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\title{Probabilistic Answer Set Programming}
\subtitle{A Research Draft}
\author{Francisco Coelho}
    NOVA LINCS \&\\
    High Performance Computing Chair \&\\
    Departamento de Informática, Universidade de Évora


        \frametitle{In short\ldots\hfill\small \ldots a word wall. I'm sorry.}
            \item \textbf{Machine Learning} has important limitations:
                \item The \emph{one table, conditionally independent rows} assumption.
                \item \emph{Background knowledge} is hard to include.
                \item \emph{Training} requires ``large'' amounts of data.
                \item \emph{Models} are hard do interpret.
            \item \textbf{Inductive Logic Programming} is based on first order logic --- solves all the problems above but is sensible to \emph{noise}.
            \item \textbf{Distribution Semantics} defines the probability of a proposition from  probabilities of the (marginally independent) facts.
            \item \textbf{Answer Set Programs} resets the common syntax and semantic of logic programs;  A ``program'' defines \emph{stable models}, not a computation neither a variable substitution.  

        \frametitle{\xout{Goals} Wish list}

        \begin{block}{Extend distribution semantics to answer sets}
                \item Within a theoretical framework.
                \item Computationally applicable to ``real world'' scenarios.
                \item Easy to include background knowledge.
                \item Perform common tasks such as \emph{marg, mle, map, etc.}
                \item Learn program ``parameters'' and ``structure'' from \emph{noisy samples} --- possibly using \emph{templates}.
                \item Related to Bayesian Networks, HMMs, \emph{etc.}  

        \frametitle{The seed on an idea}
        We want to define the \textbf{joint distribution} of the stable models.
            \item A \textbf{boolean random variable} can be described by a disjunction $a; \neg a$.
            \item This ASP program has two stable models: $a$ and $\neg a$.
            \item A program with $n$ such facts $a_i; \neg a_i$ has $2^n$ stable models, the distinct combinations of those choices. 
            \item \textbf{If each $a_i$ has probability $p_i$ then the probability of a stable model $W$ would be} $$P(W) = \prod_{a_i \in W}p_i \prod_{\neg a_i \in W} (1 - p_i).$$            
        \begin{alertblock}{But this is wrong.}
            Even assuming that those facts are marginally independent --- which we will do.

    \begin{frame}{Problem 1: Disjuntive Clauses}
        The ASP program with probabilistic facts
            &b \vee \neg b\\
            &h_1 \vee h_2 \leftarrow b
        has \textbf{three} stable models: $\set{\neg b}, \set{b, h_1}$ and $\set{b, h_2}$.  

        \begin{block}{How to assign a probability to each model?}
            Possible approaches:
                \item Pre-assign a \textbf{conditional distribution of the head}:
                $$P(h_1, h_2 | b).$$
                \item Bayesian learn from \textbf{observations}:
                $$P(h_1, h_2 | b,z) \propto P(b, z | h_1, h_2) P(h_1, h_2).$$
                \item Start with the former as \textbf{prior} and \textbf{update} with the latter.

        \frametitle{Questions to address}
            \item How to \textbf{match} an observation $z$ with a clause case $h,b$?
            \item How do observations \textbf{update} the probabilities?
            \item Why match observations with clauses and \textbf{not with stable models}?
            \item Is this just \textbf{bayesian networking}?
            \item How to frame this in a \textbf{sound theoretic setting}?
            \item Is this enough to compute the \textbf{joint distribution of the atoms}?
            Instead of setting and updating probabilities, we associate \textbf{counters} to disjunctive clauses and their cases.

        \frametitle{Bayesian updates: Matching observations}

            \item An \alert{observation} is a subset of the literals from a program\footnote{The set of atoms, $a$, of the program and their classic negations, $\neg a$.}.
            \item A \alert{consistent} observation has no subset $\set{p, \neg p}$.
            \item A \textbf{consistent} observation $z$ is \alert{relevant} for the clause $h \leftarrow b$ if $b \subseteq z$.
            \item A disjunctive clause $$h_1 \vee \cdots \vee h_n \leftarrow b_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge b_m$$ has $n$ \alert{cases}: $\set{h_i, b_1, \ldots, b_m}, i = 1:n$.
            \item The \textbf{consistent} observation $z$ \alert{matches} the case $\set{h, b_\ast}$ if 
            $\set{h, b_\ast} \subseteq z$.     
        The above definitions also apply to \textbf{facts} \emph{i.e.} clauses with an empty body and \textbf{constraints} \emph{i.e.} clauses with no head.

        \frametitle{Bayesian updates: Clauses Update}
        A consistent observation \textbf{relevant} for a clause $h_1 \vee \cdots \vee h_n \leftarrow b$ should:
                \item Increase the \emph{probability of any matched case}.
                \item Decrease the \emph{probability of any unmatched case}.
        \begin{block}{Update algorithm}
                \item Associate three \textbf{counters}, $r, u, n$, to each clause $h \leftarrow b$.
                \item Associate a \textbf{counter}, $m_i$, to each case $h_i, b$ of each clause.
                \item \textbf{Initial} values result from \emph{prior} knowledge.
                \item Each \emph{consistent} observation \textbf{increments}:
                    \item The $r$ counters of \alert{r}elevant clauses.
                    \item The $u$ counters of \alert{u}nmatched relevant clauses. 
                    \item The $n$ counters of \alert{n}ot relevant clauses.
                    \item The $m_i$ counters of \alert{m}atched cases $h_i, b$.
                    \item Clause counters must verify $r \leq u + \sum_i m_i$.

        \frametitle{Updates and counters: An example}
        Given the following ASP program with \textbf{annotated counters},
            %&H \leftarrow B&&\text{counters:}~ m_{1:n}; r, u, n \\
            &b \vee \neg b &&\text{counters:}~ 7, 2; 12, 3, 0 \\
            &h_1 \vee h_2 \leftarrow b  &&\text{counters:}~ 4 , 3 ; 6, 2, 5
                \begin{block}{Counters of $b \vee \neg b$}\small
                    $0$ observations where not relevant (because the body is $\top$); 
                    There where $12$ relevant observations; 
                    Of those, $b$ was matched by $7$, $\neg b$ by $2$ and $3$ observations matched neither ($\models\naf b, \naf \neg b$).
                \begin{block}{Counters of $h_1 \vee h_2 \leftarrow b$}\small
                    There where $11 = 6 + 5$ observations, $6$ relevant to this clause; 
                    From these, $4$ matched $h_1$, $3$ matched $h_2$ and $2$ matched no case.
        \begin{block}{What can be computed?}
                \item $P(\neg b) = \frac{2}{12}$ because $\neg b$ matched $2$ of $12$ relevant observations.
                \item $P(h_1 | b) = \frac{4}{6}$ because $h_1$ matched $4$ of $6$ relevant observations.
                \item $P(b)$ \alert{can't be computed} without further information. \emph{E.g.} supposing that \textbf{observations are independent} then
                $$P(b) = \frac{7 + 6}{12 + 0 + 6 + 5}.$$ 

        \frametitle{Updates and counters: An example}
        Given the following ASP program with \textbf{annotated counters},
            %&H \leftarrow B&&\text{counters:}~ m_{1:n}; r, u, n \\
            &b \vee \neg b &&\text{counters:}~ 7, 2; 12, 3, 0 \\
            &h_1 \vee h_2 \leftarrow b  &&\text{counters:}~ 4 , 3 ; 6, 2, 5
            \onslide*<1>{Counters are local to clauses and, for distinct clauses, may result from distinct sources. \emph{E.g. the relevant counter of $h_1 \vee h_2 \leftarrow b$ and the match counter of $b$ in $b \vee \neg b$.}}
            \onslide*<3>{Some observations may have neither $b$ nor $\neg b$: $$P(b) + P(\neg b) < 1.$$}
            \onslide*<4>{Since $h_1$ and $h_2$ are not independent, $$\sum_m P(m) \approx 1.02 > 1.$$}
            \onslide*<5>{What is missing to compute the \alert{joint distribution} of the program's atoms $$P(H_1, H_2, B)?$$}
        \frametitle{Shortcomming 2: Default Negation}
            \item How to deal with rules with $\naf a$ parts?
            \item Should missing elements on observations be replaced with $\naf a$ atoms?
    \section*{Background Material}
        \Huge Background Material

    \begin{frame}{Machine Learning}
        Models are numeric functions: $y \approx f_\theta(x),~\theta_i, x_j, y\in\mathbf{R}$.
            \item Amazing achievements.
            \item Noise tolerant.
            \item (as of today) Huge enterprise funding .
            \item (essentially) Academically solved.
            \item Models trained from ``large'' amounts of samples.
            \item Hard to add background knowledge.
            \item Models are hard to interpret.
            \item Single table, independent rows assumption.
    \begin{frame}{Inductive Logic Programming}
        Models are logic program: $p_\theta(x, y),~\theta_i, x_j, y\in{\cal A}$.
            \item Amazing achievements, at scale.
            \item Models trained from ``small'' amounts of samples.
            \item Compact, readable models.
            \item Background knowledge is easy to incorporate and edit.
            \item as of today, Little enterprise commitment.
            \item as of today, Mostly academic interest.
            \item Noise sensitive.

    \begin{frame}{Distribution Semantics}
        Assigns probability to (marginally independent) facts and derives probability of ground propositions.

        Let $F$ be set of facts, $S\subseteq F$, $R$ a set of definite clauses and $p$ a proposition:
            P_F(S) &= \prod_{f \in S} P(f) \prod_{f \not\in S} \left(1 - P(f) \right) \cr
            P(W) &= \sum_{S \subseteq F :~W=M(S\cup R)} P_F(S) \cr
            P(p) &= \sum_{S :~ S\cup R ~\vdash~ p} P_F(S) = \sum_{W :~ p\in W} P(W)
            \item Amazing achievements, at scale.
            \item Lots of tools and research.
            \item The best of both ``worlds''?

    \begin{frame}{Answer Set Programming}
        A ``program'' defines stable models \emph{i.e.} minimal sets of derived ground atoms\footnote{Alternative \xout{fact} definition: $X$ is a stable model of $P$ if $X = \text{Cn}(P^X)$.}.  
            \item Pure declarative language, unlike Prolog.
            \item Uses \emph{generate \& test} methods instead of proofs .
            \item Uses both default $\sim\!p$ and classical negation $\neg p$\footnote{Classic negation $\neg a$ in ASP results from replacing the occurrences of $\neg a$ by a new atom $a_\neg$ and adding the restriction $\leftarrow a_\neg, a$.}
            \item Clauses can be disjunctive $a ; b \leftarrow c, d.$

    \subsection*{Stable Sets}
