Commit a305bb5d27a491f9794cafb45072f8d475d278d6
1 parent
Exists in
and in
1 other branch
- reverted async back to sync login and correction, since sqlalchemy is tricky...
- added support to images in the questions.
17 changed files
577 additions
599 deletions
Show diff stats
1 | 1 | |
2 | -# base packages | |
2 | +# python standard libraries | |
3 | 3 | from os import path |
4 | 4 | import logging |
5 | 5 | from contextlib import contextmanager # `with` statement in db sessions |
6 | 6 | |
7 | -# installed packages | |
7 | +# user installed packages | |
8 | 8 | import bcrypt |
9 | 9 | from sqlalchemy import create_engine |
10 | 10 | from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session |
... | ... | @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class App(object): |
54 | 54 | # connect to database and check registered students |
55 | 55 | dbfile = path.expanduser(self.testfactory['database']) |
56 | 56 | engine = create_engine(f'sqlite:///{dbfile}', echo=False) |
57 | - self.Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) | |
57 | + self.Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) # FIXME not scoped in tornado | |
58 | 58 | |
59 | 59 | try: |
60 | 60 | with self.db_session() as s: |
... | ... | @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class App(object): |
213 | 213 | # --- helpers (getters) |
214 | 214 | def get_student_name(self, uid): |
215 | 215 | return[uid]['student']['name'] |
216 | - def get_test(self, uid, default=None): | |
216 | + def get_student_test(self, uid, default=None): | |
217 | 217 | return[uid].get('test', default) |
218 | 218 | def get_questions_path(self): |
219 | 219 | return self.testfactory['questions_dir'] | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -1,406 +0,0 @@ |
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20 | -<path d="m175.67 226.73c2.43-0.01 5.11-0.38 6.1-0.63 0.66-0.2 1.05-0.49 0.98-0.84-0.04-0.16-0.18-0.3-0.37-0.38-1.46-0.47-4.07-0.8-6.71-0.8-2.63 0-5.27 0.33-6.72 0.8-0.19 0.08-0.33 0.22-0.37 0.38-0.07 0.35 0.32 0.64 0.98 0.84 0.99 0.25 3.68 0.62 6.11 0.63z"/> | |
21 | -<path d="m183.48 222.08l-0.59-0.53s-0.57 0.34-1.28 0.24c-0.7-0.11-0.93-0.97-0.93-0.97s-0.79 0.67-1.44 0.62c-0.65-0.06-1.07-0.62-1.07-0.62s-0.71 0.51-1.33 0.46c-0.62-0.06-1.21-0.83-1.21-0.83s-0.63 0.8-1.25 0.86c-0.62 0.05-1.13-0.54-1.13-0.54s-0.28 0.59-1.07 0.72-1.47-0.62-1.47-0.62-0.45 0.73-0.99 0.92c-0.54 0.18-1.24-0.27-1.24-0.27s-0.12 0.27-0.2 0.43-0.31 0.19-0.31 0.19l0.18 0.47c1.93-0.56 4.56-0.91 7.53-0.91s5.67 0.35 7.61 0.92l0.2-0.54h-0.01z"/> | |
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31 | -<ellipse cx="170.51" cy="219.65" rx="0.49" ry="0.47"/> | |
32 | -<path d="m172.87 219.95c-0.03-0.2 0.07-0.37 0.21-0.39s0.28 0.13 0.3 0.33c0.03 0.19-0.07 0.37-0.21 0.38-0.14 0.02-0.28-0.13-0.3-0.32z"/> | |
33 | -<path d="m173.78 219.24l0.4 0.57 1.34-0.42 0.14-0.18-0.15-0.2-1.33-0.39-0.4 0.62"/> | |
34 | -<path d="m175.66 217.15l-0.86 0.52 0.64 1.38 0.22 0.14 0.22-0.14 0.64-1.38-0.86-0.52"/> | |
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47 | -<g id="crown_pt2" fill="none"> | |
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71 | -<path stroke-width="0.14" d="m170.51 225.67v-0.36"/> | |
72 | -<path stroke-width="0.15" d="m170.26 225.64v-0.27"/> | |
73 | -<path stroke-width="0.18" d="m169.99 225.58v-0.13"/> | |
74 | -</g> | |
75 | -</g> | |
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77 | -<g fill="#005bbf"> | |
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163 | -<path d="m204.9 180.48c-1.91 1.21-3.36 2.69-4.16 4.34-0.58 1.2-0.91 2.54-0.91 3.95 0 2.33 0.9 4.47 2.38 6.12l-1.6 2.59c-1.53-1.96-2.42-4.26-2.42-6.7 0-4.2 2.67-7.87 6.71-10.3z"/> | |
164 | -<path d="m250.04 171.27c1.76 0 3.28 1.16 3.64 2.73 0.23 1.38 0.38 2.95 0.41 4.62 0.01 0.18-0.01 0.35-0.01 0.52 0 0.2 0.04 0.41 0.05 0.61 0.06 3.52 0.56 6.62 1.27 8.52l-5.36 5.14-5.43-5.14c0.72-1.9 1.22-5 1.29-8.52 0-0.2 0.04-0.41 0.04-0.61 0-0.17-0.01-0.34-0.01-0.52 0.03-1.67 0.18-3.24 0.41-4.62 0.36-1.57 1.94-2.73 3.7-2.73z"/> | |
165 | -<path d="m250.04 172.94c0.91 0 1.68 0.58 1.87 1.39 0.23 1.31 0.37 2.8 0.4 4.38 0 0.16-0.01 0.32-0.01 0.48 0 0.2 0.03 0.39 0.04 0.59 0.05 3.32 0.53 6.25 1.21 8.05l-3.54 3.35-3.54-3.35c0.67-1.8 1.15-4.73 1.21-8.05 0-0.2 0.04-0.39 0.04-0.59 0-0.16-0.01-0.32-0.01-0.48 0.03-1.58 0.17-3.07 0.4-4.38 0.18-0.81 1.02-1.39 1.93-1.39z"/> | |
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207 | -<ellipse cx="260.54" cy="170.28" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
208 | -<ellipse cx="263.9" cy="170.23" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
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213 | -<ellipse cx="277.88" cy="178.37" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
214 | -<ellipse cx="278.57" cy="181.57" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
215 | -<ellipse cx="278.69" cy="184.75" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
216 | -<ellipse cx="277.69" cy="187.65" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
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218 | -<ellipse cx="279.57" cy="175.48" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
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222 | -<ellipse cx="293.24" cy="177.36" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
223 | -<ellipse cx="296.36" cy="179.01" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
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225 | -<ellipse cx="301.22" cy="183.45" rx="1.1" ry="1.04"/> | |
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232 | -<g fill="#c8b100"> | |
233 | -<path d="m250.15 226.18c-12.26-0.02-23.25-1.47-31.09-3.83-0.57-0.18-0.87-0.7-0.84-1.25-0.01-0.52 0.29-1 0.84-1.17 7.84-2.36 18.83-3.81 31.09-3.83 12.27 0.02 23.25 1.47 31.09 3.83 0.55 0.17 0.84 0.65 0.83 1.17 0.03 0.55-0.27 1.07-0.83 1.25-7.84 2.36-18.82 3.81-31.09 3.83"/> | |
234 | -<path d="m250.07 216.09c-12.41 0.03-23.55 1.58-31.39 4 0.65-0.31 0.59-1.12-0.22-3.2-0.98-2.53-2.5-2.42-2.5-2.42 8.66-2.56 20.73-4.16 34.16-4.18 13.44 0.02 25.6 1.62 34.27 4.18 0 0-1.53-0.11-2.51 2.42-0.81 2.08-0.87 2.89-0.21 3.2-7.84-2.42-19.19-3.97-31.6-4"/> | |
235 | -<path d="m250.12 210.3c-13.43 0.02-25.5 1.62-34.16 4.18-0.58 0.17-1.19-0.05-1.38-0.6s0.12-1.18 0.7-1.35c8.71-2.67 21.08-4.35 34.84-4.38 13.77 0.03 26.19 1.71 34.9 4.38 0.58 0.17 0.89 0.8 0.7 1.35s-0.8 0.77-1.38 0.6c-8.67-2.56-20.78-4.16-34.22-4.18"/> | |
236 | -<path d="m250.2 199.78l1.23 0.22c-0.19 0.5-0.24 1.05-0.24 1.63 0 2.57 2.21 4.65 4.92 4.65 2.18 0 4.04-1.35 4.67-3.21 0.08 0.05 0.47-1.68 0.68-1.66 0.17 0.02 0.15 1.8 0.22 1.77 0.31 2.34 2.46 3.93 4.87 3.93 2.71 0 4.91-2.08 4.91-4.65 0-0.19-0.01-0.38-0.04-0.57l1.54-1.52 0.83 1.94c-0.33 0.61-0.46 1.3-0.46 2.03 0 2.46 2.1 4.44 4.69 4.44 1.63 0 3.06-0.78 3.9-1.97l0.99-1.25-0.01 1.53c0 1.55 0.66 2.93 2.16 3.18 0 0 1.73 0.1 4.03-1.7 2.29-1.8 3.55-3.29 3.55-3.29l0.2 1.8s-1.9 2.95-3.97 4.15c-1.14 0.66-2.86 1.35-4.23 1.13-1.44-0.24-2.48-1.4-3.01-2.74-1.03 0.61-2.25 0.97-3.55 0.97-2.81 0-5.33-1.54-6.32-3.86-1.29 1.4-3.09 2.25-5.2 2.25-2.24 0-4.29-1.01-5.57-2.56-1.27 1.16-2.98 1.87-4.88 1.87-2.48 0-4.69-1.22-5.94-3.05-1.25 1.83-3.46 3.05-5.94 3.05-1.89 0-3.61-0.71-4.87-1.87-1.28 1.55-3.34 2.56-5.58 2.56-2.11 0-3.9-0.85-5.19-2.25-1 2.32-3.52 3.86-6.32 3.86-1.31 0-2.52-0.36-3.55-0.97-0.54 1.34-1.57 2.5-3.02 2.74-1.36 0.22-3.08-0.47-4.22-1.13-2.08-1.2-3.98-4.15-3.98-4.15l0.2-1.8s1.27 1.49 3.56 3.29c2.29 1.81 4.02 1.7 4.02 1.7 1.51-0.25 2.16-1.63 2.16-3.18l-0.01-1.53 0.99 1.25c0.84 1.19 2.28 1.97 3.9 1.97 2.59 0 4.69-1.98 4.69-4.44 0-0.73-0.13-1.42-0.46-2.03l0.83-1.94 1.54 1.52c-0.02 0.19-0.04 0.38-0.04 0.57 0 2.57 2.2 4.65 4.91 4.65 2.42 0 4.56-1.59 4.88-3.93 0.06 0.03 0.05-1.75 0.22-1.77 0.2-0.02 0.6 1.71 0.67 1.66 0.64 1.86 2.49 3.21 4.68 3.21 2.71 0 4.91-2.08 4.91-4.65 0-0.58-0.03-1.13-0.24-1.63l1.29-0.22"/> | |
237 | -<path d="m208.37 206.32c-0.11-0.37-0.35-0.75-0.72-1.06-0.79-0.68-1.84-0.79-2.36-0.25-0.07 0.07-0.13 0.17-0.17 0.25 0 0-1.11-2.08-2.41-2.78-1.29-0.7-3.49-0.52-3.49-0.52 0-1.6 1.3-2.89 2.99-2.89 0.99 0 1.92 0.41 2.48 1.11l0.23-1.07s1.36 0.27 1.98 1.82-0.06 3.8-0.06 3.8 0.34-0.96 0.85-1.61c0.51-0.64 1.81-1.34 2.49-1.66 0.67-0.31 1.37-0.79 1.37-0.79s0.03 0.18 0.05 0.61c0.03 0.51-0.01 0.83-0.01 0.83 1.24-0.17 2.69 0.04 3.83 0.48-0.49 0.95-1.41 1.84-2.62 2.3 0 0 0.44 0.36 0.83 0.75 0.34 0.34 0.44 0.49 0.44 0.49s-0.85 0.13-1.27 0.19c-0.43 0.05-1.84 0.28-2.69 0.22-0.62-0.04-1.32-0.14-1.74-0.22"/> | |
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242 | -<path d="m228.97 201.38c0.22-0.35 0.32-0.79 0.24-1.23s-0.32-0.81-0.66-1.07c0 0 0.67-0.71 1.47-1.26 0.6-0.41 1.8-0.82 2.15-0.95 0.36-0.13 1.07-0.4 1.07-0.4s0 0.18-0.06 0.61c-0.08 0.52-0.2 0.87-0.2 0.87 1.3-0.14 2.62 0.29 3.61 0.98-0.69 0.97-1.77 1.79-3.04 2.08 0 0 0.23 0.28 0.5 0.74 0.21 0.39 0.28 0.56 0.28 0.56s-0.77-0.02-1.15-0.03c-0.38 0-1.65-0.01-2.37-0.2-0.95-0.25-1.84-0.69-1.84-0.69"/> | |
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245 | -<path d="m248.5 199.83c-0.32-0.36-0.53-0.82-0.53-1.33 0-0.5 0.19-0.97 0.51-1.32 0 0-0.89-0.67-1.89-1.12-0.77-0.35-2.18-0.59-2.6-0.67-0.43-0.08-1.28-0.24-1.28-0.24s0.04 0.2 0.2 0.67c0.2 0.56 0.4 0.93 0.4 0.93-1.47 0.08-2.85 0.81-3.81 1.76 0.96 0.94 2.34 1.66 3.81 1.75 0 0-0.2 0.36-0.4 0.93-0.16 0.46-0.2 0.67-0.2 0.67s0.85-0.16 1.28-0.24c0.42-0.08 1.83-0.32 2.6-0.67 1-0.46 1.91-1.11 1.91-1.11"/> | |
246 | -<path d="m250.11 188.36c1.05 0.95 1.85 2.36 1.95 3.82 0 0 0.19-0.27 0.91-0.53 0.73-0.26 1.28-0.16 1.28-0.16s-0.39 1.05-0.55 1.42c-0.17 0.37-0.39 1.53-0.84 2.53-0.44 1-1.05 1.76-1.05 1.76-0.4-0.45-1-0.75-1.67-0.75-0.68 0-1.27 0.3-1.67 0.75 0 0-0.61-0.76-1.05-1.76-0.45-1-0.67-2.16-0.84-2.53s-0.56-1.42-0.56-1.42 0.56-0.1 1.28 0.16 0.92 0.53 0.92 0.53c0.1-1.46 0.86-2.87 1.89-3.82"/> | |
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234 | +<path d="m250.07 216.09c-12.41 0.03-23.55 1.58-31.39 4 0.65-0.31 0.59-1.12-0.22-3.2-0.98-2.53-2.5-2.42-2.5-2.42 8.66-2.56 20.73-4.16 34.16-4.18 13.44 0.02 25.6 1.62 34.27 4.18 0 0-1.53-0.11-2.51 2.42-0.81 2.08-0.87 2.89-0.21 3.2-7.84-2.42-19.19-3.97-31.6-4"/> | |
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238 | +<path fill="#ad1519" d="m205.29 205.01c0.52-0.54 1.57-0.43 2.36 0.25 0.8 0.67 1.02 1.66 0.51 2.19-0.51 0.54-1.57 0.42-2.36-0.25-0.79-0.68-1.02-1.66-0.51-2.19"/> | |
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242 | +<path d="m228.97 201.38c0.22-0.35 0.32-0.79 0.24-1.23s-0.32-0.81-0.66-1.07c0 0 0.67-0.71 1.47-1.26 0.6-0.41 1.8-0.82 2.15-0.95 0.36-0.13 1.07-0.4 1.07-0.4s0 0.18-0.06 0.61c-0.08 0.52-0.2 0.87-0.2 0.87 1.3-0.14 2.62 0.29 3.61 0.98-0.69 0.97-1.77 1.79-3.04 2.08 0 0 0.23 0.28 0.5 0.74 0.21 0.39 0.28 0.56 0.28 0.56s-0.77-0.02-1.15-0.03c-0.38 0-1.65-0.01-2.37-0.2-0.95-0.25-1.84-0.69-1.84-0.69"/> | |
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26 | +<path d="m148.65,158.29c5.646-3.8294,47.139,14.655,90.555,40.834,43.301,26.254,84.677,55.921,80.942,61.473l-1.2285,1.9323-0.56354,0.4445c0.12083-0.0864,0.74345-0.84755-0.0609-2.906-1.8449-6.0704-31.195-29.491-79.894-58.895-47.475-28.309-87.041-45.371-90.997-40.494l1.247-2.3892h-0.00089zm180.44,88.927c3.57-7.052-34.916-36.044-82.632-64.272-48.813-27.666-83.994-43.951-90.42-39.095l-1.4278,2.5991c-0.0124,0.14287,0.052-0.17727,0.35364-0.4101,1.1685-1.0195,3.1052-0.95074,3.9792-0.96662,11.065,0.16581,42.667,14.709,87.006,40.128,19.428,11.315,82.071,51.491,81.832,62.789,0.0168,0.97102,0.0803,1.1712-0.28485,1.6519l1.5936-2.4236v-0.002z"/> | |
27 | +</g> | |
28 | +<g> | |
29 | +<path fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-width="0.67037" d="m180.6,211.01c0,16.271,6.6628,30.987,17.457,41.742,10.815,10.778,25.512,17.579,41.809,17.579,16.381,0,31.247-6.6525,42.016-17.389,10.769-10.735,17.443-25.552,17.446-41.88h-0.002v-79.189l-118.74-0.14111,0.0123,79.278h0.002z"/> | |
30 | +<path fill="#f00" stroke="#000" stroke-width="0.50734" d="m182.82,211.12v0.045c0,15.557,6.4414,29.724,16.775,40.009,10.354,10.305,24.614,16.712,40.214,16.712,15.681,0,29.912-6.3606,40.222-16.626,10.308-10.265,16.697-24.433,16.699-40.044h-0.002v-76.826l-113.84-0.0185-0.0697,76.748m91.022-53.747,0.004,48.891-0.0414,5.1717h0.00088c0,1.3608-0.082,2.9122-0.24076,4.2333-0.92512,7.7294-4.4801,14.467-9.7451,19.708-6.1636,6.1357-14.671,9.9413-24.047,9.9413-9.327,0-17.639-3.9379-23.829-10.1-6.3497-6.32-10.03-14.986-10.03-23.947l-0.0132-54.023,67.94,0.12259,0.002,0.002z"/> | |
31 | +<g id="castle3"> | |
32 | +<g id="castle" fill="#ff0" stroke="#000" stroke-width="0.5"> | |
33 | +<path stroke="none" d="m190.19,154.43c0.13493-5.521,4.0524-6.828,4.0806-6.8474,0.0282-0.0185,4.2314,1.4076,4.2173,6.8986l-8.2978-0.0512"/> | |
34 | +<path d="m186.81,147.69-0.68172,6.3447,4.1406,0.009c0.0397-5.2493,3.9739-6.1225,4.0691-6.1031,0.0891-0.005,3.9889,1.1606,4.0929,6.1031h4.1511l-0.74962-6.3932-15.022,0.0379v0.002z"/> | |
35 | +<path d="m185.85,154.06h16.946c0.35717,0,0.64908,0.35277,0.64908,0.78404,0,0.43039-0.29191,0.78141-0.64908,0.78141h-16.946c-0.35717,0-0.64908-0.35102-0.64908-0.78141,0-0.43127,0.29191-0.78404,0.64908-0.78404z"/> | |
36 | +<path d="m192.01,154.03c0.0185-3.3126,2.2621-4.2501,2.2736-4.2483,0.00088,0,2.3423,0.96661,2.3609,4.2483h-4.6344"/> | |
37 | +<path d="m186.21,145.05h16.245c0.34218,0,0.62263,0.31839,0.62263,0.70468,0,0.38717-0.28045,0.70467-0.62263,0.70467h-16.245c-0.34218,0-0.62263-0.31573-0.62263-0.70467,0-0.38629,0.28045-0.70468,0.62263-0.70468z"/> | |
38 | +<path d="m186.55,146.47h15.538c0.32719,0,0.59529,0.31662,0.59529,0.70379,0,0.38805-0.2681,0.70467-0.59529,0.70467h-15.538c-0.32719,0-0.59529-0.31662-0.59529-0.70467,0-0.38717,0.2681-0.70379,0.59529-0.70379z"/> | |
39 | +<path d="m191.57,135.88,1.2267,0.002v0.87136h0.89513v-0.89076l1.2567,0.004v0.88723h0.89778v-0.89076h1.2576l-0.002,2.0117c0,0.31574-0.25398,0.52035-0.54854,0.52035h-4.4113c-0.29633,0-0.56972-0.23724-0.5706-0.52652l-0.003-1.9879h0.00088z"/> | |
40 | +<path d="m196.19,138.57,0.27691,6.4514-4.3028-0.0159,0.28486-6.4523,3.741,0.0168"/> | |
41 | +<path id="cp1" d="m190.94,141.56,0.13141,3.4775-4.1256,0.002,0.11641-3.4793h3.8786-0.00089z"/> | |
42 | +<use xlink:href="#cp1" x="10.609"/> | |
43 | +<path id="cp2" d="m186.3,139.04,1.1994,0.003v0.87224h0.8775v-0.89253l1.2294,0.004v0.889h0.87926v-0.89253l1.2302,0.002-0.002,2.0117c0,0.31398-0.2487,0.51859-0.5362,0.51859h-4.3169c-0.28926,0-0.55824-0.23548-0.55913-0.52564l-0.003-1.9888h0.00088z"/> | |
44 | +<use xlink:href="#cp2" x="10.609"/> | |
45 | +<path fill="#000" stroke="none" d="m193.9,140.61c-0.0265-0.62706,0.87661-0.63411,0.86603,0v1.5364h-0.866v-1.536"/> | |
46 | +<path id="cp3" fill="#000" stroke="none" d="m188.57,142.84c-0.003-0.6059,0.83693-0.61824,0.82635,0v1.1871h-0.826v-1.187"/> | |
47 | +<use xlink:href="#cp3" x="10.641"/> | |
48 | +</g> | |
49 | +<use xlink:href="#castle" y="46.3198"/> | |
50 | +<use xlink:href="#castle" transform="matrix(0.70460892,-0.70959585,0.70959585,0.70460892,-35.341459,275.10898)"/> | |
51 | +</g> | |
52 | +<use xlink:href="#castle" x="45.7138"/> | |
53 | +<use xlink:href="#castle3" transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,479.79195,0)"/> | |
54 | +<g id="quina" fill="#fff"> | |
55 | +<path fill="#039" d="m232.636,202.406v0.005c0,2.2119,0.84927,4.2272,2.2118,5.6894,1.3652,1.4667,3.2454,2.3777,5.302,2.3777,2.0672,0,3.9439-0.90487,5.3029-2.3654,1.3581-1.4587,2.2021-3.47219,2.2021-5.693v-10.768l-14.992-0.0123-0.0273,10.766"/> | |
56 | +<circle cx="236.074" cy="195.735" r="1.486"/> | |
57 | +<circle cx="244.392" cy="195.742" r="1.486"/> | |
58 | +<circle cx="240.225" cy="199.735" r="1.486"/> | |
59 | +<circle cx="236.074" cy="203.916" r="1.486"/> | |
60 | +<circle cx="244.383" cy="203.905" r="1.486"/> | |
61 | +</g> | |
62 | +<use xlink:href="#quina" y="-26.016"/> | |
63 | +<use xlink:href="#quina" x="-20.799"/> | |
64 | +<use xlink:href="#quina" x="20.745"/> | |
65 | +<use xlink:href="#quina" y="25.784"/> | |
66 | +</g> | |
67 | +</svg> | |
0 | 68 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
419 KB
1 | +--- | |
2 | +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1 | 3 | - type: information |
2 | 4 | ref: tut-test |
3 | 5 | title: Configuração do teste |
... | ... | @@ -378,9 +380,13 @@ |
378 | 380 | ref: tut-alert |
379 | 381 | title: Texto informativo (perigo) |
380 | 382 | text: | |
381 | - Texto importante (perigo!). Não conta para avaliação. | |
383 | + Texto importante. Não conta para avaliação. | |
384 | + | |
385 | +  | |
382 | 386 | |
383 | -  | |
387 | + As imagens podem ser adicionadas usando a notação standard em markdown. Há duas possibilidads: | |
384 | 388 | |
385 | - As imagens ainda não estão a funcionar. | |
389 | + - Imagens inline: não têm título definido e podem ser incluídas no meio de uma linha de texto usando``. | |
390 | + - Imagens centradas e com título: ``. O título aprece por baixo da imagem. O título pode ser uma string vazia. | |
386 | 391 | |
392 | +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ show_hints: True |
31 | 31 | # Base path applied to the questions files and all the scripts |
32 | 32 | # including question generators and correctors. |
33 | 33 | # Either absolute path or relative to current directory can be used. |
34 | -questions_dir: demo/questions | |
34 | +questions_dir: demo | |
35 | 35 | |
36 | 36 | # (optional) List of files containing questions in yaml format. |
37 | 37 | # Selected questions will be obtained from these files. |
38 | 38 | # If undefined, all yaml files in questions_dir are loaded (not recommended). |
39 | 39 | files: |
40 | - - questions-tutorial.yaml | |
40 | + - questions/questions-tutorial.yaml | |
41 | 41 | |
42 | 42 | # This is the list of questions that will make up the test. |
43 | 43 | # The order is preserved. | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -26,18 +26,14 @@ |
26 | 26 | # QuestionTextArea - corrected by an external program |
27 | 27 | # QuestionNumericInterval - line of text parsed as a float |
28 | 28 | |
29 | -# base | |
29 | +# python standard library | |
30 | 30 | from os import path |
31 | 31 | from tools import load_yaml, run_script |
32 | - | |
33 | 32 | import logging |
34 | 33 | |
35 | - | |
36 | - | |
37 | - | |
34 | +# this project | |
38 | 35 | from questions import QuestionRadio, QuestionCheckbox, QuestionText, QuestionTextRegex, QuestionNumericInterval, QuestionTextArea, QuestionInformation |
39 | 36 | |
40 | - | |
41 | 37 | # setup logger for this module |
42 | 38 | logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
43 | 39 | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | |
2 | -# base | |
2 | +# python standard library | |
3 | 3 | import random |
4 | 4 | import re |
5 | 5 | from os import path |
6 | 6 | import logging |
7 | 7 | |
8 | -# packages | |
8 | +# user installed libraries | |
9 | 9 | import yaml |
10 | 10 | |
11 | 11 | # this project |
... | ... | @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Question(dict): |
41 | 41 | 'files': {}, |
42 | 42 | }) |
43 | 43 | |
44 | - # FIXME unused. does childs need do override this? | |
44 | + # FIXME unused. do childs need do override this? | |
45 | 45 | # def updateAnswer(answer=None): |
46 | 46 | # self['answer'] = answer |
47 | 47 | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class WebApplication(tornado.web.Application): |
31 | 31 | (r'/test', TestHandler), |
32 | 32 | (r'/review', ReviewHandler), |
33 | 33 | (r'/admin', AdminHandler), |
34 | - (r'/file/(.+)', FileHandler), # FIXME | |
34 | + (r'/file', FileHandler), # FIXME | |
35 | 35 | (r'/', RootHandler), # TODO multiple tests |
36 | 36 | ] |
37 | 37 | |
... | ... | @@ -70,14 +70,16 @@ class LoginHandler(BaseHandler): |
70 | 70 | def get(self): |
71 | 71 | self.render('login.html', error='') |
72 | 72 | |
73 | - async def post(self): | |
73 | + # async | |
74 | + def post(self): | |
74 | 75 | uid = self.get_body_argument('uid') |
75 | 76 | if uid.startswith('l'): # remove prefix 'l' |
76 | 77 | uid = uid[1:] |
77 | 78 | pw = self.get_body_argument('pw') |
78 | 79 | |
79 | - loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() | |
80 | - login_ok = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.testapp.login, uid, pw) | |
80 | + # loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() | |
81 | + # login_ok = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.testapp.login, uid, pw) | |
82 | + login_ok = self.testapp.login(uid, pw) | |
81 | 83 | |
82 | 84 | if login_ok: |
83 | 85 | self.set_secure_cookie("user", str(uid), expires_days=30) |
... | ... | @@ -103,81 +105,46 @@ class LogoutHandler(BaseHandler): |
103 | 105 | # Based on |
104 | 106 | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
105 | 107 | class FileHandler(BaseHandler): |
106 | - chunk_size = 4 * 1024 * 1024 # serve up to 4 MiB multiple times | |
108 | + chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 # serve up to 1 MiB multiple times | |
107 | 109 | |
108 | 110 | @tornado.web.authenticated |
109 | - def get(self, filename): | |
111 | + async def get(self): | |
110 | 112 | uid = self.current_user |
111 | - # ref = self.get_query_argument('ref') | |
112 | - # print(ref) | |
113 | - # questions_path = self.testapp.get_questions_path() | |
114 | - # p = path.join(questions_path, ref, 'public', filename) | |
115 | - # print(p) | |
116 | - logging.error(f'{uid} requested file but FileHandler is not working!!!') | |
117 | - self.write('image') | |
118 | - | |
119 | - | |
120 | - # # public_dir = self.learn.get_current_public_dir(uid) | |
121 | - # filepath = path.expanduser(path.join(public_dir, filename)) | |
122 | - | |
123 | - # try: | |
124 | - # f = open(filepath, 'rb') | |
125 | - # except FileNotFoundError: | |
126 | - # logging.error(f'File not found: {filepath}') | |
127 | - # except PermissionError: | |
128 | - # logging.error(f'No permission: {filepath}') | |
129 | - # else: | |
130 | - # content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) | |
131 | - # self.set_header("Content-Type", content_type[0]) | |
132 | - | |
133 | - # # divide the file into chunks and write one chunk at a time, so | |
134 | - # # that the write does not block the ioloop for very long. | |
135 | - # with f: | |
136 | - # chunk = | |
137 | - # while chunk: | |
138 | - # try: | |
139 | - # self.write(chunk) # write the cunk to response | |
140 | - # await self.flush() # flush the current chunk to socket | |
141 | - # except iostream.StreamClosedError: | |
142 | - # break # client closed the connection | |
143 | - # finally: | |
144 | - # del chunk | |
145 | - # await gen.sleep(0.000000001) # 1 nanosecond (hack) | |
146 | - # # FIXME in the upcomming tornado 5.0 use `await asyncio.sleep(0)` instead | |
147 | - # chunk = | |
148 | -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
149 | -# FIXME checkit | |
150 | -# class FileHandler(BaseHandler): | |
151 | -# @tornado.web.authenticated | |
152 | -# def get(self): | |
153 | -# uid = self.current_user | |
154 | -# qref = self.get_query_argument('ref') | |
155 | -# qfile = self.get_query_argument('file') | |
156 | -# print(f'FileHandler: ref={ref}, file={file}') | |
157 | - | |
158 | -# self.write(self.testapp.get_file(ref, filename)) | |
159 | - | |
160 | - | |
161 | - # if not os.path.isfile(file_location): | |
162 | - # raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=404) | |
163 | - | |
164 | - # content_type, _ = guess_type(file_location) | |
165 | - # self.add_header('Content-Type', content_type) | |
166 | - # with open(file_location) as source_file: | |
167 | - # self.write( | |
168 | - | |
169 | - | |
170 | - | |
171 | - | |
172 | - # public_dir = self.learn.get_current_public_dir(uid) # FIXME!!! | |
173 | - # filepath = path.expanduser(path.join(public_dir, filename)) | |
174 | - # try: | |
175 | - # f = open(filepath, 'rb') | |
176 | - # except FileNotFoundError: | |
177 | - # raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) | |
178 | - # else: | |
179 | - # self.write( | |
180 | - # f.close() | |
113 | + ref = self.get_query_argument('ref', None) | |
114 | + image = self.get_query_argument('image', None) | |
115 | + | |
116 | + t = self.testapp.get_student_test(uid) | |
117 | + if t is not None: | |
118 | + for q in t['questions']: | |
119 | + if q['ref'] == ref: | |
120 | + filepath = path.join(q['path'], 'public', image) | |
121 | + | |
122 | + try: | |
123 | + f = open(filepath, 'rb') | |
124 | + except FileNotFoundError: | |
125 | + logging.error(f'File not found: {filepath}') | |
126 | + except PermissionError: | |
127 | + logging.error(f'No permission: {filepath}') | |
128 | + else: | |
129 | + content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(image) | |
130 | + self.set_header("Content-Type", content_type[0]) | |
131 | + | |
132 | + # divide the file into chunks and write one chunk at a time, so | |
133 | + # that the write does not block the ioloop for very long. | |
134 | + with f: | |
135 | + chunk = | |
136 | + while chunk: | |
137 | + try: | |
138 | + self.write(chunk) # write the cunk to response | |
139 | + await self.flush() # flush the current chunk to socket | |
140 | + except iostream.StreamClosedError: | |
141 | + break # client closed the connection | |
142 | + finally: | |
143 | + del chunk | |
144 | + await asyncio.sleep(0) | |
145 | + chunk = | |
146 | + | |
147 | + raise tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code=404) | |
181 | 148 | |
182 | 149 | |
183 | 150 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
... | ... | @@ -204,18 +171,19 @@ class TestHandler(BaseHandler): |
204 | 171 | @tornado.web.authenticated |
205 | 172 | def get(self): |
206 | 173 | uid = self.current_user |
207 | - t = self.testapp.get_test(uid) or self.testapp.generate_test(uid) | |
174 | + t = self.testapp.get_student_test(uid) or self.testapp.generate_test(uid) | |
208 | 175 | self.render('test.html', t=t, md=md_to_html, templ=self.templates) |
209 | 176 | |
210 | 177 | # POST |
211 | 178 | @tornado.web.authenticated |
212 | - async def post(self): | |
179 | + # async | |
180 | + def post(self): | |
213 | 181 | uid = self.current_user |
214 | 182 | |
215 | 183 | # self.request.arguments = {'answered-0': [b'on'], '0': [b'13.45']} |
216 | 184 | # build dictionary ans={0: 'answer0', 1:, 'answer1', ...} |
217 | 185 | # unanswered questions not included. |
218 | - t = self.testapp.get_test(uid) | |
186 | + t = self.testapp.get_student_test(uid) | |
219 | 187 | ans = {} |
220 | 188 | for i, q in enumerate(t['questions']): |
221 | 189 | qid = str(i) # question id |
... | ... | @@ -232,8 +200,9 @@ class TestHandler(BaseHandler): |
232 | 200 | 'numeric-interval'): |
233 | 201 | ans[i] = ans[i][0] |
234 | 202 | |
235 | - loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() | |
236 | - await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.testapp.correct_test, uid, ans) | |
203 | + # loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() | |
204 | + # await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.testapp.correct_test, uid, ans) | |
205 | + self.testapp.correct_test(uid, ans) | |
237 | 206 | |
238 | 207 | self.testapp.logout(uid) |
239 | 208 | self.clear_cookie('user') | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ |
93 | 93 | |
94 | 94 | <form action="/test" method="post" id="test" autocomplete="off"> |
95 | 95 | {% for i, q in enumerate(t['questions']) %} |
96 | - {% module Template(templ[q['type']], i=i, q=q, md=md, show_ref=t['show_ref']) %} | |
96 | + {% module Template(templ[q['type']], i=i, q=q, md=md(q['ref']), show_ref=t['show_ref']) %} | |
97 | 97 | {% end %} |
98 | 98 | |
99 | 99 | <div class="form-row"> | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | |
2 | -# base | |
2 | +# python standard library | |
3 | 3 | from os import path, listdir |
4 | 4 | import sys, fnmatch |
5 | 5 | import random |
... | ... | @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from datetime import datetime |
7 | 7 | import json |
8 | 8 | import logging |
9 | 9 | |
10 | -# project | |
10 | +# this project | |
11 | 11 | import questionfactory as questions |
12 | 12 | |
13 | 13 | # Logger configuration |
... | ... | @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class TestFactory(dict): |
37 | 37 | if conf['review']: |
38 | 38 |'Review mode. No questions loaded.') |
39 | 39 | else: |
40 | - # loads question_factory | |
40 | + # loads yaml files to question_factory | |
41 | 41 | self.question_factory = questions.QuestionFactory() |
42 | 42 | self.question_factory.load_files(files=self['files'], questions_dir=self['questions_dir']) |
43 | 43 | |
... | ... | @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class TestFactory(dict): |
123 | 123 | |
124 | 124 | # --- defaults for optional keys |
125 | 125 | self.setdefault('title', '') |
126 | - self.setdefault('show_hints', False) # FIXME not implemented yet | |
126 | + # self.setdefault('show_hints', False) # FIXME not implemented yet | |
127 | 127 | self.setdefault('show_points', False) |
128 | 128 | self.setdefault('scale_points', True) |
129 | 129 | self.setdefault('scale_max', 20.0) |
... | ... | @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class TestFactory(dict): |
176 | 176 | 'answers_dir': self['answers_dir'], |
177 | 177 | |
178 | 178 | # FIXME which ones are required? |
179 | - 'show_hints': self['show_hints'], | |
179 | + # 'show_hints': self['show_hints'], | |
180 | 180 | 'show_points': self['show_points'], |
181 | 181 | 'show_ref': self['show_ref'], |
182 | 182 | 'debug': self['debug'], # required by template test.html |
... | ... | @@ -245,6 +245,5 @@ class Test(dict): |
245 | 245 | # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
246 | 246 | def save_json(self, filepath): |
247 | 247 | with open(path.expanduser(filepath), 'w') as f: |
248 | - json.dump(self, f, indent=2, default=str) | |
249 | - # HACK default=str is required for datetime objects | |
248 | + json.dump(self, f, indent=2, default=str) # HACK default=str required for datetime objects | |
250 | 249 |'Student {self["student"]["number"]}: saved JSON file.') | ... | ... |
1 | 1 | |
2 | -# builtin | |
2 | +# python standard library | |
3 | 3 | from os import path |
4 | 4 | import subprocess |
5 | 5 | import logging |
6 | 6 | import re |
7 | 7 | |
8 | -# packages | |
8 | +# user installed libraries | |
9 | 9 | import yaml |
10 | 10 | import mistune |
11 | 11 | from pygments import highlight |
... | ... | @@ -87,6 +87,10 @@ class MarkdownWithMath(mistune.Markdown): |
87 | 87 | |
88 | 88 | |
89 | 89 | class HighlightRenderer(mistune.Renderer): |
90 | + def __init__(self, qref='.'): | |
91 | + super().__init__(escape=True) | |
92 | + self.qref = qref | |
93 | + | |
90 | 94 | def block_code(self, code, lang='text'): |
91 | 95 | try: |
92 | 96 | lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, stripall=False) |
... | ... | @@ -101,19 +105,25 @@ class HighlightRenderer(mistune.Renderer): |
101 | 105 | |
102 | 106 | def image(self, src, title, alt): |
103 | 107 | alt = mistune.escape(alt, quote=True) |
104 | - title = mistune.escape(title or '', quote=True) | |
105 | - if title: | |
106 | - caption = f'<figcaption class="figure-caption">{title}</figcaption>' | |
107 | - else: | |
108 | - caption = '' | |
108 | + if title is not None: | |
109 | + if title: # not empty string, show as caption | |
110 | + title = mistune.escape(title, quote=True) | |
111 | + caption = f'<figcaption class="figure-caption">{title}</figcaption>' | |
112 | + else: # title is an empty string, show as centered figure | |
113 | + caption = '' | |
114 | + | |
115 | + return f''' | |
116 | + <div class="text-center"> | |
117 | + <figure class="figure"> | |
118 | + <img src="/file?ref={self.qref}&image={src}" class="figure-img img-fluid rounded" alt="{alt}" title="{title}"> | |
119 | + {caption} | |
120 | + </figure> | |
121 | + </div> | |
122 | + ''' | |
123 | + | |
124 | + else: # title indefined, show as inline image | |
125 | + return f'<img src="/file?ref={self.qref}&image={src}" class="figure-img img-fluid" alt="{alt}" title="{title}">' | |
109 | 126 | |
110 | - return f''' | |
111 | - <figure class="figure"> | |
112 | - <img src="/file/{src}" class="figure-img img-fluid rounded" alt="{alt}" title="{title}"> | |
113 | - {caption} | |
114 | - </figure> | |
115 | - ''' | |
116 | - # return f'<img src="/file/{src}" class="img-fluid mx-auto d-block" alt="{alt}" title="{title}">' | |
117 | 127 | |
118 | 128 | # Pass math through unaltered - mathjax does the rendering in the browser |
119 | 129 | def block_math(self, text): |
... | ... | @@ -126,10 +136,8 @@ class HighlightRenderer(mistune.Renderer): |
126 | 136 | return fr'$$$ {text} $$$' |
127 | 137 | |
128 | 138 | |
129 | -markdown = MarkdownWithMath(HighlightRenderer(escape=True)) # hard_wrap=True to insert <br> on newline | |
130 | - | |
131 | -def md_to_html(text): | |
132 | - return markdown(text) | |
139 | +def md_to_html(qref='.'): | |
140 | + return MarkdownWithMath(HighlightRenderer(qref=qref)) | |
133 | 141 | |
134 | 142 | # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
135 | 143 | # load data from yaml file | ... | ... |