using ParserCombinator # the AST nodes we will construct, with evaluation via calc() abstract type Node end Base.:(==)(n1::Node, n2::Node) = n1.val == n2.val calc(n::Float64) = n # repr(n::Float64) = string(n) struct Const <: Node val end calc(c::Const) = c.val # repr(c::Const) = repr(c.val) struct Inv <: Node val end calc(i::Inv) = 1.0/calc(i.val) # repr(i::Inv) = "1.0/$(repr(i.val))" struct Prd <: Node val end calc(p::Prd) =, p.val)) # repr(p::Prd) = join(map(repr, p.val), "×") struct Neg <: Node val end calc(n::Neg) = -calc(n.val) # repr(n::Neg) = "-$(repr(n.val))" struct Sum <: Node val end calc(s::Sum) = Base.sum(map(calc, s.val)) # repr(s::Sum) = join(map(repr, s.val), "+") struct TermSequence <: Node val end calc(ts::TermSequence) = map(calc, ts.val) # repr(ts::TermSequence) = join(map(repr, ts.val), ",") struct Functor <: Node val end calc(f::Functor) = nothing # repr(f::Functor) = "$(ts.val)" struct Function <: Node val end calc(f::Function) = Const(0.0) # repr(f::Function) = "$(repr(f.val[1]))($(repr(f.val[2])))" # the grammar (the combinators!) #= sum ::= prd (add | sub)* add ::= "+" prd sub ::= "-" prd prd ::= neg (mul | div)* =# @with_names begin spc = Drop(Star(Space())) @with_pre spc begin sum = Delayed() term_sequence = StarList(sum, E",") |> TermSequence functor = p"[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" > Functor func = functor + E"(" + term_sequence + E")" |> Function val = E"(" + sum + E")" | (PFloat64() > Const) neg = Delayed() # allow multiple (or no) negations (eg ---3) neg.matcher = func | val | (E"-" + neg > Neg) mul = E"*" + neg div = E"/" + neg > Inv prd = neg + Star(mul | div) |> Prd add = E"+" + prd sub = E"-" + prd > Neg sum.matcher = prd + Star(add | sub) |> Sum arith_lang = (func | val | neg | prd | sum) + Eos() func_lang = func + Eos() tl_lang = term_sequence + Eos() end end # and test source = "f(1,2,3+4)*1+g(5,10,h(100,3))" grammar = arith_lang debug, task = make(Debug, source, grammar; delegate=NoCache) try expr = once(task) println("---\n\"$source\"\tparses to\t\"$(expr)\"\n---") catch ParserException println("Error parsing after \"$(source[1:debug.max_iter - 1])\" and before \"$(source[debug.max_iter:end])\".\n") #println(grammar) parse_dbg(source, Trace(grammar)) end x = Any[ Sum( Any[ Prd( Any[ Const(2.0) ] ), Prd( Any[ Const(3.0), Const(4.0) ] ) ] ) ]