/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /************************************************************* * * MathJax/localization/cs/MathML.js * * Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("cs","MathML",{ version: "2.4.0", isLoaded: true, strings: { BadMglyph: "Chybn\u00FD mglyph: %1", BadMglyphFont: "\u0160patn\u00E9 p\u00EDsmo: %1", MathPlayer: "MathJax nedok\u00E1zal spustit MathPlayer.\n\nPokud nen\u00ED MathPlayer nainstalov\u00E1n, budete ho muset nejprve nainstalovat.\nJinak mo\u017En\u00E1 spu\u0161t\u011Bn\u00ED ovl\u00E1dac\u00EDch prvk\u016F ActiveX br\u00E1n\u00ED va\u0161e bezpe\u010Dnostn\u00ED\nnastaven\u00ED. Klikn\u011Bte v nab\u00EDdce N\u00E1stroje na polo\u017Eku Mo\u017Enosti Internetu,\nvyberte z\u00E1lo\u017Eku Zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED a klikn\u011Bte na tla\u010D\u00EDtko Vlastn\u00ED \u00FArove\u0148.\nZkontrolujte, \u017Ee jsou povolen\u00E9 mo\u017Enosti \u201ESpou\u0161t\u011Bt ovl\u00E1dac\u00ED prvky ActiveX\u201C\na \u201EChov\u00E1n\u00ED skript\u016F a bin\u00E1rn\u00EDch soubor\u016F\u201C.\n\nMoment\u00E1ln\u011B uvid\u00EDte m\u00EDsto vys\u00E1zen\u00E9 matematiky chybov\u00E1 hl\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED.", CantCreateXMLParser: "MathJax nem\u016F\u017Ee vytvo\u0159it XML parser pro MathML. Zkontrolujte,\n\u017Ee m\u00E1te povolen\u00E9 nastaven\u00ED \u201ESkriptovat ovl\u00E1dac\u00ED prvky ActiveX\nozna\u010Den\u00E9 jako bezpe\u010Dn\u00E9\u201C (v nab\u00EDdce N\u00E1stroje klikn\u011Bte na polo\u017Eku\nMo\u017Enosti Internetu, vyberte z\u00E1lo\u017Eku Zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED a klikn\u011Bte na\ntla\u010D\u00EDtko Vlastn\u00ED \u00FArove\u0148).\n\nMathJax nebude moci zpracov\u00E1vat rovnice v MathML", UnknownNodeType: "Nezn\u00E1m\u00FD typ uzlu: %1", UnexpectedTextNode: "Neo\u010Dek\u00E1van\u00FD textov\u00FD uzel: %1", ErrorParsingMathML: "Chyba p\u0159i anal\u00FDze MathML", ParsingError: "Chyba p\u0159i anal\u00FDze MathML: %1", MathMLSingleElement: "MathML mus\u00ED b\u00FDt tvo\u0159eno jedin\u00FDm elementem", MathMLRootElement: "MathML mus\u00ED b\u00FDt tvo\u0159eno elementem \u003Cmath\u003E, nikoli %1" } }); MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/cs/MathML.js");