988 Bytes
import csv, re, sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect("res/database2.db")
cur = con.cursor()
f = open("outputPairs.csv", "r")
fw = open("Exports/solFile.sol", "w+")
toWrite = ''
Lines = f.readlines()
fw.write("Variable Name Solution Value\n")
count = 0
# Strips the newline character
for line in Lines:
chunks = line.strip().split(',')
ug = chunks[0]
presc = chunks[1]
if str(ug).isnumeric() == False:
ugFixed = "\""+str(ug)+"\""
ugFixed = ug
if str(presc).isnumeric() == False:
prescFixed = "\""+str(presc)+"\""
prescFixed = presc
cur.execute("SELECT V_thin, V_harv, V_wood, Cork, Period, species FROM action_external where Pa like "+str(ugFixed)+ " AND Presc like "+str(prescFixed)+" order by period")
results = cur.fetchall()
if(results != []):
for i in range(0, len(results)):
toWrite = "Presc"+str(presc)+"_Pa"+str(ug)+"_"
toWrite = toWrite + str(results[i][5])+"_"+str(results[i][4])+" 1.000000\n"