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Probability Problems

  • What are the general tasks we expect to solve with probabilistic programs?
    • The MAP task is the one with best applications. It is also the hardest to compute.
    • MLE is the limit case of MAP. Has simpler computations but overfits the data.


  • Conditional Probability $$P(A, B) = P(B | A) P(A).$$
  • Bayes Theorem $$P(B | A) = \frac{P(A | B) P(B)}{P(A)}.$$
  • For maximization tasks $$P(B | A) \propto P(A | B) P(B).$$
  • Marginal $$P(A) = \sum_b P(A,b).$$
  • In $P(B | A) \propto P(A | B) P(B)$, if the posterior $P(B | A)$ and the prior $P(B)$ follow distributions of the same family, $P(B)$ is a conjugate prior for the likelihood $P(A | B)$.
  • Density Estimation: Estimate a joint probability distribution from a set of observations; Select a probability distribution function and the parameters that best explains the distributions of the observations.

MLE: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Given a probability distribution $d$ and a set of observations $X$, find the distribution parameters $\theta$ that maximize the likelihood (i.e. the probability of those observations) for that distribution.

Overfits the data: high variance of the parameter estimate; sensitive to random variations in the data. Regularization with $P(\theta)$ leads to MAP.

Given $d, X$, find $$ \hat{\theta}{\text{MLE}}(d,X) = \arg{\theta} \max P_d(X | \theta). $$

MAP: Maximum A-Priori

Given a probability distribution $d$ and a set of observations $X$, find the distribution parameters $\theta$ that best explain those observations.

Given $d, X$, find $$ \hat{\theta}{\text{MAP}}(d, X) = \arg{\theta}\max P(\theta | X). $$

Using $P(A | B) \propto P(B | A) P(A)$, $$\hat{\theta}{\text{MAP}}(d, X) = \arg{\theta} \max P_d(X | \theta) P(\theta)$$


  • Viterbi algorithm: Find the most likely sequence of hidden states (on HMMs) that results in a sequence of observed events.
  • MPE: Most Probable Explanation and Max-sum, Max-product algorithms: Calculates the marginal distribution for each unobserved node, conditional on any observed nodes; Defines the most likely assignment to all the random variables that is consistent with the given evidence.