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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from os import path
import sys
import argparse
import logging.config
import json

    # required here
    import cherrypy
    from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
    # required elsewhere
    from json import __version__ as json_version
    from bcrypt import __version__ as bcrypt_version
    from sqlalchemy import __version__ as alchemy_version
    from yaml import __version__ as yaml_version
    from markdown import version as markdown_version
except ImportError:
        Some python packages are missing.
        Try running "pip3 install --user cherrypy mako markdown pyyaml pygments sqlalchemy bcrypt"
        See for instructions.

from tools import load_yaml

# ============================================================================
#   Authentication
# ============================================================================
def check_auth(*args, **kwargs):
    """A tool that looks in config for 'auth.require'. If found and it
    is not None, a login is required and the entry is evaluated as a list of
    conditions that the user must fulfill"""
    conditions = cherrypy.request.config.get('auth.require', None)
    if conditions is not None:
        username = cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY)
        if username:
            # user logged in
            cherrypy.request.login = username
            for condition in conditions:
                # A condition is just a callable that returns true or false
                if not condition():
                    raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/")
            # user not currently logged in
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/login") = cherrypy.Tool('before_handler', check_auth)

# A decorator that appends conditions to the auth.require config variable.
def require(*conditions):
    def decorate(f):
        if not hasattr(f, '_cp_config'):
            f._cp_config = dict()
        f._cp_config.setdefault('auth.require', []).extend(conditions)
        return f
    return decorate

def name_is(reqd_username):
    return lambda: reqd_username == cherrypy.request.login

# ============================================================================
#   Improve cherrypy security
# ============================================================================
def secureheaders():
    headers = cherrypy.response.headers
    headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'DENY'
    headers['X-XSS-Protection'] = '1; mode=block'
    # FIXME disabled because MathJax requires unsafe javascript eval:
    # headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "default-src 'self'"
    if (cherrypy.server.ssl_certificate != None and cherrypy.server.ssl_private_key != None):
         headers['Strict-Transport-Security'] = 'max-age=31536000'  # one year

# ============================================================================
#   Admin webservice
# ============================================================================
class AdminWebService(object):
    exposed = True
    _cp_config = {
        'auth.require': [name_is('0')]

    def __init__(self, app): = app'application/json') # FIXME
    def GET(self):
        data = {
        return json.dumps(data, default=str)'application/json') # FIXME
    def POST(self, **args):
        if args['cmd'] == 'allow':
            if args['value'] == 'true':

        elif args['cmd'] == 'reset':

        elif args['cmd'] == 'insert':
            return['number'], name=args['name'])

            print(args) # FIXME

# ============================================================================
#   Student webservice
# ============================================================================
class StudentWebService(object):
    exposed = True
    _cp_config = {
        'auth.require': []

    def __init__(self, app): = app'application/json') # FIXME
    def POST(self, **args):
        # uid = cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY)
        if args['cmd'] == 'focus':
            v = json.loads(args['value'])
  ['number'], value=v)

# ============================================================================
#   Webserver root
# ============================================================================
class Root(object):
    def __init__(self, app): = app
        t = TemplateLookup(directories=[TEMPLATES_DIR], input_encoding='utf-8')
        self.template = {
            'login':  t.get_template('/login.html'),
            'test':   t.get_template('/test.html'),
            'grade':  t.get_template('/grade.html'),
            'admin':  t.get_template('/admin.html'),
            'review': t.get_template('/review.html'),

    # --- DEFAULT ------------------------------------------------------------
    def default(self, *args, **kwargs):
        uid = cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY)
        if uid == '0':
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/admin')
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/test')

    # --- LOGIN --------------------------------------------------------------
    def login(self, uid=None, pw=None):
        if uid is None or pw is None:   # first try
            return self.template['login'].render()

        if, pw):     # ok
            cherrypy.session[SESSION_KEY] = cherrypy.request.login = uid
  , cherrypy.request.headers.get('User-Agent', ''))
  , cherrypy.request.remote.ip)
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/')
        else:                           # denied
            return self.template['login'].render()

    # --- LOGOUT -------------------------------------------------------------
    def logout(self):
        uid = cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY)
        cherrypy.lib.sessions.expire()  # session coockie expires client side
        cherrypy.session[SESSION_KEY] = cherrypy.request.login = None
        cherrypy.log.error('Student {0} logged out.'.format(uid), 'APPLICATION')
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/')

    # --- TEST ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get student number and assigned questions from current session.
    # If it's the first time, create instance of the test and register the
    # time.
    def test(self):
        uid = cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY)
        test = or
        return self.template['test'].render(t=test)

    # --- CORRECT ------------------------------------------------------------
    def correct(self, **kwargs):
        # receives dictionary with answers
        # kwargs = {'answered-0': 'on', '0': '13.45', ...}
        # Format:
        #   checkbox - all off -> no key, 1 on -> string '0', >1 on -> ['0', '1']
        #   radio    - all off -> no key, 1 on -> string '0'
        #   text     - always returns string. no answer '', otherwise 'dskdjs'
        uid = cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY)
        t =

        # build dictionary ans={0: 'answer0', 1:, 'answer1', ...}
        # questions not answer are not included.
        ans = {}
        for i, q in enumerate(t['questions']):
            if 'answered-' + str(i) in kwargs:
                ans[i] = kwargs.get(str(i), None)

                # Begin HACK
                #   checkboxes in html do not have a stable type:
                #   returns None instead of [], when no checkboxes are selected
                #   returns '5' instead of ['5'], when one checkbox is selected
                #   returns correctly ['1', '3'], on multiple selections
                #   we fix it to always return a list
                if q['type'] == 'checkbox':
                    if ans[i] is None:
                        ans[i] = []
                    elif isinstance(ans[i], str):
                        ans[i] = [ans[i]]
                # end HACK, ans)

        # --- Expire session
        cherrypy.lib.sessions.expire()  # session coockie expires client side
        cherrypy.session[SESSION_KEY] = cherrypy.request.login = None

        # --- Show result to student
        return self.template['grade'].render(

    # --- GIVEUP -------------------------------------------------------------
    def giveup(self):
        uid = cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY)

        t =

        # --- Expire session
        cherrypy.lib.sessions.expire()  # session coockie expires client side
        cherrypy.session[SESSION_KEY] = cherrypy.request.login = None

        # --- Show result to student
        return self.template['grade'].render(

    # --- FILE ---------------------------------------------------------------
    def file(self, ref, name):
        # serve a static file: userid, question ref, file name
        # only works for users running a test
        uid = cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY)
        filename =, ref, name)
        return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(filename)

    # --- ADMIN --------------------------------------------------------------
    def admin(self):
        return self.template['admin'].render()

    # --- REVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------
    def review(self, test_id):
        fname =
            f = open(path.expanduser(fname))
        except FileNotFoundError:
            logging.error('Cannot find "{}" for review.'.format(fname))
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
            with f:
                t = json.load(f)
                return self.template['review'].render(t=t)
                # FIXME
                # import pdfkit
                # pdfkit.from_string(r, 'out.pdf') # FIXME fails getting css, images, etc

    def absfile(self, name):
        filename = path.abspath(path.join(, name))
        return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(filename)

# ============================================================================
def parse_arguments():
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Server for online tests. Enrolled students and tests have to be previously configured. Please read the documentation included with this software before running the server.')
    serverconf_file = path.normpath(path.join(SERVER_PATH, 'config', 'server.conf'))
    argparser.add_argument('--conf', default=serverconf_file, type=str, help='server configuration file')
    argparser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
        help='Show datastructures when rendering questions')
    argparser.add_argument('--allow-all', action='store_true',
        help='Students are initially allowed to login (can be denied later)')
    argparser.add_argument('testfile', type=str, nargs='+', help='test/exam in YAML format.') # FIXME only one exam supported at the moment
    return argparser.parse_args()

# ============================================================================
if __name__ == '__main__':

    SERVER_PATH = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
    TEMPLATES_DIR = path.join(SERVER_PATH, 'templates')
    LOGGER_CONF = path.join(SERVER_PATH, 'config/logger.yaml')
    SESSION_KEY = 'userid'

    # --- parse command line arguments and build base test
    arg = parse_arguments()

    if arg.debug: # FIXME log.level DEBUG not working
        LOGGER_CONF = path.join(SERVER_PATH, 'config/logger-debug.yaml')
    filename = path.abspath(path.expanduser(arg.testfile[0]))

    # --- Setup logging
        print('An error ocurred while setting up the logging system.')
        print('Common causes:\n - inexistent directory "logs"?\n - write permission to "logs" directory?')

    # --- start application
    from app import App

        app = App(filename, vars(arg))
    except Exception as e:
        logging.critical('Can\'t start application.')
        raise e
        # sys.exit(1)

    # --- create webserver
    webapp = Root(app)
    webapp.adminwebservice = AdminWebService(app)
    webapp.studentwebservice = StudentWebService(app)

    # --- site wide configuration (valid for all apps) = cherrypy.Tool('before_finalize', secureheaders, priority=60)
    cherrypy.config.update(arg.conf) # configuration file in /config
    conf = {
        '/': {
            'tools.sessions.on': True,
            'tools.sessions.timeout': 240,  # sessions last 4 hours
            'tools.sessions.storage_type': 'file',  # 'ram' or 'file'
            'tools.sessions.storage_path': 'sessions',  # if storage_type='file'
            # = True
            # tools.sessions.httponly = True

            # Turn on authentication (required for check_auth to work)
            'tools.auth.on': True,

            'tools.secureheaders.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': SERVER_PATH,
        '/adminwebservice': {
            'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
            'tools.response_headers.on': True,
            'tools.response_headers.headers': [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')],
        '/studentwebservice': {
            'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
            'tools.response_headers.on': True,
            'tools.response_headers.headers': [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')],
        '/static': {
            'tools.auth.on': False,         # everything in /static is public
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'static',# where to get js, css, ...

    cherrypy.engine.unsubscribe('graceful', cherrypy.log.reopen_files) # FIXME what's this?

    # --- Start server
    cherrypy.tree.mount(webapp, script_name='/', config=conf)

    if hasattr(cherrypy.engine, "signal_handler"):
    if hasattr(cherrypy.engine, "console_control_handler"):


    # ...App running...

    # --- Server terminated