o.js 2.32 KB
 *  MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/entities/o.js
 *  Copyright (c) 2010-2017 The MathJax Consortium
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

(function (MATHML) {
    'OElig': '\u0152',
    'Oacute': '\u00D3',
    'Ocirc': '\u00D4',
    'Ocy': '\u041E',
    'Odblac': '\u0150',
    'Ograve': '\u00D2',
    'Omacr': '\u014C',
    'Omicron': '\u039F',
    'OpenCurlyDoubleQuote': '\u201C',
    'OpenCurlyQuote': '\u2018',
    'Or': '\u2A54',
    'Oslash': '\u00D8',
    'Otilde': '\u00D5',
    'Otimes': '\u2A37',
    'Ouml': '\u00D6',
    'OverBracket': '\u23B4',
    'OverParenthesis': '\u23DC',
    'oS': '\u24C8',
    'oacute': '\u00F3',
    'oast': '\u229B',
    'ocir': '\u229A',
    'ocirc': '\u00F4',
    'ocy': '\u043E',
    'odash': '\u229D',
    'odblac': '\u0151',
    'odiv': '\u2A38',
    'odot': '\u2299',
    'odsold': '\u29BC',
    'oelig': '\u0153',
    'ofcir': '\u29BF',
    'ogon': '\u02DB',
    'ograve': '\u00F2',
    'ogt': '\u29C1',
    'ohbar': '\u29B5',
    'ohm': '\u03A9',
    'oint': '\u222E',
    'olarr': '\u21BA',
    'olcir': '\u29BE',
    'olcross': '\u29BB',
    'oline': '\u203E',
    'olt': '\u29C0',
    'omacr': '\u014D',
    'omid': '\u29B6',
    'ominus': '\u2296',
    'opar': '\u29B7',
    'operp': '\u29B9',
    'oplus': '\u2295',
    'orarr': '\u21BB',
    'ord': '\u2A5D',
    'order': '\u2134',
    'orderof': '\u2134',
    'ordf': '\u00AA',
    'ordm': '\u00BA',
    'origof': '\u22B6',
    'oror': '\u2A56',
    'orslope': '\u2A57',
    'orv': '\u2A5B',
    'oslash': '\u00F8',
    'otilde': '\u00F5',
    'otimes': '\u2297',
    'otimesas': '\u2A36',
    'ouml': '\u00F6',
    'ovbar': '\u233D'

