import csv, re, sqlite3 fy= open("Maps/GraphInputFileW.txt", "w+") fs= open("Maps/GraphInputFileS.txt", "w+") fr= open("Maps/GraphInputFileR.txt", "w+") con = sqlite3.connect("database_modfire.db") cur = con.cursor() Filemame = "outputPairs.csv" f=open(Filemame,"r") lines=f.readlines() result=[] for line in lines: MU = line.split(',')[0] Pr = line.split(',')[1] cur.execute("SELECT Year, Species, V_thin, V_harv FROM action_external where Id = "+str(MU)+" and Presc = "+str(Pr)+" and (V_thin or V_harv) > 0.0") result = cur.fetchall() for i in range(0, len(result)): year = result[i][0] act = '' woodSum = int(result[i][2]) + int(result[i][3]) toWrite = str(MU)+","+str(year)+","+str(result[i][1])+","+str(woodSum)+"\n" fy.write(toWrite) cur.execute("SELECT Year, Soilloss FROM action_external where Id = "+str(MU)+" and Presc = "+str(Pr)) result = cur.fetchall() for i in range(0, len(result)): year = result[i][0] toWrite = str(year)+","+str(result[i][1])+"\n" fs.write(toWrite) cur.execute("SELECT Year, Perc_r0 FROM action_external where Id = "+str(MU)+" and Presc = "+str(Pr)) result = cur.fetchall() for i in range(0, len(result)): year = result[i][0] toWrite = str(year)+","+str(result[i][1])+"\n" fr.write(toWrite) fy.close() fs.close() fr.close