minus_ne.c 11.4 KB
 * minus_ne.c
 *  Created on: 26/04/2015
 *      Author: Pedro

#ifndef __OPENCL_VERSION__

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "minus_ne.h"

#include "../bitmaps.h"
#include "../config.h"
#include "../variables.h"


#include "../kernels/cl_aux_functions.h"
#include "../kernels/cl_bitmaps.h"
#include  "../kernels/cl_intervals.h"
#include "../kernels/cl_constraints.h"
#include "../kernels/cl_variables.h"
#include "../kernels/cl_ttl.h"

#ifndef __OPENCL_VERSION__

 * Creates a new constraint of the minus_ne type and return the constraint ID
 * x − y != k
 * x_id - ID of variable A
 * y_id - ID of variable B
 * c - constant value for this constraint
unsigned int c_minus_ne(unsigned int x_id, unsigned int y_id, int k) {

	// set to include in kernel compilation

	unsigned int c_vs[2];
	c_vs[0] = x_id;
	c_vs[1] = y_id;

	// creates a new generic constraint
	unsigned int c_id = c_new(c_vs, 2, NULL, 0, -1);

	// pointers to this type of constraint functions
	CS[c_id].kind = MINUS_NE;
	CS[c_id].check_sol_f = &minus_ne_check;
	CS[c_id].constant_val = k;

	return c_id;

 * Creates a new reified constraint of the minus_ne type and return the constraint ID
 * x − y != k
 * x_id - ID of variable A
 * y_id - ID of variable B
 * k - constant value for this constraint
 * reif_v_id - ID of the reification variable
unsigned int c_minus_ne_reif(unsigned int x_id, unsigned int y_id, int k, int reif_v_id) {

	if (VS[reif_v_id].max > 1) {
		v_del_gt(&VS[reif_v_id], 1);

		if (VS[reif_v_id].n_vals == 0) {
			printf("\nConstraint MINUS_NE_REIF makes model inconsistent at creation. No solution found.\n");

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
			printf("\nPress any key to exit\n");
			int a = getchar();


	// set to include in kernel compilation

	unsigned int c_vs[2];
	c_vs[0] = x_id;
	c_vs[1] = y_id;

	// creates a new generic constraint
	unsigned int c_id = c_new(c_vs, 2, NULL, 0, reif_v_id);

	// pointers to this type of constraint functions
	CS[c_id].kind = MINUS_NE;
	CS[c_id].check_sol_f = &minus_ne_check;
	CS[c_id].constant_val = k;

	return c_id;

 * Return true if the minus_ne constraint is respected or false if not
 * x − y != k
 * c - constraint to check if is respected
 * explored - if the CSP was already explored, which mean that all the variables must already be singletons
 * */
bool minus_ne_check(constr *c, bool explored) {

	unsigned int i;

	if (!explored) {
		for (i = 0; i < c->n_c_vs; i++) {
			if (c->c_vs[i]->n_vals > 1) {
				return false;

	if (c->reified && VS[c->reif_v_id].n_vals > 1) {
		if (explored) {
			fprintf(stderr, "\nError: Reification variable of constraint MINUS_NE_REIF (%d) has 2 values.\n", c->c_id);
			return false;

	if (((!c->reified || (c->reified && VS[c->reif_v_id].min == 1)) && c->c_vs[0]->min - c->c_vs[1]->min == c->constant_val)
			|| (c->reified && VS[c->reif_v_id].min == 0 && c->c_vs[0]->min - c->c_vs[1]->min != c->constant_val)) {

		if (explored) {

			if (c->reified) {
				fprintf(stderr, "\nError: Constraint MINUS_NE_REIF (%d) not respected:\n", c->c_id);
				fprintf(stderr, "Reif ID=%u -> minimum=%u, maximum=%u, number of values=%u\n\n", c->reif_v_id, b_get_min_val(&VS[c->reif_v_id].domain_b),
						b_get_max_val(&VS[c->reif_v_id].domain_b), b_cnt_vals(&VS[c->reif_v_id].domain_b));

			} else {
				fprintf(stderr, "\nError: Constraint MINUS_NE (%d) not respected:\n", c->c_id);

			fprintf(stderr, "Variable ID=%u -> minimum=%u, maximum=%u, number of values=%u\n\n", c->c_vs[0]->v_id, b_get_min_val(&c->c_vs[0]->domain_b),
					b_get_max_val(&c->c_vs[0]->domain_b), b_cnt_vals(&c->c_vs[0]->domain_b));
			fprintf(stderr, "Variable ID=%u -> minimum=%u, maximum=%u, number of values=%u\n\n", c->c_vs[1]->v_id, b_get_min_val(&c->c_vs[1]->domain_b),
					b_get_max_val(&c->c_vs[1]->domain_b), b_cnt_vals(&c->c_vs[1]->domain_b));
		return false;

	return true;


#if CS_MINUS_NE == 1
 * Propagate the domain of the variable with the ID prop_v_id through all the other variables on the same c_numb ID minus_ne constraint
 * x − y != k
 * vs_per_c_idx - vector with all constrained variables ID per constraint, per constraint ID order
 * vs_prop_ - all CSP variables with current step values
 * current_cs - constraint that should be propagated for the variable with prop_v_id ID
 * vs_id_to_prop_ - circular vector with the ids of the variables to propagate
 * prop_ok - will be set to 1 or 0 if the constraint is respected or not
CUDA_FUNC void minus_ne_prop(CL_INTS_MEM int *vs_per_c_idx, CL_MEMORY VARS_PROP *vs_prop_, CL_CS_MEM cl_constr *current_cs,
		CL_MEMORY unsigned short *vs_id_to_prop_, bool *prop_ok CS_IGNORE_FUNC TTL_CTR) {

	int x_id = vs_per_c_idx[0];
	int y_id = vs_per_c_idx[1];
	int k = current_cs->constant_val;
	bool changed = 0;

	if (V_MIN(vs_prop_[x_id]) - V_MAX(vs_prop_[y_id]) > k || V_MAX(vs_prop_[x_id]) - V_MIN(vs_prop_[y_id]) < k) {

		cs_ignore[current_cs->c_id] = 1;

	if (V_N_VALS(vs_prop_[x_id]) == 1) {

		// prune domain
		cl_v_del_val_m(&changed, &vs_prop_[y_id], V_MIN(vs_prop_[x_id]) - k TTL_CTR_V);
		if (changed) {

			// if the removal of the value resulted in an empty domain return 0
			if (V_IS_EMPTY(vs_prop_[y_id])) {
				*prop_ok = 0;
			// Add variable to the vector that contains the variables that must be propagated
			v_add_to_prop(vs_id_to_prop_, vs_prop_, y_id);

		cs_ignore[current_cs->c_id] = 0;

	if (V_N_VALS(vs_prop_[y_id]) == 1) {
		cl_v_del_val_m(&changed, &vs_prop_[x_id], V_MIN(vs_prop_[y_id]) + k TTL_CTR_V);
		if (changed) {

			// if the removal of the value resulted in an empty domain return 0
			if (V_IS_EMPTY(vs_prop_[x_id])) {
				*prop_ok = 0;
			// Add variable to the vector that contains the variables that must be propagated
			v_add_to_prop(vs_id_to_prop_, vs_prop_, x_id);
		cs_ignore[current_cs->c_id] = 0;

#if CS_R_MINUS_NE == 1
 * Validate minus_ne constraint to be normally propagated, when reified
 * x − y != k
 * vs_per_c_idx - vector with all constrained variables ID per constraint, per constraint ID order
 * vs_prop_ - all CSP variables with current step values
 * current_cs - constraint that should be propagated for the variable with prop_v_id ID
 * vs_id_to_prop_ - circular vector with the ids of the variables to propagate
CUDA_FUNC void minus_ne_reif( CL_INTS_MEM int *vs_per_c_idx, CL_MEMORY VARS_PROP *vs_prop_, CL_CS_MEM cl_constr *current_cs,
		CL_MEMORY unsigned short *vs_id_to_prop_ CS_IGNORE_FUNC TTL_CTR) {

	int x_id = vs_per_c_idx[0];
	int y_id = vs_per_c_idx[1];
	bool changed = 0;

	// constraint already fixed
	if (V_N_VALS(vs_prop_[x_id]) == 1 && V_N_VALS(vs_prop_[y_id]) == 1 && V_MIN(vs_prop_[x_id]) - V_MIN(vs_prop_[y_id]) != current_cs->constant_val) {
		cl_v_bool_del_val_m(&vs_prop_[current_cs->reif_var_id], 0 TTL_CTR_V);
		v_add_to_prop(vs_id_to_prop_, vs_prop_, convert_int (current_cs->reif_var_id));

		cs_ignore[current_cs->c_id] = 1;

	if (V_N_VALS(vs_prop_[x_id]) == 1) {
		cl_v_copy_pm(&y, &vs_prop_[y_id] TTL_CTR_V);

		// prune domain
		cl_v_del_val_n(&changed, &y, V_MIN(vs_prop_[x_id]) - current_cs->constant_val TTL_CTR_V);

		// if the removal of the value resulted in an empty domain return 0
		if (V_IS_EMPTY(y)) {
			cl_v_bool_del_val_m(&vs_prop_[current_cs->reif_var_id], 1 TTL_CTR_V);
			v_add_to_prop(vs_id_to_prop_, vs_prop_, convert_int (current_cs->reif_var_id));

	if (V_N_VALS(vs_prop_[y_id]) == 1) {
		cl_v_copy_pm(&x, &vs_prop_[x_id] TTL_CTR_V);

		cl_v_del_val_n(&changed, &x, V_MIN(vs_prop_[y_id]) + current_cs->constant_val TTL_CTR_V);
		// if the removal of the value resulted in an empty domain return 0
		if (V_IS_EMPTY(x)) {
			cl_v_bool_del_val_m(&vs_prop_[current_cs->reif_var_id], 1 TTL_CTR_V);
			v_add_to_prop(vs_id_to_prop_, vs_prop_, convert_int (current_cs->reif_var_id));

 * Propagate the domain of the variable with the ID prop_v_id through all the other variables on the same c_numb ID minus_ne opposite constraint
 * x − y = k
 * vs_per_c_idx - vector with all constrained variables ID per constraint, per constraint ID order
 * vs_prop_ - all CSP variables with current step values
 * current_cs - constraint that should be propagated for the variable with prop_v_id ID
 * vs_id_to_prop_ - circular vector with the ids of the variables to propagate
 * prop_ok - will be set to 1 or 0 if the constraint is respected or not
CUDA_FUNC void minus_ne_prop_opposite( CL_INTS_MEM int *vs_per_c_idx, CL_MEMORY VARS_PROP *vs_prop_, CL_CS_MEM cl_constr *current_cs,
		CL_MEMORY unsigned short *vs_id_to_prop_, bool *prop_ok TTL_CTR) {

	int x_id = vs_per_c_idx[0];
	int y_id = vs_per_c_idx[1];
	int k = current_cs->constant_val;
	bool changed1 = 0;
	bool changed2 = 0;

	cl_v_del_lt_m(&changed1, &vs_prop_[y_id], V_MIN(vs_prop_[x_id]) - k TTL_CTR_V);
	if (changed1) {
		if (V_IS_EMPTY(vs_prop_[y_id])) {
			*prop_ok = 0;
	cl_v_del_gt_m(&changed2, &vs_prop_[y_id], V_MAX(vs_prop_[x_id]) - k TTL_CTR_V);
	if (changed2) {
		if (V_IS_EMPTY(vs_prop_[y_id])) {
			*prop_ok = 0;
	if (changed1 || changed2) {
		v_add_to_prop(vs_id_to_prop_, vs_prop_, y_id);

	cl_v_del_lt_m(&changed1, &vs_prop_[x_id], V_MIN(vs_prop_[y_id]) + k TTL_CTR_V);
	if (changed1) {
		if (V_IS_EMPTY(vs_prop_[x_id])) {
			*prop_ok = 0;
	cl_v_del_gt_m(&changed2, &vs_prop_[x_id], V_MAX(vs_prop_[y_id]) + k TTL_CTR_V);
	if (changed2) {
		if (V_IS_EMPTY(vs_prop_[x_id])) {
			*prop_ok = 0;
	if (changed1 || changed2) {
		v_add_to_prop(vs_id_to_prop_, vs_prop_, x_id);

 * Decides the propagator to call for this constraint
 * vs_per_c_idx - vector with all constrained variables ID per constraint, per constraint ID order
 * vs_prop_ - all CSP variables with current step values
 * current_cs - constraint that should be propagated for the variable with prop_v_id ID
 * vs_id_to_prop_ - circular vector with the ids of the variables to propagate
 * prop_ok - will be set to 1 or 0 if the constraint is respected or not
CUDA_FUNC void minus_ne_propagate(CL_INTS_MEM int *vs_per_c_idx, CL_MEMORY VARS_PROP *vs_prop_, CL_CS_MEM cl_constr *current_cs,
		CL_MEMORY unsigned short *vs_id_to_prop_, bool *prop_ok PROPAGATED_FUNC CS_IGNORE_FUNC TTL_CTR) {

#if CS_R_MINUS_NE == 0
	minus_ne_prop(vs_per_c_idx, vs_prop_, current_cs, vs_id_to_prop_, prop_ok CS_IGNORE_CALL TTL_CTR_V);
#if CL_STATS == 1
	*propagated = true;

#elif CS_R_MINUS_NE == 1
	if (current_cs->reified == 1) {
		if (V_N_VALS(vs_prop_[current_cs->reif_var_id]) > 1) {
			minus_ne_reif(vs_per_c_idx, vs_prop_, current_cs, vs_id_to_prop_ CS_IGNORE_CALL TTL_CTR_V);

		} else {
			if (V_MIN(vs_prop_[current_cs->reif_var_id]) == 1) {
				minus_ne_prop(vs_per_c_idx, vs_prop_, current_cs, vs_id_to_prop_, prop_ok CS_IGNORE_CALL TTL_CTR_V);
			} else {
				minus_ne_prop_opposite(vs_per_c_idx, vs_prop_, current_cs, vs_id_to_prop_, prop_ok TTL_CTR_V);
#if CL_STATS == 1
			*propagated = true;
	} else {
		minus_ne_prop(vs_per_c_idx, vs_prop_, current_cs, vs_id_to_prop_, prop_ok CS_IGNORE_CALL TTL_CTR_V);
#if CL_STATS == 1
		*propagated = true;
