domains.h 5.28 KB
 * domains.h
 *  Created on: 06/01/2017
 *      Author: Pedro

#ifndef SRC_DOMAINS_H_
#define SRC_DOMAINS_H_

// Host configuration
#ifndef __OPENCL_VERSION__

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include "CL/cl.h"
#include "CL/cl_platform.h"

// when interval domains are used
typedef cl_ushort2 interval;	// [16-bits;16-bits] <-> [min,max]

#ifndef BITS
#define BITS 1024	// Bitmap size used on host

#ifndef H_WORD
#define H_WORD 64	// Size of words used on host

// host word parameters
#if H_WORD < 33
#define H_ONE 1U	// 32 bits bitmap with value 1 in host
#define H_DIV 5		// right shift value to apply division to 32 bits bitmap in host
#define H_WORD_TYPE cl_uint		// single 32 bits word bitmap type in host
#define H_ONE 1ULL	// 64 bits bitmap with value 1 in host in host
#define H_DIV 6		// right shift value to apply division to 64 bits bitmap in host
#define H_WORD_TYPE cl_ulong	// single 64 bits word bitmap type in host

#define H_ALL_ONES ((H_WORD_TYPE) -1)	// 32 or 64 bits bitmap fill with 1 in host

#if BITS < 33
#define H_N_WORDS 1		// number of words that represent the bitmap (CSP variable domain) in host
#define H_BITS 32		// number of bits of one bitmap word in host
#elif BITS < 65
#if H_WORD == 64
#define H_N_WORDS 1		// number of words that represent the bitmap (CSP variable domain) in host
#define H_N_WORDS 2		// number of words that represent the bitmap (CSP variable domain) in host
#define H_BITS 64		// number of bits of one bitmap word in host
#if (BITS % 64) > 0
#define H_BITS (BITS / 64 * 64 + 64)	// number of bits of one bitmap word in host
#define H_BITS (BITS / 64 * 64)			// number of bits of one bitmap word in host
#define H_N_WORDS H_BITS / H_WORD		// number of words that represent the bitmap (CSP variable domain) in host

#if H_N_WORDS == 1
typedef H_WORD_TYPE bitmap;		// bitmap of type cl_uint or cl_ulong in host
typedef H_WORD_TYPE bitmap[H_N_WORDS];	// bitmap with an array of cl_uint or cl_ulong in host

// never used. Just for compilation and syntax correction
#define CL_BITMAP 0
#define CL_INTERVAL 1
#define DOMAIN_ cl_bitmap
#define CL_D_MIN 0

// 32 bits 1 word
#define CL_WORD 32
#define CL_BITS 32
#define CL_D_MAX 32
#define CL_ONE_ 1U
#define CL_DIV 5
#define CL_REM 31
#define CL_N_WORDS 1
#define CL_WORD_TYPE cl_uint
typedef CL_WORD_TYPE cl_bitmap;

 // 64 bits 1 word
 #define CL_WORD 64
 #define CL_BITS 64
 #define CL_D_MAX 64
 #define CL_ONE_ 1UL
 #define CL_DIV 6
 #define CL_REM 63
 #define CL_N_WORDS 1
 #define CL_WORD_TYPE cl_ulong
 typedef CL_WORD_TYPE cl_bitmap;
 // 64 bits 2 words
 #define CL_WORD 64
 #define CL_BITS 128
 #define CL_D_MAX 128
 #define CL_ONE_ 1UL
 #define CL_DIV 6
 #define CL_REM 63
 #define CL_N_WORDS 2
 #define CL_WORD_TYPE cl_ulong
 typedef CL_WORD_TYPE cl_bitmap[CL_N_WORDS];

#define CL_ALL_ONES ((CL_WORD_TYPE) -1)

// Device configuration (used during kernel compilation)

// Choose domains size on OpenCL kernel compilation
// host word parameters
#if CL_WORD < 33
#define CL_ONE_ 1U	// 32 bits bitmap with value 1 in device
#define CL_DIV 5	// right shift value to apply division to 32 bits bitmap in device
#define CL_REM 31	// right shift value to apply multiplication to 32 bits bitmap in device
#define CL_WORD_TYPE uint	// single32 bits word bitmap type in device
#define CL_ONE_ 1UL	// 64 bits bitmap with value 1 in device
#define CL_DIV 6	// right shift value to apply division to 64 bits bitmap in device
#define CL_REM 63	// right shift value to apply multiplication to 64 bits bitmap in device
#define CL_WORD_TYPE ulong	// single 64 bits word bitmap type in device

#define CL_ALL_ONES ((CL_WORD_TYPE) -1)	// 32 or 64 bits bitmap fill with 1 in device

#if CL_BITS < 33
#define CL_N_WORDS 1		// number of words that represent the bitmap (CSP variable domain) in host
#elif CL_BITS < 65
#if CL_WORD == 32
#define CL_N_WORDS 2		// number of words that represent the bitmap (CSP variable domain) in host
#define CL_N_WORDS 1		// number of words that represent the bitmap (CSP variable domain) in host
#define CL_N_WORDS (CL_BITS / CL_WORD)		// number of words that represent the bitmap (CSP variable domain) in device

#if CL_N_WORDS == 1
typedef CL_WORD_TYPE cl_bitmap;		// single 32 or 64 bits word bitmap type in device
typedef CL_WORD_TYPE cl_bitmap[CL_N_WORDS];	// single 64 bits word bitmap type in device

// types of representation of the domain of the CSP variables in the device
#define CL_BITMAP 0		// bitmaps
#define CL_INTERVAL 1	// single interval [16-bits;16-bits] = [min;max]

// default type of representation of the domain of the CSP variables in the device
#ifndef CL_D_TYPE

#if CL_D_TYPE == CL_BITMAP	// bitmap representation structures
#define DOMAIN_ cl_bitmap
#define VARS cl_var_bitmap
#define VARS_PROP cl_var_p_bitmap
#elif CL_D_TYPE == CL_INTERVAL	// interval representation structures
typedef ushort2 interval;
#define DOMAIN_ interval
#define VARS cl_var_interval
#define VARS_PROP cl_var_p_interval

// default maximum domain value
#ifndef CL_D_MAX
#define CL_D_MAX 32

// default minimum domain value
#ifndef CL_D_MIN
#define CL_D_MIN 0


#endif /* SRC_DOMAINS_H_ */