% The balanced academic curriculum problem: see % http://www.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~ianm/CSPLib/prob/prob030/spec.html % % A curriculum is a set of courses with prerequisites. % % Each course must be assigned within a set number of periods. % % A course cannot be scheduled before its prerequisites. % % Each course confers a number of academic credits (it's "load"). % % Students have lower and upper bounds on the number of credits % they can study for in a given period. % % Students have lower and upper bounds on the number of courses % they can study for in a given period. % % The goal is to assign a period to every course satisfying these % criteria, minimising the load for all periods. include "globals.mzn"; int: n_courses; int: n_periods; int: load_per_period_lb; int: load_per_period_ub; int: courses_per_period_lb; int: courses_per_period_ub; array [1..n_courses] of int: course_load; int: max_course_load = sum(c in courses)(course_load[c]); set of int: courses = 1..n_courses; set of int: periods = 1..n_periods; % period course is assigned to array [courses] of var periods: course_period; % whether period i has course j assigned array [periods, courses] of var 0..1: x; % total load for each period array [periods] of var load_per_period_lb..load_per_period_ub: load; % optimisation target var load_per_period_lb..load_per_period_ub: objective; constraint forall(p in periods) ( forall(c in courses) (x[p,c] = bool2int(course_period[c] = p)) /\ sum(i in courses) (x[p,i]) >= courses_per_period_lb /\ sum(i in courses) (x[p,i]) <= courses_per_period_ub /\ load[p] = sum(c in courses) (x[p,c] * course_load[c]) /\ load[p] >= load_per_period_lb /\ load[p] <= objective ); % prerequisite(a, b) means "course a has prerequisite course b". predicate prerequisite(courses: a, courses: b) = course_period[b] < course_period[a]; % add some redundant linear constraints constraint forall(p in 0..n_periods-1) ( let { var 0..max_course_load: l = sum(c in courses) (bool2int(course_period[c] > p) * course_load[c]) } in l >= (n_periods-p) * load_per_period_lb /\ l <= (n_periods-p) * objective ); solve :: seq_search([ int_search([x[i,j] | i in periods, j in courses], input_order, indomain_min, complete), int_search([objective], input_order, indomain_min, complete) ]) minimize objective; output [show(c) ++ "-" ++ show(course_period[c]) ++ "\t" | c in courses ] ++ ["\n"] ++ ["objective = ", show(objective)];