demo.yaml 2.51 KB
# ============================================================================
# Unique identifier of the test.
# Valid names can only include letters, digits, dash and underscore,
# e.g.  asc1-test3
# Database queries can be done in the terminal with
#     sqlite3 students.db "select * from tests where ref='asc1-test3'"
ref: tutorial

# Database file that includes student credentials, tests and questions grades.
# It's a sqlite3 database generated with the command 'initdb'
database: students.db

# Directory where the submitted and corrected test are stored for later review.
answers_dir: ans

# --- optional settings: -----------------------------------------------------

# Title of this test, e.g. course name, year or test number
# (default: '')
title: Teste de demonstração (tutorial)

# Duration in minutes.
# (0 or undefined means infinite time)
duration: 20

# Automatic test submission after the given 'duration' timeout
# (default: false)
autosubmit: false

# If true, the test will be corrected on submission, the grade calculated and
# shown to the student. If false, the test is saved but not corrected.
# No grade is shown to the student.
# (default: true)
autocorrect: true

# Show points for each question (min and max).
# (default: true)
show_points: true

# Scale the points of the questions so that the final grade is in the given
# interval.
# (default: no scaling, just use question points)
scale: [0, 20]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Files to import. Each file contains a list of questions in yaml format.
  - questions/questions-tutorial.yaml

# This is the list of questions that will make up the test.
# The order is preserved.
# Each question is a dictionary with a question `ref` or a list of `ref`.
# If a list is given, one question will be choosen randomly to each student.
# The `points` for each question is optional and is 1.0 by default for normal
# questions. Informative type of "questions" will have 0.0 points.
# Points are automatically scaled if `scale` key is defined.
  - ref: tut-test
  - ref: tut-questions

  # these will have 1.0 points
  - ref: tut-radio
  - ref: tut-checkbox
  - ref: tut-text
  - ref: tut-text-regex
  - ref: tut-numeric-interval

  # this question will have 2.0 points
  - ref: tut-textarea
    points: 2.0

  # these will have 0.0 points:
  - ref: tut-information
  - ref: tut-success
  - ref: tut-warning

  # choose one from the list:
  - ref: [tut-alert1, tut-alert2]

  - ref: tut-generator
  - ref: tut-yamllint