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Narrative CV
- Contributions to the generation of new ideas, tools, methodologies, or knowledge
- Contributions to the development of individuals and/or research teams
- Contributions to the research community and the broader society
- Selected outputs and/or activities
- Why would this grant be timely for me, at this point in my career path and/or in my research?
Percurso Científico e Curricular (2000)
- 1993, Degree in Mathematics, FCUL.
- 1997, Master degree in Mathematics (Algebra), FCUL. About Hilbert's tenth problem (algorithmic resolution of Diophantine equations) and a computational model based on geometric constructions with ruler and compass.
- 2006, PhD in Informatics (Computer Science), UL. About deliberation by autonomous agents.
- 2008, Article "The euclid abstract machine: Trisection of the angle and the halting problem". Develops the ideas about computing and geometry, started in the master's dissertation.
- 2010, Book "Computation Theory, Computability and Complexity" (Escolar Editora). For graduate students.
- 2015, Article "Probabilistic perception revision in AgentSpeak(L)". Initial study on the integration of symbolic and statistical AI.
- 2016, Book "Introduction to Mathematics - Algebra, Analysis and Optimization" (LIDEL). For undergraduate students.
- 2017, Article "A method for regularization of evolutionary polynomial regression" (Applied Soft Computing). Proposes a method for learning polynomial models using genetic algorithms.
- 2021, Researcher at the chair "High Performance Computing" at UÉ. Organized and taught an introduction course to the Julia language, aimed at the digital humanities and social sciences.
- 2021, Integrated member of the NOVALINCS center. I have been researching the extension of the ASP language with probabilistic annotations.
- 2022, CPCA/A0 Project "JuPy". Small project exploring the use of "high-level" languages (Python and Julia) in distributed computing and HPC systems.
- 2023, "Zugzwang, Logic and Artificial Intelligence". Work focused on the extension of ASP with probabilistic annotations and the respective induction by a set of data and background knowledge.
- 2024, Submitted article "An Algebraic Approach to Stochastic ASP" (IJCAR 2024). Deals with the extension of probability from total choices to stable models and then to general events.
Contribuições para a Ciência e a Sociedade
Contribuições da originalidade de ideias, ferramentas, metodologias ou conhecimento (2000)
- Interdisciplinar: Matemática; Lógica; Estatística; Inteligência Artificial
- Geometria e Computação
- Bibliotecas e programas
- Modelos LaTeX para a UÉ
Contribuições para o desenvolvimento de competências ao nível individual e/ou em equipas (3000)
- Mestrados
- Doutoramentos
- Bolsas
- Cursos
Contribuições para a Comunidade Científica e para a Sociedade (3000)
- Os dois livros
- O curso de LaTeX
- O curso de Julia na Índia
- O curso de Júlia na Cátedra
Resultados ou/e atividades relevantes (2500)
- Publicações
Que relevância atribui a este financiamento para a fase atual da sua carreira e/ou do seu percurso de investigação? (3000)
- Evolução do percurso iniciado com a tese doutoramento; alguns artigos publicados; artigo submetido; colaboração interdisciplinar