HOWTORUN.txt 1.41 KB
Run through the make file.

MainWithSpecific parameters:
1st- Maximum Area Limit (50)
2nd- Directory with data about forest (res)
3rd- Level of pre-cleanup (0,1,2)
4th- Single or Multi Criteria
5th- Name of file with the UGs to be considered (in subregions folder)
6th and onward- Choose the criterias to be optimized, if the 4th parameter is Single only the first criteria will be optimized

0-Wood Yield
1-Soil Loss
5-Carbon Stock

Example to optimize Wood Yield and Soil Loss in Paredes: MainWithSpecific 50 res 0 Multi Paredes 0 1

By default the time limit for finding solutions is 8 hours (28800000 miliseconds)

MainTime: Same as MainWithSpecific but the 4th parameter sets the time limit for finding solutions in miliseconds

Example: MainTime 50 res 0 28800000 Paredes 0 1

Output files Multi-Criteria:

allSolutionPairs.csv:- UG/Presc pairs for every valid solution found 
outputPairsMulti.csv:- UG/Presc pairs for every pareto solution (determined by choco solver)
nonPareto.csv:- Values of the optimizable criteria for every valid solution found 
pareto.csv:- Values of the optimizable criteria for every pareto solution found 
Times/resultsM:- UG/Presc pairs for every pareto solution along with associated values of objective criteria.

Remove the ",end" collumn in the nonPareto and pareto files by running the cut -d, -f-[NUMBER OF CRITERIA] [FILENAME]