config.h 18.3 KB
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 * config.h
 *  Created on: 18/09/2014
 *      Author: pedro

#ifndef SRC_CONFIG_H_
#define SRC_CONFIG_H_

#define MAX_(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define MIN_(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))

// Host configuration
#ifndef __OPENCL_VERSION__

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include "CL/cl.h"
#include "CL/cl_platform.h"

#include "domains.h"
#include "kernels/cl_variables.h"

// Compiling options

#define PRE_FILTER 1		// set to 1 to enable pre-filtering previous to starting exploration, or to 0 to disable it. Disabling it, may induce errors
#define SS_MULTIPLIER 1		// set to 1 to enable a sub-search space multiplier that may be applied to increase the number of
								// sub-search spaces inside each device when blocks are small, or to 0 to disable it
#define USE_BOOLEAN_VS 1	// set to 1 to distinguish boolean variables in the CSP
#define USE_CS_IGNORE 1			// set to 1 to when a constraint is fixed or its propagator is unable to propagate more, ignore it in the following propagations
								// only for bitmap domains (not for intervals)

#define CL_COMP_OPT 1		// set to 1 to compile the OpenCL with optimization, or to 0 for not

#define COMPILE_FZN 1	// set to 0 if the flatzinc/minizinc interpreter is not needed or mzn2fzn, flex or bison is not available

#define CHECK_SOL_N_VALS 1	// set to 1 if the solution (1 solution or best) must be checked for the number of values on the domain of each variable
#define VERIFY_SOL 1		// set to 1 to verify if the optimal or the single solution found is valid. Will give error for variables with more than 1 value
								// that are marked for labeling, even if they are part of that solution

#define SORT_BY_LABEL 1			// set to 1 to sort variables by the ones that may be labeled. Disabling it, may induce errors
#define SORT_BY_LABEL_LESS_VALS 0	// set to 1 to sort variables by the ones that may be labeled and that have less values on their domains
#define SORT_BY_LABEL_MORE_VALS 0	// set to 1 to sort variables by the ones that may be labeled and that have more values on their domains
#define SORT_BY_MOST_USED_CONSTR 0	// set to 1 to sort constraints on each variable by the constraint that is more common on the CSP

#define USE_LOCAL_MEM 2		// set to 0 if devices should use only global memory, to 1 if they should use also local memory, or to 2 to decide by default
#define USE_CONSTANT_MEM 0	// set to 1 to use OpenCL constant memory. Disabled due to causing errors in Nvidia GPUs

#define USE_MORE_BUFFERS 1			// set to 0 to use only one buffer for backtracking, or to 1 to use more buffers (more buffers allow to use buffer times more global memory)
#define USE_MORE_BUFFERS_P	0.8		// % of each allowed max buffer size to use on each of the backtracking buffers

#define SHARED_SS 0			// BETA // set to 1 to enable work-sharing inside each device, or to 0 to disable it
#define PRE_LABELING 0		// BETA // set to 0, 1 or 2. 1 to propagate the last labeled variable with all the remaining values before backtracking it, 0 to not,
								// and 2 to use if any propagator is capable of propagating variables with more than one value in its domain

// for kernel debugging purposes
#define DEBUG 0 			// set to 1 to enable debug inside kernel (Only for Intel CPUs)
#define RUN_IN_CUDA 0		// Run kernel with CUDA. Only for an Nvidia GPU
#define DEBUG_IN_CUDA 0		// Requires RUN_IN_CUDA to be set to 1. Allows debugging the kernel in Nvidia GPUs
#define CL_CHECK_ERRORS 0	// set to 1 to compile kernel with code for some error checking, or 0 for none (only for bitmaps)
#define COMPILE_ALL_CS 0	// set to 1 to compile all propagators, including the ones for reification
#define CL_VERIFY_SOLS 0	// set to 1 to verify if all the variables are assigned when a solution is found in the kernel (done on the host for
								// optimization and 1 solution when CHECK_SOL_N_VALS and VERIFY_SOL are set).
#define USE_TTL 0			// set to 1 to define a time to live to terminate a kernel
#define TTL_LIMIT 10000		// maximum value of the TTL to terminate the kernel

#define MAX_CSP_DIM_ARGS 10	// maximum number of command line arguments indicating the dimensions of the CSP to solve

#define TO_LABEL_THRESHOLD 0	// Maximum number of variables that may need to be labeled beyond the ones marked for labeling

// load balancing parameters
#define GPU_DEFAULT_N_WG 512	// default number of work-groups to create for a GPU
#define GPU_DEFAULT_N_WI 128	// default number of work-items per work-group to create for a GPU
#define GPU_CUTOFF 8	// Approximated number of times that a GPU core (SM) is slower than a CPU core
#define ACC_CUTOFF 4	// Approximated number of times that a ACC core is slower than a CPU core
#define CNT_INIT_PERC 0.20		// Percentage of the total number of SS created for calculation of the size of the first block to be sent to each device when
									// counting all the solutions
#define OPT_ONE_INIT_PERC 0.01	// Percentage of the total number of SS created for calculation of the size of the first block to be sent to each device when
									// optimizing or finding the first solution

#define MAX_SS 1000000	// Maximum number of SS to create
#define SS_GPU 500000	// Number of SS to create if only one GPU is to be used
#define SS_ACC 250000	// Number of SS to create if only one ACC is to be used
#define SS_CPU 5000	// Number of SS to create per compute unit, if only one CPU
#define N_FIRST_BLOCKS 3	// Number of blocks explored before calculating RANK
#define MS_HALF_FIRST_BLOCKS 1000.0		// Minimum milliseconds taken to solve the previous block (of the N_FIRST_BLOCKS-1) to reduce the size of the next block to half
#define MS_TAKE_ALL 2000.0	// Milliseconds estimated for a device to solve all the remaining sub-search spaces, to make it take all of them in the next block
#define PERCENT_REM_SS_DOUBLE	0.2 // Percentage of the remaining SS to be considered for the calculation of the size of the next block for the device that
										// finished N_FIRST_BLOCKS first
#define PERCENT_REM_SS_RANK_GPU	0.3 // Percentage of the remaining SS to be considered for the calculation of the size of the next block with RANK for GPUs
#define PERCENT_REM_SS_RANK_CPU	0.8 // Percentage of the remaining SS to be considered for the calculation of the size of the next block with RANK for CPUs
#define PERCENT_REM_SS_RANK_ACC	0.6 // Percentage of the remaining SS to be considered for the calculation of the size of the next block with RANK for ACCs
#define FAST_BLOCKS_MS_OPT 2000.0	// Time taken to solve a block during optimization to be considered exceptionally easy to explore
#define FAST_BLOCKS_MS_ONE 2000.0	// Time taken to solve a block when looking for one solution to be considered exceptionally easy to explore
#define N_FAST_BLOCKS_OPT 3		// Number of blocks in a row that took less than EMPTY_BLOCKS_MS_OPT s to solve (each), to double the size of the next block
#define PERCENT_BLOCKS_ADD 0.2		// percentage of the last block to add to the next block when the previous N_EMPTY_BLOCKS_OPT were EMPTY_BLOCKS_MS_OPT
#define N_EMPTY_BLOCKS 1		// Number of blocks with 0 SS that a device would receive to be terminated
#define TIMES_USED_TRESHOLD	10	// Number of times that a device must be used in order to double the number of sub-search spaces on the next block, when OPT or ONE until SS_REM_PERC_TRESHOLD
#define SS_REM_PERC_TRESHOLD 0.3	// When to stop doubling the size of the block when TIMES_USED_TRESHOLD for OPT and ONE

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
typedef long int __time_t;
typedef long __suseconds_t;

typedef struct statistics {
	cl_ulong nodes_fail;
	cl_ulong nodes_expl;
	cl_ulong backtracks;
	cl_ulong labels;
	cl_ulong pruning;
	cl_ulong props_ok;
	cl_ulong max_depth;
	cl_ulong n_solutions;
	cl_ulong solve_time;
	cl_ulong search_spaces;
} statistics;

// Heuristic for selecting the variable for labeling and for propagating
typedef enum {
	// just "BITMAP" conflicts with windows libraries
} d_type;

// Type of work to be done
typedef enum {
	ONE,	// find one solution
	CNT,	// count all solutions
	OPT,	// optimization
} work;

// Type of optimization to be done
typedef enum {
	DECREASE,	// decrease value
	INCREASE, 	// increase value
	NONE		// initial value
} opt;

// Heuristic for selecting the variable for labeling
typedef enum {
	FIRST_FAIL,		// less values
	INPUT_ORDER,	// first created
	OCCURRENCE,		// more constrained
	MAX_REGRET,		// largest difference between the two smallest values
	SMALLEST,		// with the smallest value in its domain
} label_heur;

// Heuristic for selecting the value of the variable to assign
typedef enum {
	MIN_VAL,	// minimum value
	MAX_VAL,	// maximum value
	SPLIT_VALS,	// splits the domain about the mean between minimum and maximum value
} assign_heur;

// to be used when modeling the CSP for printing results
extern bool OPTIMIZING;			// true if optimizing
extern bool FINDING_ONE_SOLUTION;	// true if finding one solution
extern bool COUNTING_SOLUTIONS;		// true if counting all the solutions
extern bool PRINT_STATS;	// True if statistic data should be collected and printed
extern statistics STATS;	// statistics data on host
extern bool ALL_DEVS;	// argument if all devices should be used
extern bool VERBOSE;	// argument indicating if the Solver must print more info
extern bool QUIET;	// argument indicating if the Solver must print only the number of solutions that were found, or the solution or the best solution
extern char* CSP;	// argument indicating the name of the CSP to solve
extern char* FZN_FILE_NAME;	// argument indicating the name of the flatzinc file
extern char* MZN_FILE_NAME;	// argument indicating the name of the minizinc file
extern char* DZN_FILE_NAME;	// argument indicating the name of the minizinc file containing the CSP dimensions
extern unsigned int D_MAX;	// maximum domain value on variables CSP
extern unsigned int D_MIN;	// minimum domain value on variables CSP
extern unsigned int CL_BITS_;	// number of bits to use on devices, calculated after creating all the CSP variables
extern unsigned int CL_WORD_;	// number of bits in one word of the bitmap use on devices, calculated after creating all the CSP variables in
									// init_csp_and_d_bits() in config.c
extern unsigned int CL_N_WORDS_;	// number of words that compose one bitmap on the devices, calculated after creating all the CSP variables in
										//init_csp_and_d_bits() in config.c
extern int* CONST_VS_ID;	// to store the id of the variables that have only one value on the domain
extern unsigned int N_VS;	// number of CSP variables
extern unsigned int V_ID_CNTR;	// Unique identifier of each CSP variable
extern unsigned int N_CS;		// number of CSP constraints
extern unsigned int C_ID_CNTR;	// Unique identifier of each CSP constraint
extern unsigned int N_DEVS;	// number of devices to use
extern unsigned int N_GPUs;	// requested number of GPUs to use
extern unsigned int N_CPUs;	// requested number of CPUs to use
extern unsigned int N_ACCs;	// requested number of ACCs to use
extern unsigned int N_SS;	// optional number of sub-search spaces to create
extern cl_uint VAL_TO_OPT;		// current minimum or maximum value to optimize (not yet found)
extern unsigned int VAR_ID_TO_OPT;	// ID of the variable to optimize
extern unsigned int* EXP_VALUES;	// Number of values expanded to achieve the required number of sub-search spaces
extern bool PRINT_SOLUTIONS;	// set to 1 to print all solutions (the value of each CSP variable) when using only one work-item
extern bool PRINT_CSP;		// set to 1 to print all CSP variables with their domains, and all the constraints with the respective variables identified
extern bool MZN2FZN_ONLY;	// if the MZN must be converted to FZN, but without solving the CSP
extern bool REV;		// set to 1 to propagate the last labeled variable with all the remaining values before backtracking it, or 0 to not
extern int N_VS_TO_LABEL;	// Number of variables marked for labeling
extern bool BOOLEAN_VS;	// 1 if the CSP use boolean variables
extern unsigned int N_VS_ORIGINAL;	// number of CSP variables in the model (before filtering)
extern unsigned int N_CS_ORIGINAL;	// number of CSP constraints in the model (before filtering)
extern __time_t init_sec;		// Seconds when the Solver started
extern __suseconds_t init_usec;	// Microseconds when the Solver started
extern d_type DOMAIN_TYPE;	// domain representation to use
extern size_t DOMAIN_SIZE;	// size of the domain type used on this device
extern label_heur LABEL_MODE_D;	// argument indicating the default mode for selecting the variable to label
extern assign_heur ASSIGN_MODE_D;	// argument indicating the default mode for selecting the value to assign to the variable for labeling
extern label_heur LABEL_MODE;	// argument indicating the mode for selecting the variable to label
extern assign_heur ASSIGN_MODE;	// argument indicating the mode for selecting the value to assign to the variable for labeling
extern label_heur LABEL_MODE_COM;	// argument indicating the mode for selecting the variable to label inserted in command line
extern assign_heur ASSIGN_MODE_COM;	// argument indicating the mode for selecting the value to assign to the variable for labeling inserted in command line
extern work WORK;	// argument indicating if one solution, all solutions or optimization is wanted
extern work WORK_D;	// argument indicating if one solution, all solutions or optimization is default
extern opt OPT_MODE;	// if optimization is to reduce a value, or to increase it
extern bool CS_IGNORE;	// 1 to when constraint is fixed or its propagator is unable to propagate more, ignore it in the following propagations
							// only for bitmap domains (not for intervals)
extern bool CAN_USE_INTERVALS;	// true if variable domains are contiguous

void print_help();
void load_args(int *argc, char **argv[], int* csp_dims, char* csp_inst_name);
void parse_args(int *argc, char *argv[], int* csp_dims, char* csp_inst_name);

void init_csp_and_d_bits();
void print_CSP();
void clear_csp();

char* get_label_heur();
char* get_assign_heur();

int get_int_len(int x);

bool can_run_command(const char *cmd);

#define FUNC_PREFIX	static inline

// never used. Just for compilation and syntax correction
#define CL_WORK CL_OPT
#define VARS cl_var_bitmap
#define VARS_PROP cl_var_p_bitmap
#define __global
#define __constant
#define __local
#define CL_INTS_MEM
#define CL_MEMORY
#define CL_CS_MEM
#define CL_VS_MEM
#define CL_B_DS_MEM
#define CL_ONE 0
#define CL_CNT 1
#define CL_OPT 2
#define CL_FIRST_FAIL 0
#define	CL_INPUT_ORDER 1
#define	CL_MAX_REGRET 3
#define CL_SMALLEST 4
#define CL_MIN_VAL 0
#define	CL_MAX_VAL 1
#define	CL_SPLIT_VALS 2
#define CL_DECREASE 0
#define CL_INCREASE 1
#define CL_VAR_ID_TO_OPT 0
#define CL_USE_LOCAL_MEM 1
#define CL_MEMORY
#define CL_LIN_TERMS 0
#define CL_LIN_V_TERMS 0
#define CL_SUM_TERMS 0
#define CL_SUM_VAR_TERMS 0
#define CL_N_VS 10
#define CL_N_CS 10
#define CL_N_VS_TO_LABEL 0
#define CL_N_VS_CS 0
#define CL_N_CS_VS 0
#define CL_INTS_CONST 1
#define CL_B_DS_CONST 1
#define CL_VS_CONST 1
#define CL_CS_CONST 1
#define CL_N_DEVS 2
#define CL_STATS 1
#define CL_N_SHARED_SS 0
#define CL_SEQ_SEARCH 1
#define CL_USE_N_BUFFERS 1
#define CL_N_TERMS 0

// Device configuration (used during kernel compilation)


#define CUDA_FUNC


// type of exploration objective
#define CL_ONE 0
#define CL_CNT 1
#define CL_OPT 2
#ifndef CL_WORK
#define CL_WORK CL_CNT

// Heuristic for selecting the variable for labeling
#define CL_FIRST_FAIL 0	// less values
#define	CL_INPUT_ORDER 1	// first on the array
#define	CL_OCCURRENCE 2	// more constrained
#define	CL_MAX_REGRET 3	// largest difference between the two smallest values
#define	CL_SMALLEST 4	// // with the smallest value in its domain
#ifndef CL_LABEL_M

// Heuristic for selecting the value of the variable for assign on labeling
#define CL_MIN_VAL 0	// minimum value
#define	CL_MAX_VAL 1	// maximum value
#define	CL_SPLIT_VALS 2	// Splits the domain about the mean between minimum and maximum value
#ifndef CL_ASSIGN_M

// Value to extend some buffers when CL_SPLIT_VALS heuristic is used

// Type of optimization to be done
#define CL_DECREASE 0
#define CL_INCREASE 1
#ifndef CL_OPT_M

// ID of the variable to optimize
#ifndef CL_VAR_ID_TO_OPT
#define CL_VAR_ID_TO_OPT 0

// if kernel should use also local or only global memory
#define CL_USE_LOCAL_MEM 1
#ifndef CL_MEM

#define CL_MEMORY __local
#define CL_MEMORY __global

// if each kernel constant argument fits constant buffers
#if CL_INTS_CONST == 1
#define CL_INTS_MEM __constant
#define CL_INTS_MEM __global

#if CL_B_DS_CONST == 1
#define CL_B_DS_MEM __constant
#define CL_B_DS_MEM __global

#if CL_VS_CONST == 1
#define CL_VS_MEM __constant
#define CL_VS_MEM __global

#if CL_CS_CONST == 1
#define CL_CS_MEM __constant
#define CL_CS_MEM __global

// size of auxiliary array (for linear..., sum and sum_var constraints)
#define CL_LIN_LT_TERMS 0
#define CL_LIN_NE_TERMS 0
#ifndef CL_LIN_TERMS
#define CL_LIN_TERMS 0
#ifndef CL_LIN_V_TERMS
#define CL_LIN_V_TERMS 0
#ifndef CL_SUM_TERMS
#define CL_SUM_TERMS 0
#define CL_SUM_VAR_TERMS 0

// for type usage on device
#define cl_uint uint
#define cl_int int
#define cl_ulong ulong
#define cl_char char
#define cl_ushort ushort

// Sequential search
#define CL_SEQ_SEARCH 0

// Number of stores for work-sharing
#ifndef CL_N_SHARED_SS
#define CL_N_SHARED_SS 0

#define CL_BOOLEAN_VS 0

#ifndef CL_CS_IGNORE
#define CL_CS_IGNORE 1

#define CL_USE_N_BUFFERS 1

#ifndef CL_N_TERMS
#define CL_N_TERMS 0


#endif /* SRC_CONFIG_H_ */