import csv, re, sqlite3 fy= open("Maps/GraphInputFileW.txt", "w+") fs= open("Maps/GraphInputFileS.txt", "w+") fr= open("Maps/GraphInputFileR.txt", "w+") con = sqlite3.connect("database_modfire.db") cur = con.cursor() Filemame = "VerifiedSolution.csv" f=open(Filemame,"r") lines=f.readlines() result=[] print("Extracting from database") for line in lines: MU = line.split(',')[0] Pr = line.split(',')[1] cur.execute("SELECT Year, Species, V_thin, V_harv FROM action_external where Id = "+str(MU)+" and Presc = "+str(Pr)+" and (V_thin or V_harv) > 0.0") result = cur.fetchall() for i in range(0, len(result)): year = result[i][0] act = '' woodSum = int(result[i][2]) + int(result[i][3]) toWrite = str(MU)+","+str(year)+","+str(result[i][1])+","+str(woodSum)+"\n" fy.write(toWrite) cur.execute("SELECT Year, Soilloss FROM action_external where Id = "+str(MU)+" and Presc = "+str(Pr)) result = cur.fetchall() for i in range(0, len(result)): year = result[i][0] toWrite = str(year)+","+str(result[i][1])+"\n" fs.write(toWrite) cur.execute("SELECT Year, Perc_r0 FROM action_external where Id = "+str(MU)+" and Presc = "+str(Pr)) result = cur.fetchall() for i in range(0, len(result)): year = result[i][0] toWrite = str(year)+","+str(result[i][1])+"\n" fr.write(toWrite) fy.close() fs.close() fr.close() con.close() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Colors = {'Ec':'darkred', 'Pb':'cornflowerblue', 'Ct':'green', 'Sb':'purple', 'Qr':'darkgoldenrod','Rp':'orange','No':'gray'} fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,10)) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_facecolor('lightgray') #plt.plot([-25000, -25001], [165000, 165001], lw=15, c=Colors['Ec'], label='Ec') #plt.plot([-25000, -25001], [165000, 165001], lw=15, c=Colors['Pb'], label='Pb') #plt.plot([-25000, -25001], [165000, 165001], lw=15, c=Colors['Ct'], label='Ct') #plt.plot([-25000, -25001], [165000, 165001], lw=15, c=Colors['Sb'], label='Sb') #plt.plot([-25000, -25001], [165000, 165001], lw=15, c=Colors['Qr'], label='Qr') #plt.plot([-25000, -25001], [165000, 165001], lw=15, c=Colors['Rp'], label='Rp') #plt.plot([-25000, -25001], [165000, 165001], lw=17, c='lightgray') #plt.legend() Range = range(2020,2070) fy= open("Maps/GraphInputFileW.txt", "r") lines=fy.readlines() ProdMAD = {'Ct':[], 'Ec':[], 'Pb':[], 'Qr':[], 'Sb':[], 'Rp':[]} print("Plotting Wood Graph") for year in range(2020, 2070): sumE = 0 sumC = 0 sumP = 0 sumQ = 0 sumS = 0 sumR = 0 for line in lines: a = line.split(',') if(int(a[1]) == year): if(a[2] == 'Ec'): sumE += int(a[3][:-1]) elif(a[2] == 'Ct'): sumC += int(a[3][:-1]) elif(a[2] == 'Pb'): sumP += int(a[3][:-1]) elif(a[2] == 'Qr'): sumQ += int(a[3][:-1]) elif(a[2] == 'Sb'): sumS += int(a[3][:-1]) elif(a[2] == 'Rp'): sumR += int(a[3][:-1]) ProdMAD['Ec'].append(sumE) ProdMAD['Ct'].append(sumC) ProdMAD['Pb'].append(sumP) ProdMAD['Qr'].append(sumQ) ProdMAD['Sb'].append(sumS) ProdMAD['Rp'].append(sumR) plt.stackplot(Range, ProdMAD['Ct'], ProdMAD['Ec'], ProdMAD['Pb'], ProdMAD['Qr'], ProdMAD['Sb'], ProdMAD['Rp'], labels = ['Ct', 'Ec', 'Pb', 'Qr', 'Sb','Rp'], colors= [Colors['Ct'],Colors['Ec'],Colors['Pb'],Colors['Qr'],Colors['Sb'], Colors['Rp']] ) plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('WoodYield') plt.savefig('Maps/VerifiedSolutionMaps/GraphWood',dpi=100) fs= open("Maps/GraphInputFileS.txt", "r") lines=fs.readlines() print("Plotting Soil Loss Graph") soils = [] for year in range(2020, 2070): soilSum = 0 for line in lines: a = line.split(',') if(int(a[0]) == year): soilSum += float(a[1][:-1]) soils.append(soilSum) fig7 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) plt.plot(Range, soils, '-o', c="darkgreen") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Soil Loss') plt.savefig('Maps/VerifiedSolutionMaps/GraphSoilLoss',dpi=100) fr= open("Maps/GraphInputFileR.txt", "r") lines=fr.readlines() print("Plotting Fire Risk Protection Graph") rpercentile = [] for year in range(2020, 2070): riskSum = 0 for line in lines: a = line.split(',') if(int(a[0]) == year): riskSum += float(a[1][:-1]) rpercentile.append(riskSum) fig8 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) plt.plot(Range, rpercentile, '-o', c="red") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Fire Risk Protection') plt.savefig('Maps/VerifiedSolutionMaps/GraphRiskPercentile',dpi=100) fy.close() fs.close() fr.close()