test.yaml 1.68 KB
ref: demo
title: Teste de Demonstração

# database contains students+passwords, final results of the tests, and questions done
# database: path/to/students.db
database: db/asc1-students.db

# this will generate a file for each test done. The file is like a replacement
# for a test done in paper.
save_answers: False
# answers_dir: path/to/directory

show_points: True
show_hints: True
practice: True
# debug: False

# When in practice mode and an answer is wrong (i.e. less that 0.5 correct),
# an insult is chosen from the list (optional)
    - Ó meu grande asno, então não sabes esta?
    - Pois, pois... não estudes não...
    - E eu sou o Elvis Presley...
    - Pois, e bróculos também.

# List of files containing questions in yaml format.
# Selected questions will be obtained from these files.
    - demo/questions.yaml
# This is the list of questions. If a "ref:" has a list of keys, then
# one question is selected from the list.
# The following example will generate a test with 3 questions.
    # first
    - ref:
        # choose 1 from the following 3 questions
        - solar-system-mars
        - solar-system-jupiter
      points: 0.5

    # second
    - ref:
        - question-v1
        - question-v2
        # points: 1.0 is the default, if not defined here.

    # 3.
    - ref:
        - question-colors

    # 4.
    - ref:
        - question-whatever

    # 5.
    - ref: one-question

    # 6.
    - another-question