/* * config.c * * Created on: 03/11/2014 * Author: pedro */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) #include #define X_OK 1 /* execute permission - unsupported in windows*/ #else #include #endif #include "bitmaps.h" #include "devices.h" #include "variables.h" #include "kernels/cl_constraints.h" label_heur LABEL_MODE_D = INPUT_ORDER; // argument indicating the default mode for selecting the variable to label assign_heur ASSIGN_MODE_D = MIN_VAL; // argument indicating the default mode for selecting the value to assign to the variable for labeling work WORK_D = ONE; // argument indicating if one solution, all solutions or optimization is default // to be used when modeling the CSP for printing results bool OPTIMIZING = false; // true if optimizing bool FINDING_ONE_SOLUTION = false; // true if finding one solution bool COUNTING_SOLUTIONS = false; // true if counting all the solutions bool PRINT_STATS = false; // True if statistic data should be collected and printed statistics STATS; // statistics data on host label_heur LABEL_MODE = DEFAULT_L; // argument indicating the mode for selecting the variable to label assign_heur ASSIGN_MODE = DEFAULT_A; // argument indicating the mode for selecting the value to assign to the variable for labeling label_heur LABEL_MODE_COM = DEFAULT_L; // argument indicating the mode for selecting the variable to label inserted in command line assign_heur ASSIGN_MODE_COM = DEFAULT_A; // argument indicating the mode for selecting the value to assign to the variable for labeling inserted in command line work WORK = DEFAULT_W; // argument indicating if one solution, all solutions or optimization is wanted opt OPT_MODE = NONE; // if optimization is to reduce a value, or to increase it bool ALL_DEVS = false; // argument if all devices should be used bool VERBOSE = false; // argument indicating if the Solver must print info bool QUIET = false; // argument indicating if the Solver must print only the number of solutions that were found, or the solution or the best solution char* CSP = NULL; // argument indicating the CSP problem to solve char* FZN_FILE_NAME = NULL; // argument indicating the name of the flatzinc file char* MZN_FILE_NAME = NULL; // argument indicating the name of the minizinc file char* DZN_FILE_NAME = NULL; // argument indicating the name of the minizinc file containing the CSP dimensions unsigned int D_MAX = 0; // maximum domain value on CSP variables (start at 0) unsigned int D_MIN = UINT32_MAX; // minimum domain value on variables CSP unsigned int CL_BITS_ = 32; // number of bits to use on devices, calculated after creating all the CSP variables in init_csp_and_d_bits() in config.c unsigned int CL_WORD_ = 0; // number of bits in one word of the bitmap use on devices, calculated after creating all the CSP variables in init_csp_and_d_bits() in config.c unsigned int CL_N_WORDS_; // number of words that compose one bitmap on the devices, calculated after creating all the CSP variables in init_csp_and_d_bits() in config.c unsigned int N_DEVS = 0; // number of devices to use unsigned int N_GPUs = 0; // requested number of GPUs to use unsigned int N_CPUs = 0; // requested number of CPUs to use unsigned int N_ACCs = 0; // requested number of ACCs to use unsigned int N_SS = 0; // optional number of sub-search spaces to create cl_uint VAL_TO_OPT; // current minimum or maximum value to optimize (not yet found) unsigned int VAR_ID_TO_OPT = 0; // ID of the variable to optimize bool PRINT_SOLUTIONS = false; // set to 1 to print all solutions (the value of each CSP variable) when using only one work-item bool PRINT_CSP = false; // set to 1 to print all CSP variables with their domains, and all the constraints with the respective variables identified bool MZN2FZN_ONLY = false; // if the MZN must be converted to FZN, but without solving the CSP bool REV = 0; // set to 1 to propagate the last labeled variable with all the remaining values before backtracking it, or 0 to not int N_VS_TO_LABEL = 0; // Number of variables marked for labeling bool BOOLEAN_VS = 0; // 1 if the CSP use boolean variables unsigned int N_VS_ORIGINAL = 0; // number of CSP variables in the model (before filtering) unsigned int N_CS_ORIGINAL = 0; // number of CSP constraints in the model (before filtering) bool CAN_USE_INTERVALS = 1; // true if variable domains are contiguous bool CS_IGNORE = USE_CS_IGNORE; // 1 to when constraint is fixed or its propagator is unable to propagate more, ignore it in the following propagations // only for bitmap domains (not for intervals) d_type DOMAIN_TYPE = BITMAP_; // domain representation to use size_t DOMAIN_SIZE; // size of the domain type used on this device __time_t init_sec; // Seconds when the Solver started __suseconds_t init_usec; // Microseconds when the Solver started bool USE_CS[N_C_TYPES]; // flags for compiling each constraint type in kernel bool USE_CS_REIFI[N_C_TYPES]; // flags for compiling reification for the constraint types that use it bool USE_NON_CS_REIFI[N_C_TYPES]; // flags for printing the stats of used constraints int* CONST_VS_ID; // to store the id of the variables that have only one value on the domain unsigned int N_VS = 256; // number of CSP variables unsigned int N_CS = 256; // number of CSP constraints unsigned int* EXP_VALUES; // Number of values expanded to achieve the required number of sub-search spaces var* VS; // Vector with all the CSP variables var* VS_LOCK; // Vector with temporary CSP variables when optimizing var* VS_LOCK_BEST; // Vector with the current best solution when optimizing var* VS_AUX; // Vector with all the CSP variables for increasing size and sorting var* VS_AUX2; // Vector with all the CSP variables for sorting constr* CS; // Vector with all the CSP constraints constr* CS_AUX; // Vector with all the CSP constraints for increasing size unsigned int V_ID_CNTR = 0; // Unique identifier of each CSP variable unsigned int C_ID_CNTR = 0; // Unique identifier of each CSP constraint device_info DEVICES_INFO[MAX_DEVS]; // Information of the devices to use device_args DEVICES_ARGS[MAX_DEVS]; // Device arguments (buffers, etc.) /* * Parse execution arguments to initialize extern variables */ void parse_args(int *argc, char *argv[], int* csp_dims, char* csp_inst_name) { int args = *argc; int i, j; int k = 0; int csp_dim_arg_ctr = 0; int params_leng; for (i = 0; i < MAX_DEVS; i++) { DEVICES_INFO[i].n_ss_mult = 1; } for (i = 1; i < args; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-COUNT")) { COUNTING_SOLUTIONS = true; WORK = CNT; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ONE")) { FINDING_ONE_SOLUTION = true; WORK = ONE; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-OPT")) { OPTIMIZING = true; WORK = OPT; } else if (isdigit(*argv[i])) { if (csp_dim_arg_ctr + 1 == MAX_CSP_DIM_ARGS) { fprintf(stderr, "\nToo many dimension arguments. Please increase \"MAX_CSP_DIM_ARGS\" value.'\n"); exit(-1); } csp_dims[csp_dim_arg_ctr++] = atoi(argv[i]); } else if (isdigit(*argv[i])) { if (csp_dim_arg_ctr + 1 == MAX_CSP_DIM_ARGS) { fprintf(stderr, "\nToo many dimension arguments. Please increase \"MAX_CSP_DIM_ARGS\" value.'\n"); exit(-1); } csp_dims[csp_dim_arg_ctr++] = atoi(argv[i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-N-SS")) { N_SS = (unsigned int)atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-E")) { CSP = malloc((strlen(argv[++i]) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(CSP, argv[i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-V")) { VERBOSE = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-Q")) { QUIET = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-INPUT-ORDER")) { LABEL_MODE_COM = INPUT_ORDER; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-OCCURRENCE")) { LABEL_MODE_COM = OCCURRENCE; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-FIRST-FAIL")) { LABEL_MODE_COM = FIRST_FAIL; } /*else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MAX-REGRET")) { LABEL_MODE_COM = MAX_REGRET; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-SMALLEST")) { LABEL_MODE_COM = SMALLEST; }*/ else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MIN-VALUE")) { ASSIGN_MODE_COM = MIN_VAL; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MAX-VALUE")) { ASSIGN_MODE_COM = MAX_VAL; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-SPLIT-VALUES")) { ASSIGN_MODE_COM = SPLIT_VALS; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-SMALLEST")) { LABEL_MODE_COM = SMALLEST; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-STATS")) { PRINT_STATS = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-INTERVALS")) { DOMAIN_TYPE = INTERVAL; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-PRINT-SOLUTIONS")) { PRINT_SOLUTIONS = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-PRINT-CSP")) { PRINT_CSP = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MZN2FZN-ONLY")) { MZN2FZN_ONLY = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-D")) { N_DEVS++; i++; params_leng = (int)strlen(argv[i]); char* params = malloc(((unsigned long)params_leng + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(params, argv[i]); if (params[0] == 'G') { DEVICES_INFO[k].type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU; N_GPUs++; } else if (params[0] == 'C') { DEVICES_INFO[k].type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; N_CPUs++; } else if (params[0] == 'A') { DEVICES_INFO[k].type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR; N_ACCs++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid argument '%s'\n", params); print_help(); free(params); exit(-1); } DEVICES_INFO[k].dev_type_n = 0; DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wg = 0; DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wi_wg = 0; if (params_leng > 3) { j = 3; // if : get number of device of this type to use (1...) if (j < params_leng && params[j] == ':') { DEVICES_INFO[k].dev_type_n = atoi(params + j + 1); j += 1 + get_int_len(DEVICES_INFO[k].dev_type_n); } // if / use all the devices of this type if (j < params_leng && params[j] == '/') { // if / use the default number of work-groups for this device if (params[j + 1] == '/') { j++; DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wg = 0; // if something else capture the number of work-items per work-group to use if (j < params_leng) { DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wi_wg = (unsigned long)atoi(params + j + 1); } // if nothing use the default number of work-items else { DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wi_wg = 0; } } else { // capture number of work-groups to use DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wg = (unsigned long)atoi(params + j + 1); j += 1 + get_int_len((int)DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wg); // if something else capture the number of work-items per work-group to use if (j + 1 < params_leng) { DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wi_wg = (unsigned long)atoi(params + j + 1); } // if nothing use the default number of work-items else { DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wi_wg = 0; } } } // if nothing use all the devices of this type with default number of work-groups and work-items else if (j == params_leng) { DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wg = 0; DEVICES_INFO[k].n_wi_wg = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid argument '%s'\n", params); print_help(); free(params); exit(-1); } } k++; free(params); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-H")) { print_help(); exit(-1); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-FZN")) { FZN_FILE_NAME = malloc((strlen(argv[++i]) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(FZN_FILE_NAME, argv[i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MZN")) { MZN_FILE_NAME = malloc((strlen(argv[++i]) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(MZN_FILE_NAME, argv[i]); int len = (int)strlen(argv[++i]); if (len > 4) { const char *last_four = &argv[i][len - 4]; if (strcmp(last_four, ".dzn") == 0) { DZN_FILE_NAME = malloc((strlen(argv[i]) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(DZN_FILE_NAME, argv[i]); } else { i--; } } else { i--; } } else if (CSP != NULL && strcmp(csp_inst_name, "No name given") == 0) { if ((strlen(argv[i]) + 1) > 20) { fprintf(stderr, "\nThe name of the CSP instance is too big, please decrease it to a maximum of 20 characters.\n"); exit(-1); } strcpy(csp_inst_name, argv[i]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid argument '%s'\n", argv[i]); print_help(); exit(-1); } } if (N_DEVS == 0) { ALL_DEVS = true; } if (csp_dim_arg_ctr == 0 && csp_inst_name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\n-N must be defined!\n"); print_help(); exit(-1); } if (QUIET) { VERBOSE = false; } } /* * Prints all accepted arguments with their description */ void print_help() { printf("\nList of accepted arguments:\n" " -D [GPU|CPU|ACC][:n][/[wg]/[wi]] - Select the device/s to use. Examples:\n" " -D CPU:1/64/1 -D GPU:2 -D ACC//1 - Use first CPU with 64 work-groups\n" " and 1 work-item per work-group, second GPU with the default number of\n" " work-groups and of work-items, and all accelerators with default number\n" " of work-groups and one work-item per work-group;\n" " -D CPU:1 -D GPU:1 -INTERVALS - Use first CPU and first GPU with INTERVAL\n" " domains;\n" " -D CPU -D GPU - Use all GPUs and all CPUs with default number of\n" " work-groups and work-items;\n" " If none -D argument is introduced, all the devices compatible with OpenCL\n" " will be used.\n\n" " -E [QUEENS | COSTAS | GOLOMB | SUDOKU | ALL-DIFF | QAP | LANGFORD | STEINER |\n" " LATIN | ALL-INTERVAL | MARKET-SPLIT | SCHURS] - Select one of the sample\n" " CSPs implemented through PHACT's interface;\n" " -FZN /home/user/csp.fzn - Solve the Flatzinc model in the file\n" " \"/home/user/csp.fzn\". If only the mame of the file is given, it\n" " will be searched in src/csps/csp.fzn. Flex and Bison programs are\n" " required;\n" " -MZN /home/user/csp.mzn /home/user/csp.dzn - Solve the Minizinc model\n" " in the files \"/home/user/csp.mzn\" and \"/home/user/csp.dzn\".\n" " If only the mame of the files is given, they will be searched in\n" " src/csps/csp.Xzn. Mzn2fzn, Flex and Bison programs are required.\n\n" " -MZN /home/user/csp.mzn [/home/user/csp.dzn] -MZN2FZN-ONLY - Only\n" " converts the MZN file in \"/home/user/csp.mzn\" and\n" " \"/home/user/csp.dzn\" to the FZN file \"/home/user/csp.fzn\".\n" " If only the mame of the file is given, it will be searched in\n" " src/csps/csp.Xzn. Mzn2fzn program is required.\n\n" " (int) - CSP dimension. \"(int)\" should be replaced by each dimension of the\n" " CSP to solve. Not used when solving a Minizinc or Flatzinc model.\n\n" " [-COUNT|-ONE|-OPT] - Select what must be done with the CSP. When solving\n" " FlatZinc models, it overrides the model selection:\n" " -COUNT - Count all the solutions;\n" " -ONE - Find one solution. Default for CSPs modeled with PHACT C interface;\n" " -OPT - Do optimization.\n\n" " [-INTERVALS] - Use interval representation for domains, instead of bitmaps.\n\n" " [-N-SS n] - Number of sub-search spaces to create. \"n\" should be replaced by\n" " the number of sub-search spaces to create. If not present, the default\n" " number of sub-search spaces will be created;\n\n" " [-INPUT-ORDER | -OCCURRENCE] - Method\n" " to select the variable to label:\n" " -FIRST-FAIL - Select the variable to label that have less values in its\n" " domain.\n" " -INPUT-ORDER - Select the variable to label by the order on which they were\n" " created. Default;\n" " -OCCURRENCE - Select the variable to label that is more constrained;\n\n" " [-MIN-VALUE | -MAX-VALUE | -SPLIT-VALUES] - Method to select the value to\n" " assign to the variable for labeling:\n" " -MIN-VALUE - Select the minimum value to assign. Default;\n" " -MAX-VALUE - Select the maximum value to assign;\n" " -SPLIT-VALUES - Splits the domain about half and tries the first half.\n\n" " -STATS - Print statistics about the solving process;\n" " -PRINT-SOLUTIONS - Print all the solutions (only available when using only\n" " one thread per device);\n" " -PRINT-CSP - Before starting the exploration, prints all the variables with\n" " their domains, the constraints and the relation between them;\n" " -V - Print more information and timings about what is being done by each\n" " device;\n" " -Q - Print only the best solution, the solution, or the number of solutions,\n" " depending if optimizing, searching for one solution or counting the\n" " number of solutions;\n\n" " -H - Show this information.\n\n" "\nNotes on compilation:\n" " To compile PHACT execute one of the following commands on folder\n" " \"PHACT/Debug\":\n" " make all - To solve CSPs with variables whose domains have values between 0\n" " and 1023;\n" " make all CFLAGS=\"-D BITS=n\" - To solve CSPs with variables whose domains\n" " have values between 0 and n. When recompiling the Solver to change\n" " CL_BITS value, please run \"make clean\" before;\n" " make all CFLAGS=\"-D COMPILE_FZN=0\" - Required when the programs mzn2fzn,\n" " flex or bison are not available. Minizinc and Flatzinc interpreter will\n" " not be available.\n" "\nThe OpenCL drivers implemented by some vendors for their devices will try to\n" "vectorize the kernel. When using PHACT in some devices, that may result in\n" "crashing the OpenCL compiler, or in a poor performance of the solver.\n" "For that motive, it is recommended to disable this OpenCL feature by running\n" "\"CL_CONFIG_USE_VECTORIZER=false\" before executing PHACT.\n" "\nExecution examples:\n" " For counting the number of solutions of the Costas Array 10 problem using all\n" " the devices compatible with OpenCL on the running machine, execute the\n" " following command on folder \"PHACT/Debug\":\n" " ./PHACT -E COSTAS 10 -COUNT\n\n" " For finding one solution for the n-Queens 30 problem using all the GPUs\n" " compatible with OpenCL on the running machine, execute the following\n" " command on folder \"PHACT/Debug\":\n" " ./PHACT -E QUEENS 30 -D GPU\n\n" " For finding one solution for a new CSP modeled in the file \"/src/csps/CSP.c\"\n" " and using the CPU on the running machine, after recompiling PHACT,execute\n" " the following command on folder \"PHACT/Debug\":\n" " ./PHACT -D CPU\n\n" " For solving the CSP modeled in the FlatZinc file\n" " \"PHACT/Debug/src/csps/CSP.fzn\" file using all the GPUs compatible with\n" " OpenCL on the running machine, execute the following command on folder\n" " \"PHACT/Debug\":\n" " ./PHACT CSP.fzn -D GPU\n\n" " For solving the CSP modeled in the MiniZinc files\n" " \"PHACT/Debug/src/csps/CSP.mzn\" and \"PHACT/Debug/src/csps/CSP.dzn\"\n" " files using all the devices compatible with OpenCL on the running machine,\n" " execute the following command on folder \"PHACT/Debug\":\n" " ./PHACT -MZN CSP.mzn CSP.dzn\n\n"); #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) printf("\nPress a key to exit\n"); int a = getchar(); #endif } /* * Parse execution arguments * argc - solver command arguments * argv - solver command arguments * csp_dims - will return all the solver arguments of the int type, placed by input order */ void load_args(int *argc, char **argv[], int* csp_dims, char* csp_inst_name) { parse_args(argc, *argv, csp_dims, csp_inst_name); } /* * Initialize number of variables and constraints and bitmap size on devices * val_to_opt- Max or min value on the domain of the variable to optimize (atomic read and write) * bitmap_size - to store the bitmap domain size needed on devices * interval_size - to store the interval domain size needed on devices */ void init_csp_and_d_bits() { if (WORK != OPT && (USE_CS[MAXIMIZE] == 1 || USE_CS[MINIMIZE] == 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nYou are trying to count all the solutions or just finding one solution for a CSP that was modeled as an optimization problem.\n" "For that purpose please remove the \"c_min\" or \"c_max\" constraints.\n"); #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) printf("\nPress a key to exit\n"); int a = getchar(); #endif exit(-1); } if (WORK == OPT && USE_CS[MAXIMIZE] == 0 && USE_CS[MINIMIZE] == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nYou are trying to optimize a CSP that was not modeled as an optimization problem.\n" "For that purpose please use the \"c_min\" or \"c_max\" constraints.\n"); #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) printf("\nPress a key to exit\n"); int a = getchar(); #endif exit(-1); } // set domain size for usage on kernel if (DOMAIN_TYPE == BITMAP_) { if (D_MAX < 32) { CL_BITS_ = 32; CL_WORD_ = 32; } else if (D_MAX < 64) { CL_BITS_ = 64; CL_WORD_ = 64; } else { CL_BITS_ = D_MAX / 64 * 64 + 64; CL_WORD_ = 64; } CL_N_WORDS_ = CL_BITS_ / CL_WORD_; if (CL_N_WORDS_ == 0) { CL_N_WORDS_ = 1; } DOMAIN_SIZE = CL_N_WORDS_ * CL_WORD_ / 8; } else if (DOMAIN_TYPE == INTERVAL) { DOMAIN_SIZE = sizeof(interval); } N_VS = V_ID_CNTR; N_CS = C_ID_CNTR; } /* * Print all the CSP variables and constraints, including the variables values and ID and * the constraints ID and the ID of the variables that they constrain */ void print_CSP() { unsigned int i; unsigned int prev_val; unsigned int new_val; unsigned int cntr; int j; printf("\n\n--------------------------------\n"); printf("CSP as received by the host:\n"); printf("\nVariables:\n"); for (i = 0; i < V_ID_CNTR; i++) { printf(" ID=%u: Values={", VS[i].v_id); j = 1; prev_val = b_get_nth_val(&VS[i].domain_b, (unsigned int)j++); new_val = prev_val; printf("%u", prev_val); while (new_val < VS[i].max) { cntr = 0; while ((new_val = (unsigned int)b_get_nth_val(&VS[i].domain_b, (unsigned int)j++)) == prev_val + 1 && new_val < VS[i].max) { prev_val = new_val; cntr++; } if (cntr == 0) { printf(",%u", new_val); } else { if (new_val == VS[i].max && new_val == prev_val + 1) { printf("-%u", new_val); } else if (cntr == 1) { printf(",%u,%u", prev_val, new_val); } else { printf("-%u,%u", prev_val, new_val); } } prev_val = new_val; } if (VS[i].to_label) { printf("} Label=true"); } else { printf("} Label=false"); } if (VS[i].n_cs > 0) { printf(" Constraints={"); for (j = 0; j < VS[i].n_cs - 1; j++) { printf("%u,", VS[i].cs[j]->c_id); } if (VS[i].n_cs > 0) { printf("%u}\n", VS[i].cs[j]->c_id); } else { printf("\n"); } } else { printf("\n"); } } printf("Constraints:\n"); for (i = 0; i < C_ID_CNTR; i++) { printf(" ID=%u: Type=", CS[i].c_id); cs_print_type(&CS[i]); printf(" Variables={"); for (j = 0; j < CS[i].n_c_vs - 1; j++) { printf("%u,", CS[i].c_vs[j]->v_id); } printf("%u}", CS[i].c_vs[j]->v_id); if (CS[i].n_c_consts > 0) { printf(" Constants={"); for (j = 0; j < CS[i].n_c_consts - 1; j++) { printf("%d,", CS[i].c_consts[j]); } if (CS[i].kind == LINEAR || CS[i].kind == LINEAR_NE || CS[i].kind == LINEAR_LT) { printf("%d, %d}", CS[i].c_consts[j], CS[i].constant_val); } else { printf("%d}", CS[i].c_consts[j]); } } else if (CS[i].kind == ELEMENT || CS[i].kind == EXACTLY_VAR || CS[i].kind == LINEAR || CS[i].kind == LINEAR_NE || CS[i].kind == MINUS_EQ || CS[i].kind == MINUS_NE || CS[i].kind == SUM_PROD || CS[i].kind == SUM || CS[i].kind == LINEAR_LT || CS[i].kind == ELEMENT_INT_VAR || CS[i].kind == EQ) { printf(" Constants={%d}", CS[i].constant_val); } if (CS[i].ignore) { printf(" ignored"); } if (CS[i].boolean) { printf(" boolean"); } if (CS[i].reified) { printf(" reif_var_ID=%u\n", CS[i].reif_v_id); } else { printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); printf("--------------------------------\n\n"); } /* * Return the name of the heuristic used for selecting the next variable to label */ char* get_label_heur() { switch (LABEL_MODE) { case FIRST_FAIL: return "First fail"; break; case INPUT_ORDER: return "Input order"; break; case OCCURRENCE: return "Occurrence"; break; case MAX_REGRET: return "Maximum Regret"; break; case SMALLEST: return "Smallest"; break; default: return "UNKNOWN"; break; } } /* * Return the name of the heuristic used for selecting the next value to assign */ char* get_assign_heur() { switch (ASSIGN_MODE) { case MIN_VAL: return "Minimum Value"; break; case MAX_VAL: return "Maximum Value"; break; case SPLIT_VALS: return "Split Values"; break; default: return "UNKNOWN"; break; } } /* * Clear CSP variables and constraints memory */ void clear_csp() { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < N_DEVS; i++) { free(DEVICES_INFO[i].dev_name); } cs_clear(); vs_clear(); if (WORK == OPT) { free(VS_LOCK); free(VS_LOCK_BEST); } free(VS); free(CS); free(CONST_VS_ID); free(CSP); free(EXP_VALUES); } /* * return the number of characters on an integer */ int get_int_len(int x) { if (x >= 1000) return 4; if (x >= 100) return 3; if (x >= 10) return 2; return 1; } /* * Check if program exists on the PATH environment * cmd - command to execute the program */ bool can_run_command(const char *cmd) { if (strchr(cmd, '/')) { // if cmd includes a slash, no path search must be performed, // go straight to checking if it's executable return access(cmd, X_OK) == 0; } const char *path = getenv("PATH"); if (!path) return false; char *buf = malloc(strlen(path) + strlen(cmd) + 3); if (!buf) return false; // loop as path contains something for (; *path; ++path) { // start from the beginning of the buffer char *p = buf; // copy in buf the current path element for (; *path && *path != ':'; ++path, ++p) { *p = *path; } // empty path entries are treated like "." if (p == buf) *p++ = '.'; // slash and command name if (p[-1] != '/') *p++ = '/'; strcpy(p, cmd); // check if it can be executed if (access(buf, X_OK) == 0) { free(buf); return true; } // quit at last cycle if (!*path) break; } // not found free(buf); return false; }