b.js 2.93 KB
 *  MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/entities/b.js
 *  Copyright (c) 2010-2014 The MathJax Consortium
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

(function (MATHML) {
    'Barv': '\u2AE7',
    'Barwed': '\u2306',
    'Bcy': '\u0411',
    'Bernoullis': '\u212C',
    'Beta': '\u0392',
    'Bumpeq': '\u224E',
    'bNot': '\u2AED',
    'backcong': '\u224C',
    'backepsilon': '\u03F6',
    'barvee': '\u22BD',
    'barwed': '\u2305',
    'barwedge': '\u2305',
    'bbrk': '\u23B5',
    'bbrktbrk': '\u23B6',
    'bcong': '\u224C',
    'bcy': '\u0431',
    'bdquo': '\u201E',
    'becaus': '\u2235',
    'because': '\u2235',
    'bemptyv': '\u29B0',
    'bepsi': '\u03F6',
    'bernou': '\u212C',
    'bigcap': '\u22C2',
    'bigcup': '\u22C3',
    'bigvee': '\u22C1',
    'bigwedge': '\u22C0',
    'bkarow': '\u290D',
    'blacksquare': '\u25AA',
    'blacktriangleright': '\u25B8',
    'blank': '\u2423',
    'blk12': '\u2592',
    'blk14': '\u2591',
    'blk34': '\u2593',
    'block': '\u2588',
    'bne': '\u003D\u20E5',
    'bnequiv': '\u2261\u20E5',
    'bnot': '\u2310',
    'bot': '\u22A5',
    'bottom': '\u22A5',
    'boxDL': '\u2557',
    'boxDR': '\u2554',
    'boxDl': '\u2556',
    'boxDr': '\u2553',
    'boxH': '\u2550',
    'boxHD': '\u2566',
    'boxHU': '\u2569',
    'boxHd': '\u2564',
    'boxHu': '\u2567',
    'boxUL': '\u255D',
    'boxUR': '\u255A',
    'boxUl': '\u255C',
    'boxUr': '\u2559',
    'boxV': '\u2551',
    'boxVH': '\u256C',
    'boxVL': '\u2563',
    'boxVR': '\u2560',
    'boxVh': '\u256B',
    'boxVl': '\u2562',
    'boxVr': '\u255F',
    'boxbox': '\u29C9',
    'boxdL': '\u2555',
    'boxdR': '\u2552',
    'boxh': '\u2500',
    'boxhD': '\u2565',
    'boxhU': '\u2568',
    'boxhd': '\u252C',
    'boxhu': '\u2534',
    'boxuL': '\u255B',
    'boxuR': '\u2558',
    'boxv': '\u2502',
    'boxvH': '\u256A',
    'boxvL': '\u2561',
    'boxvR': '\u255E',
    'boxvh': '\u253C',
    'boxvl': '\u2524',
    'boxvr': '\u251C',
    'bprime': '\u2035',
    'breve': '\u02D8',
    'brvbar': '\u00A6',
    'bsemi': '\u204F',
    'bsim': '\u223D',
    'bsime': '\u22CD',
    'bsolb': '\u29C5',
    'bsolhsub': '\u27C8',
    'bullet': '\u2022',
    'bump': '\u224E',
    'bumpE': '\u2AAE',
    'bumpe': '\u224F',
    'bumpeq': '\u224F'

