/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Main authors: * Guido Tack * * Copyright: * Guido Tack, 2007 * * Last modified: * $Date: 2006-12-11 03:27:31 +1100 (Mon, 11 Dec 2006) $ by $Author: schulte $ * $Revision: 4024 $ * * This file is part of Gecode, the generic constraint * development environment: * http://www.gecode.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ %pure-parser %parse-param {void *parm} %{ #define YYPARSE_PARAM parm #define YYLEX_PARAM static_cast(parm)->yyscanner #include "flatzinc.hh" #include "parser.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int yyparse(void*); int yylex(YYSTYPE*, void* scanner); //int yylex(YYSTYPE*); int yylex_init (void** scanner); int yylex_destroy (void* scanner); int yyget_lineno (void* scanner); void yyset_extra (void* user_defined ,void* yyscanner ); extern int yydebug; using namespace FlatZinc; void yyerror(void* parm, const char *str) { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); pp->err << "Error: " << str << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; } void yyassert(ParserState* pp, bool cond, const char* str) { if (!cond) { pp->err << "Error: " << str << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; } } /* * The symbol tables * */ AST::Node* getArrayElement(ParserState* pp, string id, unsigned int offset) { if (offset > 0) { vector tmp; if (pp->intvararrays.get(id, tmp) && offset<=tmp.size()) return new AST::IntVar(tmp[offset-1]); if (pp->boolvararrays.get(id, tmp) && offset<=tmp.size()) return new AST::BoolVar(tmp[offset-1]); if (pp->setvararrays.get(id, tmp) && offset<=tmp.size()) return new AST::SetVar(tmp[offset-1]); if (pp->intvalarrays.get(id, tmp) && offset<=tmp.size()) return new AST::IntLit(tmp[offset-1]); if (pp->boolvalarrays.get(id, tmp) && offset<=tmp.size()) return new AST::BoolLit(tmp[offset-1]); vector tmpS; if (pp->setvalarrays.get(id, tmpS) && offset<=tmpS.size()) return new AST::SetLit(tmpS[offset-1]); } pp->err << "Error: array access to " << id << " invalid" << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; return new AST::IntVar(0); // keep things consistent } AST::Node* getVarRefArg(ParserState* pp, string id, bool annotation = false) { int tmp; if (pp->intvarTable.get(id, tmp)) return new AST::IntVar(tmp); if (pp->boolvarTable.get(id, tmp)) return new AST::BoolVar(tmp); if (pp->setvarTable.get(id, tmp)) return new AST::SetVar(tmp); if (annotation) return new AST::Atom(id); pp->err << "Error: undefined variable " << id << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; return new AST::IntVar(0); // keep things consistent } void addDomainConstraint(ParserState* pp, std::string id, AST::Node* var, Option& dom) { if (!dom()) return; AST::Array* args = new AST::Array(2); args->a[0] = var; args->a[1] = dom.some(); pp->domainConstraints.push_back(new ConExpr(id, args)); } /* * Initialize the root gecode space * */ void initfg(ParserState* pp) { if (!pp->hadError) pp->fg->init(pp->intvars.size(), pp->boolvars.size(), pp->setvars.size()); for (unsigned int i=0; iintvars.size(); i++) { if (!pp->hadError) { try { pp->fg->newIntVar(static_cast(pp->intvars[i].second)); } catch (FlatZinc::Error& e) { yyerror(pp, e.toString().c_str()); } } if (pp->intvars[i].first[0] != '[') { delete pp->intvars[i].second; pp->intvars[i].second = NULL; } } for (unsigned int i=0; iboolvars.size(); i++) { if (!pp->hadError) { try { pp->fg->newBoolVar( static_cast(pp->boolvars[i].second)); } catch (FlatZinc::Error& e) { yyerror(pp, e.toString().c_str()); } } if (pp->boolvars[i].first[0] != '[') { delete pp->boolvars[i].second; pp->boolvars[i].second = NULL; } } for (unsigned int i=0; isetvars.size(); i++) { if (!pp->hadError) { try { pp->fg->newSetVar(static_cast(pp->setvars[i].second)); } catch (FlatZinc::Error& e) { yyerror(pp, e.toString().c_str()); } } if (pp->setvars[i].first[0] != '[') { delete pp->setvars[i].second; pp->setvars[i].second = NULL; } } for (unsigned int i=pp->domainConstraints.size(); i--;) { if (!pp->hadError) { try { assert(pp->domainConstraints[i]->args->a.size() == 2); pp->fg->postConstraint(*pp->domainConstraints[i], NULL); delete pp->domainConstraints[i]; } catch (FlatZinc::Error& e) { yyerror(pp, e.toString().c_str()); } } } } void fillPrinter(ParserState& pp, FlatZinc::Printer& p) { p.init(pp.getOutput()); } AST::Node* arrayOutput(AST::Call* ann) { AST::Array* a = NULL; if (ann->args->isArray()) { a = ann->args->getArray(); } else { a = new AST::Array(ann->args); } std::ostringstream oss; oss << "array" << a->a.size() << "d("; for (unsigned int i=0; ia.size(); i++) { AST::SetLit* s = a->a[i]->getSet(); if (s->empty()) oss << "{}, "; else if (s->interval) oss << s->min << ".." << s->max << ", "; else { oss << "{"; for (unsigned int j=0; js.size(); j++) { oss << s->s[j]; if (js.size()-1) oss << ","; } oss << "}, "; } } if (!ann->args->isArray()) { a->a[0] = NULL; delete a; } return new AST::String(oss.str()); } /* * The main program * */ namespace FlatZinc { FlatZincModel* parse(const std::string& filename, Printer& p, std::ostream& err, FlatZincModel* fzs) { #ifdef HAVE_MMAP int fd; char* data; struct stat sbuf; fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { err << "Cannot open file " << filename << endl; return NULL; } if (stat(filename.c_str(), &sbuf) == -1) { err << "Cannot stat file " << filename << endl; return NULL; } data = (char*)mmap((caddr_t)0, sbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd,0); if (data == (caddr_t)(-1)) { err << "Cannot mmap file " << filename << endl; return NULL; } if (fzs == NULL) { fzs = new FlatZincModel(); } ParserState pp(data, sbuf.st_size, err, fzs); #else std::ifstream file; file.open(filename.c_str()); if (!file.is_open()) { err << "Cannot open file " << filename << endl; return NULL; } std::string s = string(istreambuf_iterator(file), istreambuf_iterator()); if (fzs == NULL) { fzs = new FlatZincModel(); } ParserState pp(s, err, fzs); #endif yylex_init(&pp.yyscanner); yyset_extra(&pp, pp.yyscanner); // yydebug = 1; yyparse(&pp); fillPrinter(pp, p); if (pp.yyscanner) yylex_destroy(pp.yyscanner); return pp.hadError ? NULL : pp.fg; } FlatZincModel* parse(std::istream& is, Printer& p, std::ostream& err, FlatZincModel* fzs) { std::string s = string(istreambuf_iterator(is), istreambuf_iterator()); if (fzs == NULL) { fzs = new FlatZincModel(); } ParserState pp(s, err, fzs); yylex_init(&pp.yyscanner); yyset_extra(&pp, pp.yyscanner); // yydebug = 1; yyparse(&pp); fillPrinter(pp, p); if (pp.yyscanner) yylex_destroy(pp.yyscanner); return pp.hadError ? NULL : pp.fg; } } %} %union { int iValue; char* sValue; bool bValue; double dValue; std::vector* setValue; FlatZinc::AST::SetLit* setLit; std::vector* floatSetValue; std::vector* setValueList; FlatZinc::Option oSet; FlatZinc::VarSpec* varSpec; FlatZinc::Option oArg; std::vector* varSpecVec; FlatZinc::Option* > oVarSpecVec; FlatZinc::AST::Node* arg; FlatZinc::AST::Array* argVec; } %error-verbose %token FZ_INT_LIT FZ_BOOL_LIT %token FZ_FLOAT_LIT %token FZ_ID FZ_U_ID FZ_STRING_LIT %token FZ_VAR FZ_PAR %token FZ_ANNOTATION %token FZ_ANY %token FZ_ARRAY %token FZ_BOOL %token FZ_CASE %token FZ_COLONCOLON %token FZ_CONSTRAINT %token FZ_DEFAULT %token FZ_DOTDOT %token FZ_ELSE %token FZ_ELSEIF %token FZ_ENDIF %token FZ_ENUM %token FZ_FLOAT %token FZ_FUNCTION %token FZ_IF %token FZ_INCLUDE %token FZ_INT %token FZ_LET %token FZ_MAXIMIZE %token FZ_MINIMIZE %token FZ_OF %token FZ_SATISFY %token FZ_OUTPUT %token FZ_PREDICATE %token FZ_RECORD %token FZ_SET %token FZ_SHOW %token FZ_SHOWCOND %token FZ_SOLVE %token FZ_STRING %token FZ_TEST %token FZ_THEN %token FZ_TUPLE %token FZ_TYPE %token FZ_VARIANT_RECORD %token FZ_WHERE %type var_par_id %type set_literal %type int_init bool_init set_init float_init %type int_ti_expr_tail bool_ti_expr_tail %type vardecl_int_var_array_init %type vardecl_bool_var_array_init %type vardecl_float_var_array_init %type vardecl_set_var_array_init %type int_var_array_literal %type bool_var_array_literal %type float_var_array_literal %type set_var_array_literal %type int_init_list int_init_list_head %type bool_init_list bool_init_list_head %type float_init_list float_init_list_head %type set_init_list set_init_list_head %type int_list int_list_head %type bool_list bool_list_head %type set_literal_list set_literal_list_head %type float_list float_list_head %type flat_expr non_array_expr annotation_expr ann_non_array_expr %type non_array_expr_opt %type flat_expr_list non_array_expr_list non_array_expr_list_head %type solve_expr %type minmax %type annotations annotations_head %type annotation annotation_list %% /********************************/ /* main goal and item lists */ /********************************/ model : preddecl_items vardecl_items constraint_items solve_item ';' preddecl_items: /* empty */ | preddecl_items_head preddecl_items_head: preddecl_item ';' | preddecl_items_head preddecl_item ';' vardecl_items: /* emtpy */ { initfg(static_cast(parm)); } | vardecl_items_head { initfg(static_cast(parm)); } vardecl_items_head: vardecl_item ';' | vardecl_items_head vardecl_item ';' constraint_items: /* emtpy */ | constraint_items_head constraint_items_head: constraint_item ';' | constraint_items_head constraint_item ';' /********************************/ /* predicate declarations */ /********************************/ preddecl_item: FZ_PREDICATE FZ_ID '(' pred_arg_list ')' pred_arg_list: /* empty */ | pred_arg_list_head list_tail pred_arg_list_head: pred_arg | pred_arg_list_head ',' pred_arg pred_arg: pred_arg_type ':' FZ_ID pred_arg_type: FZ_ARRAY '[' pred_array_init ']' FZ_OF pred_arg_simple_type | FZ_ARRAY '[' pred_array_init ']' FZ_OF FZ_VAR pred_arg_simple_type | FZ_VAR pred_arg_simple_type | pred_arg_simple_type pred_arg_simple_type: int_ti_expr_tail | FZ_SET FZ_OF int_ti_expr_tail | FZ_BOOL | FZ_FLOAT pred_array_init: pred_array_init_arg | pred_array_init ',' pred_array_init_arg pred_array_init_arg: FZ_INT | FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT /********************************/ /* variable declarations */ /********************************/ var_par_id : FZ_ID | FZ_U_ID vardecl_item: FZ_VAR int_ti_expr_tail ':' var_par_id annotations non_array_expr_opt { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); bool print = $5->hasAtom("output_var"); bool introduced = $5->hasAtom("var_is_introduced"); pp->intvarTable.put($4, pp->intvars.size()); if (print) { pp->output(std::string($4), new AST::IntVar(pp->intvars.size())); } if ($6()) { AST::Node* arg = $6.some(); if (arg->isInt()) { pp->intvars.push_back(varspec($4, new IntVarSpec(arg->getInt(),introduced))); } else if (arg->isIntVar()) { pp->intvars.push_back(varspec($4, new IntVarSpec(Alias(arg->getIntVar()),introduced))); } else { yyassert(pp, false, "Invalid var int initializer."); } if (!pp->hadError) addDomainConstraint(pp, "int_in", new AST::IntVar(pp->intvars.size()-1), $2); delete arg; } else { pp->intvars.push_back(varspec($4, new IntVarSpec($2,introduced))); } delete $5; free($4); } | FZ_VAR bool_ti_expr_tail ':' var_par_id annotations non_array_expr_opt { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); bool print = $5->hasAtom("output_var"); bool introduced = $5->hasAtom("var_is_introduced"); pp->boolvarTable.put($4, pp->boolvars.size()); if (print) { pp->output(std::string($4), new AST::BoolVar(pp->boolvars.size())); } if ($6()) { AST::Node* arg = $6.some(); if (arg->isBool()) { pp->boolvars.push_back(varspec($4, new BoolVarSpec(arg->getBool(),introduced))); } else if (arg->isBoolVar()) { pp->boolvars.push_back(varspec($4, new BoolVarSpec(Alias(arg->getBoolVar()),introduced))); } else { yyassert(pp, false, "Invalid var bool initializer."); } if (!pp->hadError) addDomainConstraint(pp, "int_in", new AST::BoolVar(pp->boolvars.size()-1), $2); delete arg; } else { pp->boolvars.push_back(varspec($4, new BoolVarSpec($2,introduced))); } delete $5; free($4); } | FZ_VAR float_ti_expr_tail ':' var_par_id annotations non_array_expr_opt { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, false, "Floats not supported."); delete $5; free($4); } | FZ_VAR FZ_SET FZ_OF int_ti_expr_tail ':' var_par_id annotations non_array_expr_opt { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); bool print = $7->hasAtom("output_var"); bool introduced = $7->hasAtom("var_is_introduced"); pp->setvarTable.put($6, pp->setvars.size()); if (print) { pp->output(std::string($6), new AST::SetVar(pp->setvars.size())); } if ($8()) { AST::Node* arg = $8.some(); if (arg->isSet()) { pp->setvars.push_back(varspec($6, new SetVarSpec(arg->getSet(),introduced))); } else if (arg->isSetVar()) { pp->setvars.push_back(varspec($6, new SetVarSpec(Alias(arg->getSetVar()),introduced))); delete arg; } else { yyassert(pp, false, "Invalid var set initializer."); delete arg; } if (!pp->hadError) addDomainConstraint(pp, "set_subset", new AST::SetVar(pp->setvars.size()-1), $4); } else { pp->setvars.push_back(varspec($6, new SetVarSpec($4,introduced))); } delete $7; free($6); } | FZ_INT ':' var_par_id annotations '=' non_array_expr { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, $6->isInt(), "Invalid int initializer."); pp->intvals.put($3, $6->getInt()); delete $4; free($3); } | FZ_BOOL ':' var_par_id annotations '=' non_array_expr { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, $6->isBool(), "Invalid bool initializer."); pp->boolvals.put($3, $6->getBool()); delete $4; free($3); } | FZ_SET FZ_OF FZ_INT ':' var_par_id annotations '=' non_array_expr { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, $8->isSet(), "Invalid set initializer."); AST::SetLit* set = $8->getSet(); pp->setvals.put($5, *set); delete set; delete $6; free($5); } | FZ_ARRAY '[' FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT ']' FZ_OF FZ_VAR int_ti_expr_tail ':' var_par_id annotations vardecl_int_var_array_init { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, $3==1, "Arrays must start at 1"); if (!pp->hadError) { bool print = $12->hasCall("output_array"); vector vars($5); if (!pp->hadError) { if ($13()) { vector* vsv = $13.some(); yyassert(pp, vsv->size() == static_cast($5), "Initializer size does not match array dimension"); if (!pp->hadError) { for (int i=0; i<$5; i++) { IntVarSpec* ivsv = static_cast((*vsv)[i]); if (ivsv->alias) { vars[i] = ivsv->i; } else { vars[i] = pp->intvars.size(); pp->intvars.push_back(varspec($11, ivsv)); } if (!pp->hadError && $9()) { Option opt = Option::some(new AST::SetLit(*$9.some())); addDomainConstraint(pp, "int_in", new AST::IntVar(vars[i]), opt); } } } delete vsv; } else { if ($5>0) { IntVarSpec* ispec = new IntVarSpec($9,!print); string arrayname = "["; arrayname += $11; for (int i=0; i<$5-1; i++) { vars[i] = pp->intvars.size(); pp->intvars.push_back(varspec(arrayname, ispec)); } vars[$5-1] = pp->intvars.size(); pp->intvars.push_back(varspec($11, ispec)); } } } if (print) { AST::Array* a = new AST::Array(); a->a.push_back(arrayOutput($12->getCall("output_array"))); AST::Array* output = new AST::Array(); for (int i=0; i<$5; i++) output->a.push_back(new AST::IntVar(vars[i])); a->a.push_back(output); a->a.push_back(new AST::String(")")); pp->output(std::string($11), a); } pp->intvararrays.put($11, vars); } delete $12; free($11); } | FZ_ARRAY '[' FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT ']' FZ_OF FZ_VAR bool_ti_expr_tail ':' var_par_id annotations vardecl_bool_var_array_init { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); bool print = $12->hasCall("output_array"); yyassert(pp, $3==1, "Arrays must start at 1"); if (!pp->hadError) { vector vars($5); if ($13()) { vector* vsv = $13.some(); yyassert(pp, vsv->size() == static_cast($5), "Initializer size does not match array dimension"); if (!pp->hadError) { for (int i=0; i<$5; i++) { BoolVarSpec* bvsv = static_cast((*vsv)[i]); if (bvsv->alias) vars[i] = bvsv->i; else { vars[i] = pp->boolvars.size(); pp->boolvars.push_back(varspec($11, (*vsv)[i])); } if (!pp->hadError && $9()) { Option opt = Option::some(new AST::SetLit(*$9.some())); addDomainConstraint(pp, "int_in", new AST::BoolVar(vars[i]), opt); } } } delete vsv; } else { for (int i=0; i<$5; i++) { vars[i] = pp->boolvars.size(); pp->boolvars.push_back(varspec($11, new BoolVarSpec($9,!print))); } } if (print) { AST::Array* a = new AST::Array(); a->a.push_back(arrayOutput($12->getCall("output_array"))); AST::Array* output = new AST::Array(); for (int i=0; i<$5; i++) output->a.push_back(new AST::BoolVar(vars[i])); a->a.push_back(output); a->a.push_back(new AST::String(")")); pp->output(std::string($11), a); } pp->boolvararrays.put($11, vars); } delete $12; free($11); } | FZ_ARRAY '[' FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT ']' FZ_OF FZ_VAR float_ti_expr_tail ':' var_par_id annotations vardecl_float_var_array_init { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, false, "Floats not supported."); delete $12; free($11); } | FZ_ARRAY '[' FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT ']' FZ_OF FZ_VAR FZ_SET FZ_OF int_ti_expr_tail ':' var_par_id annotations vardecl_set_var_array_init { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); bool print = $14->hasCall("output_array"); yyassert(pp, $3==1, "Arrays must start at 1"); if (!pp->hadError) { vector vars($5); if ($15()) { vector* vsv = $15.some(); yyassert(pp, vsv->size() == static_cast($5), "Initializer size does not match array dimension"); if (!pp->hadError) { for (int i=0; i<$5; i++) { SetVarSpec* svsv = static_cast((*vsv)[i]); if (svsv->alias) vars[i] = svsv->i; else { vars[i] = pp->setvars.size(); pp->setvars.push_back(varspec($13, (*vsv)[i])); } if (!pp->hadError && $11()) { Option opt = Option::some(new AST::SetLit(*$11.some())); addDomainConstraint(pp, "set_subset", new AST::SetVar(vars[i]), opt); } } } delete vsv; } else { if ($5>0) { SetVarSpec* ispec = new SetVarSpec($11,!print); string arrayname = "["; arrayname += $13; for (int i=0; i<$5-1; i++) { vars[i] = pp->setvars.size(); pp->setvars.push_back(varspec(arrayname, ispec)); } vars[$5-1] = pp->setvars.size(); pp->setvars.push_back(varspec($13, ispec)); } } if (print) { AST::Array* a = new AST::Array(); a->a.push_back(arrayOutput($14->getCall("output_array"))); AST::Array* output = new AST::Array(); for (int i=0; i<$5; i++) output->a.push_back(new AST::SetVar(vars[i])); a->a.push_back(output); a->a.push_back(new AST::String(")")); pp->output(std::string($13), a); } pp->setvararrays.put($13, vars); } delete $14; free($13); } | FZ_ARRAY '[' FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT ']' FZ_OF FZ_INT ':' var_par_id annotations '=' '[' int_list ']' { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, $3==1, "Arrays must start at 1"); yyassert(pp, $14->size() == static_cast($5), "Initializer size does not match array dimension"); if (!pp->hadError) pp->intvalarrays.put($10, *$14); delete $14; free($10); delete $11; } | FZ_ARRAY '[' FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT ']' FZ_OF FZ_BOOL ':' var_par_id annotations '=' '[' bool_list ']' { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, $3==1, "Arrays must start at 1"); yyassert(pp, $14->size() == static_cast($5), "Initializer size does not match array dimension"); if (!pp->hadError) pp->boolvalarrays.put($10, *$14); delete $14; free($10); delete $11; } | FZ_ARRAY '[' FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT ']' FZ_OF FZ_FLOAT ':' var_par_id annotations '=' '[' float_list ']' { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, false, "Floats not supported."); delete $11; free($10); } | FZ_ARRAY '[' FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT ']' FZ_OF FZ_SET FZ_OF FZ_INT ':' var_par_id annotations '=' '[' set_literal_list ']' { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); yyassert(pp, $3==1, "Arrays must start at 1"); yyassert(pp, $16->size() == static_cast($5), "Initializer size does not match array dimension"); if (!pp->hadError) pp->setvalarrays.put($12, *$16); delete $16; delete $13; free($12); } int_init : FZ_INT_LIT { $$ = new IntVarSpec($1,false); } | var_par_id { int v = 0; ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); if (pp->intvarTable.get($1, v)) $$ = new IntVarSpec(Alias(v),false); else { pp->err << "Error: undefined identifier " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; $$ = new IntVarSpec(0,false); // keep things consistent } free($1); } | var_par_id '[' FZ_INT_LIT ']' { vector v; ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); if (pp->intvararrays.get($1, v)) { yyassert(pp,static_cast($3) > 0 && static_cast($3) <= v.size(), "array access out of bounds"); if (!pp->hadError) $$ = new IntVarSpec(Alias(v[$3-1]),false); else $$ = new IntVarSpec(0,false); // keep things consistent } else { pp->err << "Error: undefined array identifier " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; $$ = new IntVarSpec(0,false); // keep things consistent } free($1); } int_init_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new vector(0); } | int_init_list_head list_tail { $$ = $1; } int_init_list_head : int_init { $$ = new vector(1); (*$$)[0] = $1; } | int_init_list_head ',' int_init { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } list_tail : | ',' int_var_array_literal : '[' int_init_list ']' { $$ = $2; } float_init : FZ_FLOAT_LIT { $$ = new FloatVarSpec($1,false); } | var_par_id { int v = 0; ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); if (pp->floatvarTable.get($1, v)) $$ = new FloatVarSpec(Alias(v),false); else { pp->err << "Error: undefined identifier " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; $$ = new FloatVarSpec(0.0,false); } free($1); } | var_par_id '[' FZ_INT_LIT ']' { vector v; ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); if (pp->floatvararrays.get($1, v)) { yyassert(pp,static_cast($3) > 0 && static_cast($3) <= v.size(), "array access out of bounds"); if (!pp->hadError) $$ = new FloatVarSpec(Alias(v[$3-1]),false); else $$ = new FloatVarSpec(0.0,false); } else { pp->err << "Error: undefined array identifier " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; $$ = new FloatVarSpec(0.0,false); } free($1); } float_init_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new vector(0); } | float_init_list_head list_tail { $$ = $1; } float_init_list_head : float_init { $$ = new vector(1); (*$$)[0] = $1; } | float_init_list_head ',' float_init { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } float_var_array_literal : '[' float_init_list ']' { $$ = $2; } bool_init : FZ_BOOL_LIT { $$ = new BoolVarSpec($1,false); } | var_par_id { int v = 0; ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); if (pp->boolvarTable.get($1, v)) $$ = new BoolVarSpec(Alias(v),false); else { pp->err << "Error: undefined identifier " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; $$ = new BoolVarSpec(false,false); } free($1); } | var_par_id '[' FZ_INT_LIT ']' { vector v; ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); if (pp->boolvararrays.get($1, v)) { yyassert(pp,static_cast($3) > 0 && static_cast($3) <= v.size(), "array access out of bounds"); if (!pp->hadError) $$ = new BoolVarSpec(Alias(v[$3-1]),false); else $$ = new BoolVarSpec(false,false); } else { pp->err << "Error: undefined array identifier " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; $$ = new BoolVarSpec(false,false); } free($1); } bool_init_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new vector(0); } | bool_init_list_head list_tail { $$ = $1; } bool_init_list_head : bool_init { $$ = new vector(1); (*$$)[0] = $1; } | bool_init_list_head ',' bool_init { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } bool_var_array_literal : '[' bool_init_list ']' { $$ = $2; } set_init : set_literal { $$ = new SetVarSpec($1,false); } | var_par_id { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); int v = 0; if (pp->setvarTable.get($1, v)) $$ = new SetVarSpec(Alias(v),false); else { pp->err << "Error: undefined identifier " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; $$ = new SetVarSpec(Alias(0),false); } free($1); } | var_par_id '[' FZ_INT_LIT ']' { vector v; ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); if (pp->setvararrays.get($1, v)) { yyassert(pp,static_cast($3) > 0 && static_cast($3) <= v.size(), "array access out of bounds"); if (!pp->hadError) $$ = new SetVarSpec(Alias(v[$3-1]),false); else $$ = new SetVarSpec(Alias(0),false); } else { pp->err << "Error: undefined array identifier " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; $$ = new SetVarSpec(Alias(0),false); } free($1); } set_init_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new vector(0); } | set_init_list_head list_tail { $$ = $1; } set_init_list_head : set_init { $$ = new vector(1); (*$$)[0] = $1; } | set_init_list_head ',' set_init { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } set_var_array_literal : '[' set_init_list ']' { $$ = $2; } vardecl_int_var_array_init : /* empty */ { $$ = Option* >::none(); } | '=' int_var_array_literal { $$ = Option* >::some($2); } vardecl_bool_var_array_init : /* empty */ { $$ = Option* >::none(); } | '=' bool_var_array_literal { $$ = Option* >::some($2); } vardecl_float_var_array_init : /* empty */ { $$ = Option* >::none(); } | '=' float_var_array_literal { $$ = Option* >::some($2); } vardecl_set_var_array_init : /* empty */ { $$ = Option* >::none(); } | '=' set_var_array_literal { $$ = Option* >::some($2); } constraint_item : FZ_CONSTRAINT FZ_ID '(' flat_expr_list ')' annotations { ConExpr c($2, $4); ParserState *pp = static_cast(parm); if (!pp->hadError) { try { pp->fg->postConstraint(c, $6); } catch (FlatZinc::Error& e) { yyerror(pp, e.toString().c_str()); } } delete $6; free($2); } solve_item : FZ_SOLVE annotations FZ_SATISFY { ParserState *pp = static_cast(parm); if (!pp->hadError) { try { pp->fg->solve($2); } catch (FlatZinc::Error& e) { yyerror(pp, e.toString().c_str()); } } else { delete $2; } } | FZ_SOLVE annotations minmax solve_expr { ParserState *pp = static_cast(parm); if (!pp->hadError) { try { if ($3) pp->fg->minimize($4,$2); else pp->fg->maximize($4,$2); } catch (FlatZinc::Error& e) { yyerror(pp, e.toString().c_str()); } } else { delete $2; } } /********************************/ /* type-insts */ /********************************/ int_ti_expr_tail : FZ_INT { $$ = Option::none(); } | '{' int_list '}' { $$ = Option::some(new AST::SetLit(*$2)); } | FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT { $$ = Option::some(new AST::SetLit($1, $3)); } bool_ti_expr_tail : FZ_BOOL { $$ = Option::none(); } | '{' bool_list_head list_tail '}' { bool haveTrue = false; bool haveFalse = false; for (int i=$2->size(); i--;) { haveTrue |= ((*$2)[i] == 1); haveFalse |= ((*$2)[i] == 0); } delete $2; $$ = Option::some( new AST::SetLit(!haveFalse,haveTrue)); } float_ti_expr_tail : FZ_FLOAT | '{' float_list_head list_tail '}' /********************************/ /* literals */ /********************************/ set_literal : '{' int_list '}' { $$ = new AST::SetLit(*$2); } | FZ_INT_LIT FZ_DOTDOT FZ_INT_LIT { $$ = new AST::SetLit($1, $3); } /* list containing only primitive literals */ int_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new vector(0); } | int_list_head list_tail { $$ = $1; } int_list_head : FZ_INT_LIT { $$ = new vector(1); (*$$)[0] = $1; } | int_list_head ',' FZ_INT_LIT { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } bool_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new vector(0); } | bool_list_head list_tail { $$ = $1; } bool_list_head : FZ_BOOL_LIT { $$ = new vector(1); (*$$)[0] = $1; } | bool_list_head ',' FZ_BOOL_LIT { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } float_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new vector(0); } | float_list_head list_tail { $$ = $1; } float_list_head: FZ_FLOAT_LIT { $$ = new vector(1); (*$$)[0] = $1; } | float_list_head ',' FZ_FLOAT_LIT { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } set_literal_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new vector(0); } | set_literal_list_head list_tail { $$ = $1; } set_literal_list_head : set_literal { $$ = new vector(1); (*$$)[0] = *$1; delete $1; } | set_literal_list_head ',' set_literal { $$ = $1; $$->push_back(*$3); delete $3; } /********************************/ /* constraint expressions */ /********************************/ flat_expr_list : flat_expr { $$ = new AST::Array($1); } | flat_expr_list ',' flat_expr { $$ = $1; $$->append($3); } flat_expr : non_array_expr { $$ = $1; } | '[' non_array_expr_list ']' { $$ = $2; } non_array_expr_opt : /* empty */ { $$ = Option::none(); } | '=' non_array_expr { $$ = Option::some($2); } non_array_expr : FZ_BOOL_LIT { $$ = new AST::BoolLit($1); } | FZ_INT_LIT { $$ = new AST::IntLit($1); } | FZ_FLOAT_LIT { $$ = new AST::FloatLit($1); } | set_literal { $$ = $1; } | var_par_id /* variable, possibly array */ { vector as; ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); if (pp->intvararrays.get($1, as)) { AST::Array *ia = new AST::Array(as.size()); for (int i=as.size(); i--;) ia->a[i] = new AST::IntVar(as[i]); $$ = ia; } else if (pp->boolvararrays.get($1, as)) { AST::Array *ia = new AST::Array(as.size()); for (int i=as.size(); i--;) ia->a[i] = new AST::BoolVar(as[i]); $$ = ia; } else if (pp->setvararrays.get($1, as)) { AST::Array *ia = new AST::Array(as.size()); for (int i=as.size(); i--;) ia->a[i] = new AST::SetVar(as[i]); $$ = ia; } else { std::vector is; std::vector isS; int ival = 0; bool bval = false; if (pp->intvalarrays.get($1, is)) { AST::Array *v = new AST::Array(is.size()); for (int i=is.size(); i--;) v->a[i] = new AST::IntLit(is[i]); $$ = v; } else if (pp->boolvalarrays.get($1, is)) { AST::Array *v = new AST::Array(is.size()); for (int i=is.size(); i--;) v->a[i] = new AST::BoolLit(is[i]); $$ = v; } else if (pp->setvalarrays.get($1, isS)) { AST::Array *v = new AST::Array(isS.size()); for (int i=isS.size(); i--;) v->a[i] = new AST::SetLit(isS[i]); $$ = v; } else if (pp->intvals.get($1, ival)) { $$ = new AST::IntLit(ival); } else if (pp->boolvals.get($1, bval)) { $$ = new AST::BoolLit(bval); } else { $$ = getVarRefArg(pp,$1); } } free($1); } | var_par_id '[' non_array_expr ']' /* array access */ { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); int i = -1; yyassert(pp, $3->isInt(i), "Non-integer array index."); if (!pp->hadError) $$ = getArrayElement(static_cast(parm),$1,i); else $$ = new AST::IntLit(0); // keep things consistent free($1); } non_array_expr_list : /* empty */ { $$ = new AST::Array(0); } | non_array_expr_list_head list_tail { $$ = $1; } non_array_expr_list_head : non_array_expr { $$ = new AST::Array($1); } | non_array_expr_list_head ',' non_array_expr { $$ = $1; $$->append($3); } /********************************/ /* solve expressions */ /********************************/ solve_expr: var_par_id { ParserState *pp = static_cast(parm); if (!pp->intvarTable.get($1, $$)) { pp->err << "Error: unknown integer variable " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; } free($1); } | var_par_id '[' FZ_INT_LIT ']' { vector tmp; ParserState *pp = static_cast(parm); if (!pp->intvararrays.get($1, tmp)) { pp->err << "Error: unknown integer variable array " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; } if ($3 == 0 || static_cast($3) > tmp.size()) { pp->err << "Error: array index out of bounds for array " << $1 << " in line no. " << yyget_lineno(pp->yyscanner) << std::endl; pp->hadError = true; } else { $$ = tmp[$3-1]; } free($1); } minmax: FZ_MINIMIZE | FZ_MAXIMIZE /********************************/ /* annotation expresions */ /********************************/ annotations : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | annotations_head { $$ = $1; } annotations_head : FZ_COLONCOLON annotation { $$ = new AST::Array($2); } | annotations_head FZ_COLONCOLON annotation { $$ = $1; $$->append($3); } annotation : FZ_ID '(' annotation_list ')' { $$ = new AST::Call($1, AST::extractSingleton($3)); free($1); } | annotation_expr { $$ = $1; } annotation_list: annotation { $$ = new AST::Array($1); } | annotation_list ',' annotation { $$ = $1; $$->append($3); } annotation_expr : ann_non_array_expr { $$ = $1; } | '[' annotation_list ']' { $$ = $2; } ann_non_array_expr : FZ_BOOL_LIT { $$ = new AST::BoolLit($1); } | FZ_INT_LIT { $$ = new AST::IntLit($1); } | FZ_FLOAT_LIT { $$ = new AST::FloatLit($1); } | set_literal { $$ = $1; } | var_par_id /* variable, possibly array */ { vector as; ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); if (pp->intvararrays.get($1, as)) { AST::Array *ia = new AST::Array(as.size()); for (int i=as.size(); i--;) ia->a[i] = new AST::IntVar(as[i]); $$ = ia; } else if (pp->boolvararrays.get($1, as)) { AST::Array *ia = new AST::Array(as.size()); for (int i=as.size(); i--;) ia->a[i] = new AST::BoolVar(as[i]); $$ = ia; } else if (pp->setvararrays.get($1, as)) { AST::Array *ia = new AST::Array(as.size()); for (int i=as.size(); i--;) ia->a[i] = new AST::SetVar(as[i]); $$ = ia; } else { std::vector is; int ival = 0; bool bval = false; if (pp->intvalarrays.get($1, is)) { AST::Array *v = new AST::Array(is.size()); for (int i=is.size(); i--;) v->a[i] = new AST::IntLit(is[i]); $$ = v; } else if (pp->boolvalarrays.get($1, is)) { AST::Array *v = new AST::Array(is.size()); for (int i=is.size(); i--;) v->a[i] = new AST::BoolLit(is[i]); $$ = v; } else if (pp->intvals.get($1, ival)) { $$ = new AST::IntLit(ival); } else if (pp->boolvals.get($1, bval)) { $$ = new AST::BoolLit(bval); } else { $$ = getVarRefArg(pp,$1,true); } } free($1); } | var_par_id '[' ann_non_array_expr ']' /* array access */ { ParserState* pp = static_cast(parm); int i = -1; yyassert(pp, $3->isInt(i), "Non-integer array index."); if (!pp->hadError) $$ = getArrayElement(static_cast(parm),$1,i); else $$ = new AST::IntLit(0); // keep things consistent free($1); } | FZ_STRING_LIT { $$ = new AST::String($1); free($1); }