % Skills parameters
int: n_skills;
set of int: Skills  = 1 .. n_skills;
int: n_workers;
set of int: Workers = 1 .. n_workers;
array [Workers] of set of Skills: has_skills;

array [Skills] of int: rc = 
    [ card({j | j in Workers where i in has_skills[j]}) | i in Skills ];

    % Task parameters
int: n_tasks;                               % Number of tasks
set of int: Tasks = 1 .. n_tasks;           % Set of tasks
array [Tasks]         of int       : d  ;   % Durations
array [Skills, Tasks] of int       : rr ;   % Resource requirements
array [Tasks]         of set of int: suc;   % Successors

    % Planning horizon
int: tmax = sum(i in Tasks)( d[i] );       % Trivial upper bound
set of int: Times = 0 .. tmax;

% Model variables.

array [Tasks] of var Times: s;         % Start times
array [Workers, Tasks] of var bool: w; % Assignment of workers to tasks
var Times: objective;                  % Project duration (makespan)

% Constraints.

    % Precedence constraints
   forall ( i in Tasks, j in suc[i] )
         s[i] + d[i] <= s[j]

    % Skills constraints
    forall ( i in Tasks )
        let {
            set of int: TWorkers = 
                { j | j in Workers where 
                            exists(k in has_skills[j])(rr[k, i] > 0)
        } in (
            forall ( k in Skills where rr[k, i] > 0 )
                sum(j in TWorkers where k in has_skills[j])
                    bool2int(w[j, i])
                ) >= rr[k, i]
        /\  forall ( j in Workers where not(j in TWorkers) )
                w[j, i] = false

    % Redundant non-overlapping constraints for the workers
    forall ( j in Workers )
        let {
            set of int: WTasks =
                { i | i in Tasks where 
                            exists(k in has_skills[j])(rr[k, i] > 0)
        } in (
            if card(WTasks) > 1 then
                    [ s[i]              | i in WTasks ],
                    [ d[i]              | i in WTasks ],
                    [ bool2int(w[j, i]) | i in WTasks ],

    % Redundant non-overlapping constraints
	forall ( 
		i, j in Tasks
		i < j /\ not(j in suc[i]) /\ not(i in suc[j])
        if exists( k in Skills )( rr[k,i] + rr[k,j] > rc[k] ) then
            let { var bool: before } in (
		        (     before  -> s[i] + d[i] <= s[j] )
            /\  ( not(before) -> s[j] + d[j] <= s[i] )

    % Redudant cumulative resource constraints
    forall ( k in Skills )
        let { 
            set of int: RTasks = { i | i in Tasks where rr[k, i] > 0 },
            int: sum_rr = sum(i in RTasks)( rr[k,i] )
        } in (
            if card(RTasks) > 1 /\ sum_rr > rc[k] then
                    [ s[i]    | i in RTasks ],
                    [ d[i]    | i in RTasks ],
                    [ rr[k,i] | i in RTasks ],

    % Makespan constraints
   forall ( i in Tasks where suc[i] == {} )
      s[i] + d[i] <= objective

% Objective.

    :: seq_search([
        int_search(s, smallest, indomain_split, complete),
        bool_search([w[i,j] | i in Workers, j in Tasks], input_order, 
            indomain_max, complete),
        int_search([objective], input_order, indomain_min, complete)
    minimize objective;

% Output.

output [
    "% mspsp\n",
    "s = "         ++ show( s         ) ++ ";\n",
    "w = "         ++ show( w         ) ++ ";\n",
    "objective = " ++ show( objective ) ++ ";\n"

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