/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /************************************************************* * * MathJax/jax/input/MathML/jax.js * * Implements the MathML InputJax that reads mathematics in * MathML format and converts it to the MML ElementJax * internal format. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function (MATHML,BROWSER) { var MML; var _ = function (id) { return MathJax.Localization._.apply(MathJax.Localization, [["MathML",id]].concat([].slice.call(arguments,1))) }; MATHML.Parse = MathJax.Object.Subclass({ Init: function (string) {this.Parse(string)}, // // Parse the MathML and check for errors // Parse: function (math) { var doc; if (typeof math !== "string") {doc = math.parentNode} else { doc = MATHML.ParseXML(this.preProcessMath.call(this,math)); if (doc == null) {MATHML.Error(["ErrorParsingMathML","Error parsing MathML"])} } var err = doc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0]; if (err) MATHML.Error(["ParsingError","Error parsing MathML: %1", err.textContent.replace(/This page.*?errors:|XML Parsing Error: |Below is a rendering of the page.*/g,"")]); if (doc.childNodes.length !== 1) {MATHML.Error(["MathMLSingleElement","MathML must be formed by a single element"])} if (doc.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "html") { var h1 = doc.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0]; if (h1 && h1.textContent === "XML parsing error" && h1.nextSibling) MATHML.Error(["ParsingError","Error parsing MathML: %1", String(h1.nextSibling.nodeValue).replace(/fatal parsing error: /,"")]); } if (doc.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase().replace(/^[a-z]+:/,"") !== "math") { MATHML.Error(["MathMLRootElement", "MathML must be formed by a element, not %1", "<"+doc.firstChild.nodeName+">"]); } this.mml = this.MakeMML(doc.firstChild); }, // // Convert the MathML structure to the MathJax Element jax structure // MakeMML: function (node) { var CLASS = String(node.getAttribute("class")||""); // make sure CLASS is a string var mml, type = node.nodeName.toLowerCase().replace(/^[a-z]+:/,""); var match = (CLASS.match(/(^| )MJX-TeXAtom-([^ ]*)/)); if (match) { mml = this.TeXAtom(match[2]); } else if (!(MML[type] && MML[type].isa && MML[type].isa(MML.mbase))) { MathJax.Hub.signal.Post(["MathML Jax - unknown node type",type]); return MML.Error(_("UnknownNodeType","Unknown node type: %1",type)); } else { mml = MML[type](); } this.AddAttributes(mml,node); this.CheckClass(mml,mml["class"]); this.AddChildren(mml,node); if (MATHML.config.useMathMLspacing) {mml.useMMLspacing = 0x08} return mml; }, TeXAtom: function (mclass) { var mml = MML.TeXAtom().With({texClass:MML.TEXCLASS[mclass]}); if (mml.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.OP) {mml.movesupsub = mml.movablelimits = true} return mml; }, CheckClass: function (mml,CLASS) { CLASS = (CLASS||"").split(/ /); var NCLASS = []; for (var i = 0, m = CLASS.length; i < m; i++) { if (CLASS[i].substr(0,4) === "MJX-") { if (CLASS[i] === "MJX-arrow") { // This class was used in former versions of MathJax to attach an // arrow to the updiagonalstrike notation. For backward // compatibility, let's continue to accept this case. See issue 481. if (!mml.notation.match("/"+MML.NOTATION.UPDIAGONALARROW+"/")) mml.notation += " "+MML.NOTATION.UPDIAGONALARROW; } else if (CLASS[i] === "MJX-variant") { mml.variantForm = true; // // Variant forms come from AMSsymbols, and it sets up the // character mappings, so load that if needed. // if (!MathJax.Extension["TeX/AMSsymbols"]) {MathJax.Hub.RestartAfter(MathJax.Ajax.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/TeX/AMSsymbols.js"))} } else if (CLASS[i].substr(0,11) !== "MJX-TeXAtom") { mml.mathvariant = CLASS[i].substr(3); // // Caligraphic and oldstyle bold are set up in the boldsymbol // extension, so load it if it isn't already loaded. // if (mml.mathvariant === "-tex-caligraphic-bold" || mml.mathvariant === "-tex-oldstyle-bold") { if (!MathJax.Extension["TeX/boldsymbol"]) {MathJax.Hub.RestartAfter(MathJax.Ajax.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/TeX/boldsymbol.js"))} } } } else {NCLASS.push(CLASS[i])} } if (NCLASS.length) {mml["class"] = NCLASS.join(" ")} else {delete mml["class"]} }, // // Add the attributes to the mml node // AddAttributes: function (mml,node) { mml.attr = {}; mml.attrNames = []; for (var i = 0, m = node.attributes.length; i < m; i++) { var name = node.attributes[i].name; if (name == "xlink:href") {name = "href"} if (name.match(/:/)) continue; if (name.match(/^_moz-math-((column|row)(align|line)|font-style)$/)) continue; var value = node.attributes[i].value; value = this.filterAttribute(name,value); if (value != null) { if (value.toLowerCase() === "true") {value = true} else if (value.toLowerCase() === "false") {value = false} if (mml.defaults[name] != null || MML.copyAttributes[name]) {mml[name] = value} else {mml.attr[name] = value} mml.attrNames.push(name); } } }, filterAttribute: function (name,value) {return value}, // safe mode overrides this // // Create the children for the mml node // AddChildren: function (mml,node) { for (var i = 0, m = node.childNodes.length; i < m; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; if (child.nodeName === "#comment") continue; if (child.nodeName === "#text") { if ((mml.isToken || mml.isChars) && !mml.mmlSelfClosing) { var text = child.nodeValue.replace(/&([a-z][a-z0-9]*);/ig,this.replaceEntity); mml.Append(MML.chars(this.trimSpace(text))); } else if (child.nodeValue.match(/\S/)) { MATHML.Error(["UnexpectedTextNode", "Unexpected text node: %1","'"+child.nodeValue+"'"]); } } else if (mml.type === "annotation-xml") { mml.Append(MML.xml(child)); } else { var cmml = this.MakeMML(child); mml.Append(cmml); if (cmml.mmlSelfClosing && cmml.data.length) {mml.Append.apply(mml,cmml.data); cmml.data = []} } } if (mml.type === "mrow" && mml.data.length >= 2) { var first = mml.data[0], last = mml.data[mml.data.length-1]; if (first.type === "mo" && first.Get("fence") && last.type === "mo" && last.Get("fence")) { if (first.data[0]) {mml.open = first.data.join("")} if (last.data[0]) {mml.close = last.data.join("")} } } }, // // Clean Up the source to prepare for XML parsing // preProcessMath: function (math) { if (math.match(/^<[a-z]+:/i) && !math.match(/^<[^<>]* xmlns:/)) { math = math.replace(/^<([a-z]+)(:math)/i,'<$1$2 xmlns:$1="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"') } // HTML5 removes xmlns: namespaces, so put them back for XML var match = math.match(/^(])+)>)/i); if (match && match[2].match(/ (?!xmlns=)[a-z]+=\"http:/i)) { math = match[1].replace(/ (?!xmlns=)([a-z]+=(['"])http:.*?\2)/ig," xmlns:$1 $1") + math.substr(match[0].length); } if (math.match(/^]* xmlns=/)) { // append the MathML namespace math = math.replace(/^<(math)/i,'\s*$/,"$2"); return math.replace(/&([a-z][a-z0-9]*);/ig,this.replaceEntity); }, // // Remove attribute whitespace // trimSpace: function (string) { return string.replace(/[\t\n\r]/g," ") // whitespace to spaces .replace(/^ +/,"") // initial whitespace .replace(/ +$/,"") // trailing whitespace .replace(/ +/g," "); // internal multiple whitespace }, // // Replace a named entity by its value // (look up from external files if necessary) // replaceEntity: function (match,entity) { if (entity.match(/^(lt|amp|quot)$/)) {return match} // these mess up attribute parsing if (MATHML.Parse.Entity[entity]) {return MATHML.Parse.Entity[entity]} var file = entity.charAt(0).toLowerCase(); var font = entity.match(/^[a-zA-Z](fr|scr|opf)$/); if (font) {file = font[1]} if (!MATHML.Parse.loaded[file]) { MATHML.Parse.loaded[file] = true; MathJax.Hub.RestartAfter(MathJax.Ajax.Require(MATHML.entityDir+"/"+file+".js")); } return match; } }, { loaded: [] // the entity files that are loaded }); /************************************************************************/ MATHML.Augment({ sourceMenuTitle: /*_(MathMenu)*/ ["OriginalMathML","Original MathML"], prefilterHooks: MathJax.Callback.Hooks(true), // hooks to run before processing MathML postfilterHooks: MathJax.Callback.Hooks(true), // hooks to run after processing MathML Translate: function (script) { if (!this.ParseXML) {this.ParseXML = this.createParser()} var mml, math, data = {script:script}; if (script.firstChild && script.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase().replace(/^[a-z]+:/,"") === "math") { data.math = script.firstChild; this.prefilterHooks.Execute(data); math = data.math; } else { math = MathJax.HTML.getScript(script); if (BROWSER.isMSIE) {math = math.replace(/( )+$/,"")} data.math = math; this.prefilterHooks.Execute(data); math = data.math; } try { mml = MATHML.Parse(math).mml; } catch(err) { if (!err.mathmlError) {throw err} mml = this.formatError(err,math,script); } data.math = MML(mml); this.postfilterHooks.Execute(data); return data.math; }, prefilterMath: function (math,script) {return math}, prefilterMathML: function (math,script) {return math}, formatError: function (err,math,script) { var message = err.message.replace(/\n.*/,""); MathJax.Hub.signal.Post(["MathML Jax - parse error",message,math,script]); return MML.Error(message); }, Error: function (message) { // // Translate message if it is ["id","message",args] // if (message instanceof Array) {message = _.apply(_,message)} throw MathJax.Hub.Insert(Error(message),{mathmlError: true}); }, // // Parsers for various forms (DOMParser, Windows ActiveX object, other) // parseDOM: function (string) {return this.parser.parseFromString(string,"text/xml")}, parseMS: function (string) {return (this.parser.loadXML(string) ? this.parser : null)}, parseDIV: function (string) { this.div.innerHTML = string.replace(/<([a-z]+)([^>]*)\/>/g,"<$1$2>"); return this.div; }, parseError: function (string) {return null}, createMSParser: function() { var parser = null; var xml = ["MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0","MSXML2.DOMDocument.5.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0","MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument.2.0","Microsoft.XMLDOM"]; for (var i = 0, m = xml.length; i < m && !parser; i++) { try { parser = new ActiveXObject(xml[i]) } catch (err) {} } return parser; }, // // Create the parser using a DOMParser, or other fallback method // createParser: function () { if (window.DOMParser) { this.parser = new DOMParser(); return(this.parseDOM); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { this.parser = this.createMSParser(); if (!this.parser) { MathJax.Localization.Try(this.parserCreationError); return(this.parseError); } this.parser.async = false; return(this.parseMS); } this.div = MathJax.Hub.Insert(document.createElement("div"),{ style:{visibility:"hidden", overflow:"hidden", height:"1px", position:"absolute", top:0} }); if (!document.body.firstChild) {document.body.appendChild(this.div)} else {document.body.insertBefore(this.div,document.body.firstChild)} return(this.parseDIV); }, parserCreationError: function () { alert(_("CantCreateXMLParser", "MathJax can't create an XML parser for MathML. Check that\n"+ "the 'Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting' security\n"+ "setting is enabled (use the Internet Options item in the Tools\n"+ "menu, and select the Security panel, then press the Custom Level\n"+ "button to check this).\n\n"+ "MathML equations will not be able to be processed by MathJax.")); }, // // Initialize the parser object (whichever type is used) // Startup: function () { MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml; MML.mspace.Augment({mmlSelfClosing: true}); MML.none.Augment({mmlSelfClosing: true}); MML.mprescripts.Augment({mmlSelfClosing:true}); } }); // // Add the default pre-filter (for backward compatibility) // MATHML.prefilterHooks.Add(function (data) { data.math = (typeof(data.math) === "string" ? MATHML.prefilterMath(data.math,data.script) : MATHML.prefilterMathML(data.math,data.script)); }); MATHML.Parse.Entity = { ApplyFunction: '\u2061', Backslash: '\u2216', Because: '\u2235', Breve: '\u02D8', Cap: '\u22D2', CenterDot: '\u00B7', CircleDot: '\u2299', CircleMinus: '\u2296', CirclePlus: '\u2295', CircleTimes: '\u2297', Congruent: '\u2261', ContourIntegral: '\u222E', Coproduct: '\u2210', Cross: '\u2A2F', Cup: '\u22D3', CupCap: '\u224D', Dagger: '\u2021', Del: '\u2207', Delta: '\u0394', Diamond: '\u22C4', DifferentialD: '\u2146', DotEqual: '\u2250', DoubleDot: '\u00A8', DoubleRightTee: '\u22A8', DoubleVerticalBar: '\u2225', DownArrow: '\u2193', DownLeftVector: '\u21BD', DownRightVector: '\u21C1', DownTee: '\u22A4', Downarrow: '\u21D3', Element: '\u2208', EqualTilde: '\u2242', Equilibrium: '\u21CC', Exists: '\u2203', ExponentialE: '\u2147', FilledVerySmallSquare: '\u25AA', ForAll: '\u2200', Gamma: '\u0393', Gg: '\u22D9', GreaterEqual: '\u2265', GreaterEqualLess: '\u22DB', GreaterFullEqual: '\u2267', GreaterLess: '\u2277', GreaterSlantEqual: '\u2A7E', GreaterTilde: '\u2273', Hacek: '\u02C7', Hat: '\u005E', HumpDownHump: '\u224E', HumpEqual: '\u224F', Im: '\u2111', ImaginaryI: '\u2148', Integral: '\u222B', Intersection: '\u22C2', InvisibleComma: '\u2063', InvisibleTimes: '\u2062', Lambda: '\u039B', Larr: '\u219E', LeftAngleBracket: '\u27E8', LeftArrow: '\u2190', LeftArrowRightArrow: '\u21C6', LeftCeiling: '\u2308', LeftDownVector: '\u21C3', LeftFloor: '\u230A', LeftRightArrow: '\u2194', LeftTee: '\u22A3', LeftTriangle: '\u22B2', LeftTriangleEqual: '\u22B4', LeftUpVector: '\u21BF', LeftVector: '\u21BC', Leftarrow: '\u21D0', Leftrightarrow: '\u21D4', LessEqualGreater: '\u22DA', LessFullEqual: '\u2266', LessGreater: '\u2276', LessSlantEqual: '\u2A7D', LessTilde: '\u2272', Ll: '\u22D8', Lleftarrow: '\u21DA', LongLeftArrow: '\u27F5', LongLeftRightArrow: '\u27F7', LongRightArrow: '\u27F6', Longleftarrow: '\u27F8', Longleftrightarrow: '\u27FA', Longrightarrow: '\u27F9', Lsh: '\u21B0', MinusPlus: '\u2213', NestedGreaterGreater: '\u226B', NestedLessLess: '\u226A', NotDoubleVerticalBar: '\u2226', NotElement: '\u2209', NotEqual: '\u2260', NotExists: '\u2204', NotGreater: '\u226F', NotGreaterEqual: '\u2271', NotLeftTriangle: '\u22EA', NotLeftTriangleEqual: '\u22EC', NotLess: '\u226E', NotLessEqual: '\u2270', NotPrecedes: '\u2280', NotPrecedesSlantEqual: '\u22E0', NotRightTriangle: '\u22EB', NotRightTriangleEqual: '\u22ED', NotSubsetEqual: '\u2288', NotSucceeds: '\u2281', NotSucceedsSlantEqual: '\u22E1', NotSupersetEqual: '\u2289', NotTilde: '\u2241', NotVerticalBar: '\u2224', Omega: '\u03A9', OverBar: '\u203E', OverBrace: '\u23DE', PartialD: '\u2202', Phi: '\u03A6', Pi: '\u03A0', PlusMinus: '\u00B1', Precedes: '\u227A', PrecedesEqual: '\u2AAF', PrecedesSlantEqual: '\u227C', PrecedesTilde: '\u227E', Product: '\u220F', Proportional: '\u221D', Psi: '\u03A8', Rarr: '\u21A0', Re: '\u211C', ReverseEquilibrium: '\u21CB', RightAngleBracket: '\u27E9', RightArrow: '\u2192', RightArrowLeftArrow: '\u21C4', RightCeiling: '\u2309', RightDownVector: '\u21C2', RightFloor: '\u230B', RightTee: '\u22A2', RightTeeArrow: '\u21A6', RightTriangle: '\u22B3', RightTriangleEqual: '\u22B5', RightUpVector: '\u21BE', RightVector: '\u21C0', Rightarrow: '\u21D2', Rrightarrow: '\u21DB', Rsh: '\u21B1', Sigma: '\u03A3', SmallCircle: '\u2218', Sqrt: '\u221A', Square: '\u25A1', SquareIntersection: '\u2293', SquareSubset: '\u228F', SquareSubsetEqual: '\u2291', SquareSuperset: '\u2290', SquareSupersetEqual: '\u2292', SquareUnion: '\u2294', Star: '\u22C6', Subset: '\u22D0', SubsetEqual: '\u2286', Succeeds: '\u227B', SucceedsEqual: '\u2AB0', SucceedsSlantEqual: '\u227D', SucceedsTilde: '\u227F', SuchThat: '\u220B', Sum: '\u2211', Superset: '\u2283', SupersetEqual: '\u2287', Supset: '\u22D1', Therefore: '\u2234', Theta: '\u0398', Tilde: '\u223C', TildeEqual: '\u2243', TildeFullEqual: '\u2245', TildeTilde: '\u2248', UnderBar: '\u005F', UnderBrace: '\u23DF', Union: '\u22C3', UnionPlus: '\u228E', UpArrow: '\u2191', UpDownArrow: '\u2195', UpTee: '\u22A5', Uparrow: '\u21D1', Updownarrow: '\u21D5', Upsilon: '\u03A5', Vdash: '\u22A9', Vee: '\u22C1', VerticalBar: '\u2223', VerticalTilde: '\u2240', Vvdash: '\u22AA', Wedge: '\u22C0', Xi: '\u039E', acute: '\u00B4', aleph: '\u2135', alpha: '\u03B1', amalg: '\u2A3F', and: '\u2227', ang: '\u2220', angmsd: '\u2221', angsph: '\u2222', ape: '\u224A', backprime: '\u2035', backsim: '\u223D', backsimeq: '\u22CD', beta: '\u03B2', beth: '\u2136', between: '\u226C', bigcirc: '\u25EF', bigodot: '\u2A00', bigoplus: '\u2A01', bigotimes: '\u2A02', bigsqcup: '\u2A06', bigstar: '\u2605', bigtriangledown: '\u25BD', bigtriangleup: '\u25B3', biguplus: '\u2A04', blacklozenge: '\u29EB', blacktriangle: '\u25B4', blacktriangledown: '\u25BE', blacktriangleleft: '\u25C2', bowtie: '\u22C8', boxdl: '\u2510', boxdr: '\u250C', boxminus: '\u229F', boxplus: '\u229E', boxtimes: '\u22A0', boxul: '\u2518', boxur: '\u2514', bsol: '\u005C', bull: '\u2022', cap: '\u2229', check: '\u2713', chi: '\u03C7', circ: '\u02C6', circeq: '\u2257', circlearrowleft: '\u21BA', circlearrowright: '\u21BB', circledR: '\u00AE', circledS: '\u24C8', circledast: '\u229B', circledcirc: '\u229A', circleddash: '\u229D', clubs: '\u2663', colon: '\u003A', comp: '\u2201', ctdot: '\u22EF', cuepr: '\u22DE', cuesc: '\u22DF', cularr: '\u21B6', cup: '\u222A', curarr: '\u21B7', curlyvee: '\u22CE', curlywedge: '\u22CF', dagger: '\u2020', daleth: '\u2138', ddarr: '\u21CA', deg: '\u00B0', delta: '\u03B4', digamma: '\u03DD', div: '\u00F7', divideontimes: '\u22C7', dot: '\u02D9', doteqdot: '\u2251', dotplus: '\u2214', dotsquare: '\u22A1', dtdot: '\u22F1', ecir: '\u2256', efDot: '\u2252', egs: '\u2A96', ell: '\u2113', els: '\u2A95', empty: '\u2205', epsi: '\u03B5', epsiv: '\u03F5', erDot: '\u2253', eta: '\u03B7', eth: '\u00F0', flat: '\u266D', fork: '\u22D4', frown: '\u2322', gEl: '\u2A8C', gamma: '\u03B3', gap: '\u2A86', gimel: '\u2137', gnE: '\u2269', gnap: '\u2A8A', gne: '\u2A88', gnsim: '\u22E7', gt: '\u003E', gtdot: '\u22D7', harrw: '\u21AD', hbar: '\u210F', hellip: '\u2026', hookleftarrow: '\u21A9', hookrightarrow: '\u21AA', imath: '\u0131', infin: '\u221E', intcal: '\u22BA', iota: '\u03B9', jmath: '\u0237', kappa: '\u03BA', kappav: '\u03F0', lEg: '\u2A8B', lambda: '\u03BB', lap: '\u2A85', larrlp: '\u21AB', larrtl: '\u21A2', lbrace: '\u007B', lbrack: '\u005B', le: '\u2264', leftleftarrows: '\u21C7', leftthreetimes: '\u22CB', lessdot: '\u22D6', lmoust: '\u23B0', lnE: '\u2268', lnap: '\u2A89', lne: '\u2A87', lnsim: '\u22E6', longmapsto: '\u27FC', looparrowright: '\u21AC', lowast: '\u2217', loz: '\u25CA', lt: '\u003C', ltimes: '\u22C9', ltri: '\u25C3', macr: '\u00AF', malt: '\u2720', mho: '\u2127', mu: '\u03BC', multimap: '\u22B8', nLeftarrow: '\u21CD', nLeftrightarrow: '\u21CE', nRightarrow: '\u21CF', nVDash: '\u22AF', nVdash: '\u22AE', natur: '\u266E', nearr: '\u2197', nharr: '\u21AE', nlarr: '\u219A', not: '\u00AC', nrarr: '\u219B', nu: '\u03BD', nvDash: '\u22AD', nvdash: '\u22AC', nwarr: '\u2196', omega: '\u03C9', omicron: '\u03BF', or: '\u2228', osol: '\u2298', period: '\u002E', phi: '\u03C6', phiv: '\u03D5', pi: '\u03C0', piv: '\u03D6', prap: '\u2AB7', precnapprox: '\u2AB9', precneqq: '\u2AB5', precnsim: '\u22E8', prime: '\u2032', psi: '\u03C8', rarrtl: '\u21A3', rbrace: '\u007D', rbrack: '\u005D', rho: '\u03C1', rhov: '\u03F1', rightrightarrows: '\u21C9', rightthreetimes: '\u22CC', ring: '\u02DA', rmoust: '\u23B1', rtimes: '\u22CA', rtri: '\u25B9', scap: '\u2AB8', scnE: '\u2AB6', scnap: '\u2ABA', scnsim: '\u22E9', sdot: '\u22C5', searr: '\u2198', sect: '\u00A7', sharp: '\u266F', sigma: '\u03C3', sigmav: '\u03C2', simne: '\u2246', smile: '\u2323', spades: '\u2660', sub: '\u2282', subE: '\u2AC5', subnE: '\u2ACB', subne: '\u228A', supE: '\u2AC6', supnE: '\u2ACC', supne: '\u228B', swarr: '\u2199', tau: '\u03C4', theta: '\u03B8', thetav: '\u03D1', tilde: '\u02DC', times: '\u00D7', triangle: '\u25B5', triangleq: '\u225C', upsi: '\u03C5', upuparrows: '\u21C8', veebar: '\u22BB', vellip: '\u22EE', weierp: '\u2118', xi: '\u03BE', yen: '\u00A5', zeta: '\u03B6', zigrarr: '\u21DD' }; MATHML.loadComplete("jax.js"); })(MathJax.InputJax.MathML,MathJax.Hub.Browser);