04 Jul, 2016
1 commit
* Renamed _fd_* output functions to fd__* (meaning that they are intended to be private to the library) and put them in the new util.h file. * Use fd__trace() and -DTRACE to produce tracing messages. fd__debug() is now reserved for real debugging output. * Use fd_const() to create variables with singleton domains. * New poly-le-k constraint. * Include paccs.h where possible. * Committed to INDEX_IN_POOL and CONSTRAINT_CLASS. * Improved domain filtering for le, lt, poly-eq, poly-eq-k and var-eq-minus. * Decoupled recording that a constraint is entailed from using CONSTRAINT_TEMPS. (Use -DDISABLE_ENTAILED to disable.)
13 Apr, 2016
1 commit
22 Jul, 2015
1 commit
21 Apr, 2015
1 commit