import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Scanner; public class VerifySolutionsFloat { public static ArrayList> violationGraphs = new ArrayList<>(); public static ArrayList sumViolations = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList yearViolations = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList currentViolation = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList largestClearCutInYear = new ArrayList<>(); public static int returnInternal(UG[] nodes, int external){ for(int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i].externalId == external) return i; } return 0; } public static int indexOfPresc(UG[] nodes, int internal, int presc){ for(int i = 0; i < nodes[internal].presc.length; i++){ if(nodes[internal].presc[i] == presc) return i; } return 0; } public static float g(int first, int ugIndex, int year, float sum, UG[] nodes, int[] prescIndexes) throws Exception{ if(ugIndex == first){ if(nodes[ugIndex].valid && !nodes[ugIndex].treatedThisYear) { nodes[ugIndex].treatedThisYear = true; sum = sum + nodes[ugIndex].area; currentViolation.add(nodes[ugIndex].externalId); for (int rec = 0; rec < nodes[ugIndex].adj.length; rec++) { if(nodes[nodes[ugIndex].adj[rec]].valid && !nodes[nodes[ugIndex].adj[rec]].treatedThisYear) { sum = g(-1, nodes[ugIndex].adj[rec], year, sum, nodes, prescIndexes); nodes[nodes[ugIndex].adj[rec]].treatedThisYear = true; } } } } else { if (nodes[ugIndex].valid && !nodes[ugIndex].treatedThisYear) { nodes[ugIndex].treatedThisYear = true; for(int t = 0; t < nodes[ugIndex].years[prescIndexes[ugIndex]].length; t++){ if(nodes[ugIndex].years[prescIndexes[ugIndex]][t] == year){ sum = sum + nodes[ugIndex].area; currentViolation.add(nodes[ugIndex].externalId); for (int rec = 0; rec < nodes[ugIndex].adj.length; rec++) { if(nodes[nodes[ugIndex].adj[rec]].valid && !nodes[nodes[ugIndex].adj[rec]].treatedThisYear) { sum = g(-1, nodes[ugIndex].adj[rec], year, sum, nodes, prescIndexes); nodes[nodes[ugIndex].adj[rec]].treatedThisYear = true; } } } } } } return sum; } public static void insertCurrentViolation(float sum, int year){ Collections.sort(currentViolation); boolean newViolation = true; if (violationGraphs.isEmpty()) { violationGraphs.add((ArrayList) currentViolation.clone()); sumViolations.add(sum); yearViolations.add(year); newViolation = false; } else { for(int i = 0; i < violationGraphs.size(); i++){ if (currentViolation.equals(violationGraphs.get(i)) && yearViolations.get(i) == year) { newViolation = false; break; } } } if(newViolation) { // System.out.println(violationGraphs.toString()); //System.out.println(yearViolations); violationGraphs.add((ArrayList) currentViolation.clone()); sumViolations.add(sum); yearViolations.add(year); } } // same as gladed but without the "isInstatiated" checks because it doesn't call gPropagate public static float glade(int ugIndex, int period, UG[] nodes, int[] prescIndexes) throws Exception{ return g(ugIndex, ugIndex, period, 0, nodes, prescIndexes); } public static void writeSolution(String reg, UG[] nodes, int solIndex, int regLen, FileWriter outputFile) throws IOException { int s = (solIndex-1)*(regLen+1)+ 1; int e = s + regLen; String pairLine = null; BufferedReader readerPar = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("RegionSolutions/"+reg)); for (int i = 1; i < s; i++) { readerPar.readLine(); } for(int i = s; i <= e; i++ ) { pairLine = readerPar.readLine(); String P = pairLine.substring(0, 1); if(P.compareToIgnoreCase("P") == 0){ continue; } else{ int externalId = Integer.parseInt(pairLine.split(",")[0]); int presc = Integer.parseInt(pairLine.split(",")[1]); outputFile.write(externalId+","+presc+"\n"); } } readerPar.close(); } public static void readRegionFile(String reg, UG[] nodes, int solIndex, int regLen, int[] prescIndexes, int[] intExt) throws IOException { int s = (solIndex-1)*(regLen+1)+ 1; int e = s + regLen; String pairLine = null; BufferedReader readerPar = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("RegionSolutions/"+reg)); for (int i = 1; i < s; i++) { readerPar.readLine(); } for(int i = s; i <= e; i++ ) { pairLine = readerPar.readLine(); String P = pairLine.substring(0, 1); if(P.compareToIgnoreCase("P") == 0){ continue; } else{ int externalId = Integer.parseInt(pairLine.split(",")[0]); int presc = Integer.parseInt(pairLine.split(",")[1]); int internalId = returnInternal(nodes, externalId); int prescIndex = indexOfPresc(nodes, internalId, presc); nodes[internalId].valid = true; intExt[internalId] = externalId; prescIndexes[internalId] = prescIndex; } } readerPar.close(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int areaLimit = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); String fileDirectory = args[1]; int minBorder = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); //ArrayList islandUGs = new ArrayList<>(); //File island = new File("subregions/Full"); //Scanner islandReader = new Scanner(island); //while (islandReader.hasNextLine()) { // islandUGs.add(Integer.parseInt(islandReader.nextLine())); //} BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileDirectory + "/ugs_init.txt")); int nUgs = 0; while (reader.readLine() != null) nUgs++; reader.close(); UG[] nodes = new UG[nUgs]; UG.setupInternalIds(nodes, fileDirectory); if (minBorder <= 0) UG.fillVerificationArray(nodes, fileDirectory, 0); else UG.fillVerificationArray(nodes, fileDirectory, minBorder); /*for(int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(islandUGs.contains(nodes[i].externalId)){ //nodes[i].valid = true; continue; } }*/ int solutionNumber = 1; String solFilename = args[3]; File solutions = new File(solFilename); Scanner solutionsReader = new Scanner(solutions); solutionsReader.nextLine(); solutionsReader.nextLine(); solutionsReader.nextLine(); while(solutionsReader.hasNextLine()){ //for each solution in that file currentViolation.clear(); violationGraphs.clear(); sumViolations.clear(); yearViolations.clear(); int[] prescIndexes = new int[nUgs]; int[] intExt = new int[nUgs]; String line = solutionsReader.nextLine(); String[] arr = line.split("\t"); String SolName = arr[0]; float[] Criteria = {Float.parseFloat(arr[1]), Float.parseFloat(arr[2]), Float.parseFloat(arr[3])}; //int parSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[4]); //int penSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[5]); int parpenSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[4]); int paiwSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[6]); int paieSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[7]); int paiiSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[8]); //int lenPar = 193+1; //real 193 //int lenPen = 526+1; //real 527 int lenParPen = 720; //real 720 int lenPw = 487; // real 487 int lenPe = 86; //real 86 int lenPi = 113; //real 113 //readRegionFile("Par-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, parSol, lenPar, prescIndexes, intExt); //readRegionFile("Pen-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, penSol, lenPen, prescIndexes, intExt); readRegionFile("ParPen-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, parpenSol, lenParPen, prescIndexes, intExt); readRegionFile("PaivaWest-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, paiwSol, lenPw, prescIndexes, intExt); readRegionFile("PaivaEast-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, paieSol, lenPe, prescIndexes, intExt); readRegionFile("PaivaIslands-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, paiiSol, lenPi, prescIndexes, intExt); int noUse = 0; for (int internalId = 0; internalId < nodes.length; internalId++) { if(nodes[internalId].noAdjacencies && nodes[internalId].valid) { noUse++; } else if(nodes[internalId].valid){ for (int i = 0; i < nodes[internalId].years[prescIndexes[internalId]].length; i++) { int currentYear = nodes[internalId].years[prescIndexes[internalId]][i]; if (currentYear == -1) { noUse++; } else { float sum = glade(internalId, currentYear, nodes, prescIndexes); if(sum > areaLimit){ insertCurrentViolation(sum, currentYear); } currentViolation.clear(); for (UG node : nodes) node.treatedThisYear = false; } } } } if (violationGraphs.isEmpty()) System.out.println(solutionNumber+"- There were no limit violations in solution "+SolName); else{ System.out.println(solutionNumber+"- There were "+violationGraphs.size()+" violations in solution "+SolName); for(int i = 0; i < violationGraphs.size(); i++){ System.out.println(sumViolations.get(i)+"ha in year "+yearViolations.get(i)+ " containing MUs: "+violationGraphs.get(i).toString()); } } System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------"); solutionNumber++; } System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------"); solutionsReader.close(); Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter number of solution to output on VerifiedSolution.csv"); int in = input.nextInt(); solutionsReader = new Scanner(solutions); solutionsReader.nextLine(); solutionsReader.nextLine(); solutionsReader.nextLine(); solutionNumber = 1; boolean validPick = false; while(solutionsReader.hasNextLine()) { //for each solution in that file String line = solutionsReader.nextLine(); if(solutionNumber == in){ int[] prescIndexes = new int[nUgs]; int[] intExt = new int[nUgs]; String[] arr = line.split("\t"); int parpenSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[4]); int paiwSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[6]); int paieSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[7]); int paiiSol = Integer.parseInt(arr[8]); int lenParPen = 720; //real 720 int lenPw = 487; // real 487 int lenPe = 86; //real 86 int lenPi = 113; //real 113 FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter ("VerifiedSolution.csv"); writeSolution("ParPen-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, parpenSol, lenParPen, outputFile); writeSolution("PaivaWest-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, paiwSol, lenPw,outputFile); writeSolution("PaivaEast-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, paieSol, lenPe,outputFile); writeSolution("PaivaIslands-ParetoSolutions.csv", nodes, paiiSol, lenPi,outputFile); outputFile.close(); int noUse = 0; for(int i = 0; i<50;i++){ largestClearCutInYear.add(i,0f); } for (int internalId = 0; internalId < nodes.length; internalId++) { if(nodes[internalId].noAdjacencies && nodes[internalId].valid) { noUse++; } else if(nodes[internalId].valid){ for (int i = 0; i < nodes[internalId].years[prescIndexes[internalId]].length; i++) { int currentYear = nodes[internalId].years[prescIndexes[internalId]][i]; if (currentYear == -1) { noUse++; } else { float sum = glade(internalId, currentYear, nodes, prescIndexes); if(sum > largestClearCutInYear.get(currentYear-2020)){ largestClearCutInYear.set(currentYear-2020, sum); } for (UG node : nodes) node.treatedThisYear = false; } } } } FileWriter largestCCs = new FileWriter("YearlyLargestCC"); for(int i = 0; i