/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /************************************************************* * * MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/imageFonts.js * * Implements the image fallback fonts for the HTML-CSS OutputJax. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function (HUB,HTMLCSS,AJAX) { var VERSION = "2.4.0"; HUB.Register.LoadHook(HTMLCSS.fontDir + "/fontdata.js",function () { HTMLCSS.Augment({ allowWebFonts: false, imgDir: HTMLCSS.webfontDir+"/png", imgPacked: (MathJax.isPacked ? "" : "/unpacked"), imgSize: ['050','060','071','085',100,120,141,168,200,238,283,336,400,476], imgBaseIndex: 4, // set by initImg() imgSizeForEm: {}, // cache of indexes by em-size imgSizeForScale: {}, // cache of indexes by scale for a given em-size imgZoom: 1, // set by initImg for each equation handleImg: function (span,font,c,n,text) { if (text.length) {this.addText(span,text)} var orig = c[5].orig; if (!orig) {orig = c[5].orig = [c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4]]} var bscale = this.imgZoom; if (!span.scale) {span.scale = 1} var index = this.imgIndex(span.scale*bscale); if (index == this.imgEmWidth.length-1 && this.em*span.scale*bscale/this.imgEmWidth[index] > 1.1) {bscale = this.imgEmWidth[index]/(this.em*span.scale)} var factor = this.imgEmWidth[index]/(this.em*(span.scale||1)*bscale); c[0] = orig[0]*factor; c[1] = orig[1]*factor; c[2] = orig[2]*factor; c[3] = orig[3]*factor; c[4] = orig[4]*factor; var dir = this.imgDir+"/"+font.directory+"/"+this.imgSize[index]; var chr = n.toString(16).toUpperCase(); while (chr.length < 4) {chr = "0"+chr}; var file = dir+"/"+chr+".png"; var img = c[5].img[index]; var style = {width:Math.floor(img[0]/bscale+.5)+"px", height:Math.floor(img[1]/bscale+.5)+"px"}; if (img[2]) {style.verticalAlign = Math.floor(-img[2]/bscale+.5)+"px"} if (c[3] < 0) {style.marginLeft = this.Em(c[3]/1000)} if (c[4] != c[2]) {style.marginRight = this.Em((c[2]-c[4])/1000)} if (this.msieIE6) { style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft." + "AlphaImageLoader(src='"+AJAX.urlRev(file)+"', sizingMethod='scale')"; file = this.directory+"/blank.gif" } this.addElement(span,"img",{src:AJAX.urlRev(file), style:style, isMathJax:true}); return ""; }, defineImageData: function (def) { for (var font in def) {if (def.hasOwnProperty(font)) { var FONT = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.FONTS[font]; if (FONT) { font = def[font]; for (var n in font) {if (font.hasOwnProperty(n) && FONT[n]) {FONT[n][5] = {img: font[n]}}} } }} }, initImg: function (span) { if (this.imgSizeForEm[this.em]) {this.imgBaseIndex = this.imgSizeForEm[this.em]} for (var i = 0, m = this.imgEmWidth.length-1; i < m; i++) {if (this.em <= this.imgEmWidth[i]) break} if (i && this.imgEmWidth[i] - this.em > this.em - this.imgEmWidth[i-1]) {i--} this.imgSizeForEm[this.em] = this.imgBaseIndex = i; this.imgZoom = this.imgBrowserZoom(); }, imgIndex: function (scale) { if (!scale) {return this.imgBaseIndex} if (!this.imgSizeForScale[this.em]) {this.imgSizeForScale[this.em] = {}} if (this.imgSizeForScale[this.em][scale]) {return this.imgSizeForScale[this.em][scale]} var em = this.em * scale; for (var i = 0, m = this.imgEmWidth.length-1; i < m; i++) {if (em <= this.imgEmWidth[i]) break} if (i && this.imgEmWidth[i] - em > em - this.imgEmWidth[i-1]) {i--} this.imgSizeForScale[this.em][scale] = i; return i; }, imgBrowserZoom: function () {return 1} }); HUB.Browser.Select({ Firefox: function (browser) { var ZDIV = HTMLCSS.addElement(document.body,"div",{ style: { display:"none", visibility:"hidden", overflow:"scroll", position:"absolute", top:0, left: 0, width:"200px", height:"200px", padding:0, border:0, margin:0 } }); var ZFRAME = HTMLCSS.addElement(ZDIV,"div",{ style: { position:"absolute", left:0, top:0, right:0, bottom:0, padding:0, border:0, margin:0 } }); HTMLCSS.Augment({ imgSpaceBug: true, imgSpace: "\u00A0", imgZoomLevel: (browser.isMac ? {50:.3, 30:.5, 22:.67, 19:.8, 16:.9, 15:1, 13:1.1, 12:1.2, 11:1.33, 10:1.5, 9:1.7, 7:2, 6:2.4, 5:3, 0:15} : {56:.3, 34:.5, 25:.67, 21:.8, 19:.9, 17:1, 15:1.1, 14:1.2, 13:1.33, 11:1.5, 10:1.7, 8:2, 7:2.4, 6:3, 0:17} ), imgZoomDiv: ZDIV, imgBrowserZoom: function () { var size = this.imgZoomLevel; ZDIV.style.display = ""; var ratio = (ZDIV.offsetWidth-ZFRAME.offsetWidth); ratio = (size[ratio] ? size[ratio] : size[0]/ratio); ZDIV.style.display = "none"; return ratio; } }); }, Safari: function (browser) { // for iPhone and iTouch // var webkit = (navigator.appVersion+"AppleWebKit/530").match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/)[1]; HTMLCSS.Augment({ // imgHeightBug: (!browser.isMac || webkit > 525), // imgDepthBug: (!browser.isMac || webkit > 525), imgBrowserZoom: function () {return 3} }); }, Chrome: function (browser) { HTMLCSS.Augment({ imgHeightBug: true, imgBrowserZoom: function () {return 3} }); }, Opera: function (browser) { HTMLCSS.Augment({ imgSpaceBug: true, imgSpace: "\u00A0\u00A0", imgDoc: (document.compatMode == "BackCompat" ? document.body : document.documentElement), imgBrowserZoom: function () { if (browser.isMac) {return 3} // Mac Opera scales very nicely var H = this.imgDoc.clientHeight, d = Math.floor(15*H/window.innerHeight); if (this.imgDoc.clientWidth < this.imgDoc.scrollWidth-d) {H += d} return parseFloat((window.innerHeight/H).toFixed(1)); } }); } }); var GETWIDTHS = function () { var img = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.FONTS["MathJax_Main"][0x2014][5].img; // em-dash HTMLCSS.imgEmWidth = []; for (var i = 0, m = img.length; i < m; i++) {HTMLCSS.imgEmWidth[i] = img[i][0]} }; var IMGDIR = HTMLCSS.imgDir + HTMLCSS.imgPacked; MathJax.Callback.Queue( ["Require",AJAX,IMGDIR+"/imagedata.js"], GETWIDTHS, ["loadComplete",AJAX,HTMLCSS.directory+"/imageFonts.js"] ); }); })(MathJax.Hub,MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"],MathJax.Ajax);