# README # 1. [Installation](#installation) 2. [Running a demo](#running-a-demo) 3. [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) ## 1. Installation ### 1.1 Requirements The webserver is a python application and requires `python3.7` and `pip` to be installed, plus the following additional packages: - tornado - mistune - PyYAML - Pygments - SQLAlchemy - bcrypt - markdown These can be installed for a single user (recommended), in a python virtual environment or system wide. #### Installing packages for a single user (recommended) ```.bash pip3 install --user tornado mistune pyyaml pygments sqlalchemy bcrypt markdown ``` #### Installing packages in a virtual environment (alternative) ```bash pyvenv-3.6 venv/perguntations # or other virtualenv directory source venv/perguntations/bin/activate # activate virtualenv pip3 install tornado mistune pyyaml pygments sqlalchemy bcrypt markdown ``` #### Installing packages system wide (alternative) I personally prefer python packages to be installed for a single user, but if a system wide installation is required, it is probably better to use the operating system package manager instead of `pip`: Linux: ```bash apt-get install py37-tornado py37-mistune? py37-yaml py37-pygments... ``` macOS macports: ```bash port install py37-py37-tornado py37-mistune? py37-yaml py37-pygments... ``` ### 1.2 Install and setup perguntations There is no installer, pip or otherwise. It's still in development and has to be run from sources. Use `git` to get the sources: ```bash cd WHERE/TO/PUT/THE/SOFTWARE git clone https://USERNAME@bitbucket.org/USERNAME/perguntations.git ``` where USERNAME is your account on bitbucket. The server will run an https server and requires valid certificates. To generate certificates, there are two possibilities: public server with static IP address or a private server. #### Generating certificates for a public server (FreeBSD) ```sh sudo pkg install py27-certbot # FreeBSD ``` Shutdown the firewall and any server running. Then run the script to generate the certificate: ```sh sudo service pf stop # disable pf firewall (FreeBSD) sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d www.example.com sudo service pf start # enable pf firewall ``` Certificates are saved under `/usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/www.example.com/`. Copy them to `aprendizations/certs` and change permissions to be readable: ```sh sudo cp /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/www.example.com/cert.pem . sudo cp /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/www.example.com/privkey.pem . chmod 400 cert.pem privkey.pem ``` Renews can be done as follows: ```sh sudo service pf stop # shutdown firewall sudo certbot renew sudo service pf start # start firewall ``` Copy certificates `cert.crt` and `cert.key` to the `perguntations/certs/` directory. #### Generating self-signed certificates Self-signed certificates are not certified by a recognised authority and browsers will complain that the certificate is not trusted. ```bash cd perguntations/certs/ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt -days 365 -nodes ``` ## Running a demo The directory `demo` includes a demo test that can be used as a template for your own tests and questions. To run the demonstration test: ```.bash cd WHERE/YOU/INSTALLED/perguntations # create and initialize database using one of the following methods: ./initdb.py students.csv # initialize from a CSV file ./initdb.py --admin # only adds the administrator account ./initdb.py --add 123 "Asterix Gaules" # add one student # a database file "students.db" is created mv students.db demo/ # create directory to save the finished tests mkdir demo/ans # edit test configuration and check if everything looks right vi demo/test-tutorial.yaml ``` We are now ready to run the server: ```.bash ./serve.py --help # get help ./serve.py demo/test-tutorial.yaml # run demo test ``` By default the server listens on port 8443 and on all IPs of all network interfaces. Open the browser at `` and login as user number `0` (administrator) and choose any password. Then 1. Authorize students by clicking the checkboxes. 2. Open a different browser at `` and login as one of the authorized students. Answer the questions and submit. The server can be stoped from the terminal with `^C`. ## Running on lower ports 80 or 443 Ports 80 and 443 are reserved for the root user and and this software _should NOT be run as root_. Instead, the firewall should be configured to forward tcp traffic from port 443 to 8443 where the server is listening. The details depend on the operating system. ### debian: ```.bash iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080 ``` Explanation: - `-t nat` is the table consulted when a packet creates a new connection. - `-I PREROUTING` inserts rules at the head of the chain. - `-p tcp` selected protocol. - `-s 0/0` source network address/mask. - `-i eth0` interface via which the packet was received. - `--dport 80` destination port. - `-j REDIRECT` what to do when packet matches the rule. - `--to-ports 8080` where to redirect the packets. ### FreeBSD and pf Edit `/etc/pf.conf`: ext_if="em0" rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 80 -> port 8080 rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 443 -> port 8443 or `ext_if="vtnet0"` for guest additions under virtual box. Edit `rc.conf` pf_enable="YES" pf_flags="" pf_rules="/etc/pf.conf" # optional logging: pflog_enable="YES" pflog_flags="" pflog_logfile="/var/log/pflog" Reboot. ## Troubleshooting * The server tries to run `python3.6` so this command must be accessible from user accounts. * If you are getting any `UnicodeEncodeError` type of errors that's because the terminal is not supporting UTF-8. This error may occur when a unicode character is printed to the screen by the server or, when running question generator or correction scripts, a message is piped between the server and the scripts that includes unicode characters. Try running `locale` on the terminal and see if there are any error messages. Solutions: - debian: fix it with `sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales`, select your UTF-8 locales and try again. - FreeBSD: edit `~/.login_conf` to use UTF-8, for example: ``` me:\ :charset=UTF-8:\ :lang=en_US.UTF-8: ``` ## Contribute ### * Writing questions in yaml format * Testing and reporting bugs * Code review * New features and ideas ### Contacts ### * Miguel BarĂ£o mjsb@uevora.pt