server.conf 1.24 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

environment= 'production'

; number of threads running
server.thread_pool= 10

; Host address and port
; set socket_port = 443 if SSL is enabled below, 8080 otherwise
; if port is 443 then the server should be run as root. SSL also works on 8080.
server.socket_host = ''
server.socket_port = 8080

; Uncomment to enable SSL
; 'builtin' or 'pyopenssl'
; server.ssl_module = 'builtin'
; server.ssl_certificate = 'certs/webserver.crt'
; server.ssl_private_key = 'certs/webserver.key'
; not required for snakeoil:
; server.ssl_certificate_chain = 'ca_certs.crt'

log.screen = False

# add path to the log files here. empty strings disable logging
log.error_file = '/Users/mjsb/Work/Projects/perguntations/logs/errors.log'
log.access_file = ''
; log.access_file = '/Users/mjsb/Library/Logs/Perguntations/access.log'

tools.sessions.on = True
tools.sessions.timeout = 240
tools.sessions.storage_type = 'ram'
tools.sessions.storage_path = 'sessions'

; FIXME what is this for?
tools.auth.on = True

; Default root is under the server directory, but can be changed here
; tools.staticdir.root = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir))
tools.staticdir.dir = 'static'
tools.staticdir.on = True