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Answer Set Programming

Answer set programming (ASP) is a form of declarative programming oriented towards difficult (primarily NP-hard) search problems.

It is based on the stable model (answer set) semantics of logic programming. In ASP, search problems are reduced to computing stable models, and answer set solvers ---programs for generating stable models--- are used to perform search.

ASP "programs" generates "deduction-minimal" models aka stable models or answer sets.

  • Given an ASP program $P$, a model $X$ of $P$ is a set where each element $x \in X$ has a proof using $P$.
  • In a "deduction-minimal" model $X$ each element $x \in X$ has a proof using $P$. Non-minimal models have elements without a proof.

Key Questions

  1. What is the relation between ASP and Prolog?
    1. Prolog performs top-down query evaluation. Solutions are extracted from the instantiation of variables of successful queries.
    2. ASP proceeds in two steps: first, grounding generates a (finite) propositional representation of the program; second, solving computes the stable models of that representation.
  2. What are the roles of grounding with gringo and solving with clasp?
  3. Can ASP be used to pLP?
    1. What are the key probabilistic tasks/questions/problems?
    2. Where does distribution semantics enters? What about pILP?
  4. Can the probabilistic task control the grounding (gringo) or solving (clasp) steps in ASP?
  5. Can ASP replace kanren?
    1. As much as ASP can replace Prolog.

Formal Foundations

Common Concepts and Notation

context true, false if and or iff default negation classical negation
source :- , ` ` not
logic prog. , ; ̃ ¬
formula ⊤, ⊥ ̃ ¬
  • default negation or negation as failure (naf), not a ($\sim a$), means "no information about a".
  • classical negation or strong negation, -a ($\neg a$), means "positive information about -a" ie "negative information about a". Likewise a: "positive informations about a".
  • The symbol not ($\sim$), is a new logical connective; not a ($\sim a$) is often read as "it is not believed that a is true" or "there is no proof of a". Note that this does not imply that a is believed to be false.
  • Interpretation. A boolean interpretation is a function from ground atoms to and . It is represented by the atoms mapped to .
    • if u, v are two interpretations u ≤ v iff u ⊆ v under this representation.
    • partial interpretations are represented by ( {true atoms}, {false atoms}) leaving the undefined atoms implicit.
    • an ordered boolean assignment $a$ over $dom(a)$ in represented by a sequence $a = (V_ix_i | i \in 1:n)$ where $V_i$ is either $\top$ or $\bot$ and each $x_i\in dom(a)$.
    • $a\top \subseteq a$ such that $\top x \in a$; $a\bot \subseteq a$ such that $\bot x \in a$.
    • An ordered assignment $(a\top, a\bot)$ is a partial boolean interpretation.
  • Subsets have a partial order for the $\subset$ relation; remember maximal and minimal elements.
  • Directed graphs; Path; Strongly connected iff all vertex pairs (a,b) are connected; The strongly connected components are the strongly connected subgraphs.

Basic ASP syntax and semantics

  • A definite clause is, by definition, $a_0 \vee \neg a_1 \vee \cdots \vee \neg a_n$, a disjunction with exactly one positive atom.
    • Also denoted $a_0 \leftarrow a_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge a_n$.
    • A set of definite clauses has exactly one smallest model.
  • A horn clause has at most one positive atom.
    • A horn clause without positive atom is an integrity constraint - a conjunction that can't hold.
    • A set of horn clauses has one or zero smallest models.
  • If $P$ is a positive program:
    • A set $X$ is closed under $P$ if $head(r) \in X$ if $body+(r) \subset X$.
    • $Cn(P)$ is, by definition, the set of consequences of $P$.
    • $Cn(P)$ is the smallest set closed under $P$.
    • $Cn(P)$ is the $\subseteq$-smallest model of $P$.
    • The stable model of $P$ is, by definition, $Cn(P)$.
    • If $P$ is a positive program, $Cn(P)$ is the smallest model of the definite clauses of $P$.

Example calculation of stable models

Consider the program P:

male(X); female(X) :- person(X).
bachelor(X) :- male(X), not married(X).
  1. Any SM of P must have the fact person(joey).
  2. Therefore the grounded rule male(joey) ; female(joey) :- person(joey). entails that the SMs of P either have male(joey) or female(joey).
  3. Any SM must contain either A: {person(joey), male(joey)} or B: {person(joey), female(joey)}.
  4. In the reduct of P in A we get the rule bachelor(joey) :- male(joey). and therefore bachelor(joey) must be in a SM that contains A. Let A1: {person(joey), male(joey), bachelor(joey)}.
  5. No further conclusions result from P on A1. Therefore A1 is a SM.
  6. Also no further conclusions result from P on B; It is also a SM.
  7. The SMs of P are:
    1. {person(joey), male(joey), bachelor(joey)}
    2. {person(joey), female(joey)}
not a.
% { -a }
not a.
%% Answer: 1
%% a
% There is (only) one (stable) model: {a}
%% Answer: 1
%% -a
% Same as above.
%% *** ERROR: (clingo): parsing failed
% WTF?
not a.
%% Answer: 1
% ie there is (only) one (stable) model: {} 
% This program states that there is no information. 
% In particular, there is no information about a.
% Therefore there are no provable atoms.
% Hence the empty set is a stable model.
not not a.
% ie no models. Because
%  1. No model can contain ~p.
%  2. Any model contains all the facts.
%  3. Suppose X is a model.
%  4. Since ~~a is a fact, by 2, ~~a ∈ X. 
%  5. But, by 1, ~~a ∉ X.
%  6. Therefore there are no models.  
not -a.
%% Answer: 1
% Same as ~a.
not a :- b.
% Answer: 1
% b -a
%  1. Any model must contain b (fact b).
%  2. Any models entails ~a (rule not a :- b.).
%  3. Any model must contain one of a or ¬a (rule a;-a).
%  4. No model can contain both a and ~a.
%  5. Therefore any model must contain {b, ¬a}, which is stable. 
%  Q: Why ~a does not contradicts -a
%  A: Not sure. Maybe because "~a" states that no model can contain a but says nothing about ¬a.
% Answer: 1
% b c
% Answer: 2
% b a
%  1. Any model must have b.
%  2. Any model must have one of a or c.
%  3. No model with both a and c is minimal because either one satisfies a;c
  • Why is the double strong negation, --a, a syntax error but the double naf, not not a is not?

Definitions and basic propositions

  1. Let $\cal{A}$ be a set of ground atoms.
  2. A normal rule $r$ has the form $a \leftarrow b_1, \ldots, b_m, \sim c_1, \ldots, \sim c_n$ with $0 \leq m \leq n$.
    • Intuitively, the head $a$ is true if each one of the $b_i$ has a proof and none of the $c_j$ has a proof.
  3. A program is a finite set of rules.
  4. The head of the rule is $\text{head}(r) = a$; The body is $\text{body}(r) = \left\lbrace b_1, \ldots, b_m, \sim c_1, \ldots, \sim c_n \right\rbrace$.
  5. A fact is a rule with empty body and is simply denoted $a$.
  6. A literal is an atom $a$ or the default negation $\sim a$ of an atom.
  7. Let $X$ be a set of literals. $X+ = X \cap \cal{A}$ and the $X- = \left\lbrace p\middle| \sim p \in X\right\rbrace$.
  8. The set of atoms that occur in program $P$ is denoted $\text{atom}(P)$. Also $\text{body}(P) = \left\lbrace \text{body}(r)~\middle|~r \in P\right\rbrace$. At last, $\text{body}_P(a) = \left\lbrace \text{body}(r)~\middle|~r \in P \wedge \text{head}(r) = a\right\rbrace$.
  9. A model of the program $P$ is a set of ground atoms $X \subseteq \cal{A}$ such that, for each rule $r \in P$, $$\text{body}+(r) \subseteq X \wedge \text{body}-(r) \cap X = \emptyset \to \text{head}(r) \in X.$$
  10. A rule $r$ is positive if $\text{body}(r)- = \emptyset$; A program is positive if all its rules are positive.
  11. A positive program has an unique $\subseteq$-minimal model. Is this the link to prolog?
  12. The reduct of a formula $f$ relative to $X$ is the formula $fX$ that results from $f$ replacing each maximal sub-formula not satisfied by $X$ by $\bot$.
  13. The reduct of program $P$ relative to $X$ is $$PX = \left\lbrace \text{head}(r) \leftarrow \text{body}+(r) \middle| r \in P \wedge \text{body}-(r) \cap X = \emptyset \right\rbrace.$$ Thus $PX$ results from
    1. Remove every rule with a naf literal $\sim a$ where $a \in X$.
    2. Remove the naf literals of the remaining rules.
  14. Since $PX$ is a positive program, it has a unique $\subseteq$-minimal model.
  15. $X$ is a stable model of $P$ if $X$ is the $\subseteq$-minimal model of $PX$.
  16. Alternatively, let ${\cal C}$ be the consequence operator, that yields the smallest model of a positive program. A stable model $X$ is a solution of $${\cal C}\left(PX\right) = X.$$
    • negative literals must only be true, while positive ones must also be provable.
  17. A stable model is $\subseteq$-minimal but not the converse.
  18. A positive program has a unique stable model, its smallest model.
  19. If $X,Y$ are stable models of a normal program then $X \not\subset Y$.
  20. Also, $X \subseteq {\cal C}(PX) \subseteq \text{head}(PX)$.

ASP Programming Strategies

  • Elimination of unnecessary combinatorics. The number of grounded instances has an huge impact on performance. Rules can be used as "pre-computation" steps.
  • Boolean Constraint Solving. This is at the core of the solving step, e.g. clasp.

ASP vs. Prolog

  • The different number of stable models lies precisely at the core difference between Prolog and ASP. In Prolog, the presence of programs with negation that do not have a unique stable model cause trouble and the SLDNF resolution does not terminate on them [17]. However, ASP embraces the disparity of stable models and treats the stable models of the programs as solutions to a given search program (from Prolog and Answer Set Programming: Languages in Logic Programming )
  • Prolog programs may not terminate (p :- \+ p.); ASP "programs" always terminate (p :- not p. has zero solutions).
  • ASP doesn't allow function symbols; Prolog does.


  1. Martin Gebser, Roland Kaminski, Benjamin Kaufmann, Torsten Schaub - Answer Set Solving in Practice-Morgan & Claypool (2013)
  2. Potassco, clingo and gringo: https://potassco.org/
  3. "Answer Set Programming" lecture notes for the Stanfords' course on Logic Programming by Vinay K. Chaudhri. Check also the ILP section, this ASP example of an encoding and related instance and project suggestions.