learnapp.py 12.6 KB

# python standard library
from contextlib import contextmanager  # `with` statement in db sessions
import logging
from os import path, sys
from datetime import datetime

# user installed libraries
import bcrypt
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import networkx as nx

# this project
from models import Student, Answer, Topic, StudentTopic
from knowledge import StudentKnowledge
from factory import QFactory
from tools import load_yaml

# setup logger for this module
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class LearnAppException(Exception):

# ============================================================================
# LearnApp - application logic
# ============================================================================
class LearnApp(object):
    def __init__(self, config_file):
        # state of online students
        self.online = {}

        config = load_yaml(config_file)

        # connect to database and checks for registered students

        # dependency graph shared by all students
        self.deps = build_dependency_graph(config)

        # add topics from dependency graph to the database, if missing

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # login
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def login(self, uid, pw):

        with self.db_session() as s:
            student = s.query(Student).filter(Student.id == uid).one_or_none()
            if student is None:
                logger.info(f'User "{uid}" does not exist!')
                return False    # student does not exist

            if bcrypt.checkpw(pw.encode('utf-8'), student.password):
                if uid in self.online:
                    logger.warning(f'User "{uid}" already logged in, overwriting state')
                    logger.info(f'User "{uid}" logged in successfully')

                tt = s.query(StudentTopic).filter(StudentTopic.student_id == uid)
                state = {t.topic_id:
                    'level': t.level,
                    'date': datetime.strptime(t.date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
                    } for t in tt}

                self.online[uid] = {
                    'number': student.id,
                    'name': student.name,
                    'state': StudentKnowledge(self.deps, state=state)
                return True

                logger.info(f'User "{uid}" wrong password!')
                return False

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # logout
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def logout(self, uid):
        del self.online[uid]
        logger.info(f'User "{uid}" logged out')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # change_password
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def change_password(self, uid, pw):
        if not pw:
            return False

        with self.db_session() as s:
            u = s.query(Student).get(uid)
            u.password = bcrypt.hashpw(pw.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt())

        logger.info(f'User "{uid}" changed password')
        return True

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # checks answer (updating student state) and returns grade.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def check_answer(self, uid, answer):
        knowledge = self.online[uid]['state']
        grade = knowledge.check_answer(answer) # also moves to next question

        if knowledge.get_current_question() is None:
            # finished topic, save into database
            finished_topic = knowledge.get_current_topic()
            level = knowledge.get_topic_level(finished_topic)
            date = str(knowledge.get_topic_date(finished_topic))
            finished_questions = knowledge.get_finished_questions()
            logger.info(f'User "{uid}" finished "{finished_topic}"')

            with self.db_session(autoflush=False) as s:
                # save topic
                a = s.query(StudentTopic).filter_by(student_id=uid, topic_id=finished_topic).one_or_none()
                if a is None:
                    # insert new studenttopic into database
                    t = s.query(Topic).get(finished_topic)
                    a = StudentTopic(level=level, date=date, topic=t)
                    u = s.query(Student).get(uid)
                    # update studenttopic in database
                    a.level = level
                    a.date = date

                logger.debug(f'Saved topic "{finished_topic}" into database')

                # save answered questions from finished_questions list
                    for q in finished_questions])
                logger.debug(f'Saved {len(finished_questions)} answers into database')
        return grade

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Start new topic
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def start_topic(self, uid, topic):
            ok = self.online[uid]['state'].init_topic(topic)
        except KeyError as e:
            logger.warning(f'User "{uid}" tried to open nonexistent topic: "{topic}"')
            raise e
            if ok:
                logger.info(f'User "{uid}" started "{topic}"')
                logger.warning(f'User "{uid}" denied locked "{topic}"')
            return ok

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Fill db table 'Topic' with topics from the graph if not already there.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def db_add_missing_topics(self, nn):
        with self.db_session() as s:
            tt = [t[0] for t in s.query(Topic.id)]  # db list of topics
            missing_topics = [Topic(id=n) for n in nn if n not in tt]
            if missing_topics:
                logger.info(f'Added {len(missing_topics)} new topics to the database')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # setup and check database
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def db_setup(self, db):
        logger.info(f'Checking database "{db}":')
        engine = create_engine(f'sqlite:///{db}', echo=False)
        self.Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
            with self.db_session() as s:
                n = s.query(Student).count()
                m = s.query(Topic).count()
                q = s.query(Answer).count()
        except Exception:
            logger.critical(f'Database "{db}" not usable!')
            logger.info(f'{n:6} students')
            logger.info(f'{m:6} topics')
            logger.info(f'{q:6} answers')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # helper to manage db sessions using the `with` statement, for example
    #   with self.db_session() as s:  s.query(...)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def db_session(self, **kw):
        session = self.Session(**kw)
            yield session
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    # ========================================================================
    # methods that do not change state (pure functions)
    # ========================================================================

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_student_name(self, uid):
        return self.online[uid].get('name', '')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_student_state(self, uid):
        return self.online[uid]['state'].get_knowledge_state()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_student_progress(self, uid):
        return self.online[uid]['state'].get_topic_progress()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_student_question(self, uid):
        return self.online[uid]['state'].get_current_question()     # dict

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_student_question_type(self, uid):
        return self.online[uid]['state'].get_current_question()['type']

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_student_topic(self, uid):
        return self.online[uid]['state'].get_current_topic()        # str

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_title(self):
        return self.deps.graph['title']

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_topic_name(self, ref):
        return self.deps.node[ref]['name']

    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # def get_topic_type(self, ref):
    #     return self.deps.node[ref]['type']

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def get_current_public_dir(self, uid):
        topic = self.online[uid]['state'].get_current_topic()
        p = self.deps.graph['path']
        return path.join(p, topic, 'public')

# ============================================================================
# Builds a digraph.
# First, topics such as `computer/mips/exceptions` are added as nodes
# together with dependencies. Then, questions are loaded to a factory.
#   g.graph['path']         base path where topic directories are located
#   g.graph['title']        title defined in the configuration YAML
#   g.graph['database']     sqlite3 database file to use
# Nodes are the topic references e.g. 'my/topic'
#   g.node['my/topic']['name']      name of the topic
#   g.node['my/topic']['questions'] list of question refs defined in YAML
#   g.node['my/topic']['factory']   dict with question factories
# Edges are obtained from the deps defined in the YAML file for each topic.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_dependency_graph(config={}):
    logger.info('Building graph and loading questions:')

    # create graph
    prefix = config.get('path', '.')
    title = config.get('title', '')
    database = config.get('database', 'students.db')
    g = nx.DiGraph(path=prefix, title=title, database=database)

    # iterate over topics and build graph
    topics = config.get('topics', {})
    tcount = qcount = 0   # topic and question counters
    for ref,attr in topics.items():
        tnode = g.node[ref]  # current node (topic)

        if isinstance(attr, dict):
            tnode['type'] = attr.get('type', 'topic')
            tnode['name'] = attr.get('name', ref)
            tnode['questions'] = attr.get('questions', [])
            g.add_edges_from((d,ref) for d in attr.get('deps', []))

        fullpath = path.expanduser(path.join(prefix, ref))
        filename = path.join(fullpath, 'questions.yaml')
        loaded_questions = load_yaml(filename, default=[])  # list

        # if questions not in configuration then load all, preserving order
        if not tnode['questions']:
            tnode['questions'] = [q.setdefault('ref', f'{ref}:{i}') for i,q in enumerate(loaded_questions)]

        # make questions factory (without repeating same question)
        tnode['factory'] = {}
        for q in loaded_questions:
            if q['ref'] in tnode['questions']:
                q['path'] = fullpath  # fullpath added to each question
                tnode['factory'][q['ref']] = QFactory(q)

        logger.info(f'{len(tnode["questions"]):6} {ref}')
        qcount += len(tnode["questions"])  # count total questions
        tcount += 1

    logger.info(f'Total loaded: {tcount} topics, {qcount} questions')
    return g